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Average score of 2 user reviews

Fun Free Simple Addictive 0

The words ‘8-bit’ get bandied around somewhat, often forgames that require processing way beyond the capabilities of your ZX Spectrums,Amstrads et al. However SCB is so basic it really could have been from the 48/64kera. It’s impressive to have a simple, novel idea on what is effectively a 25 yearold platform.That idea is to blur the lines between two of thefundamental and hereto separate instincts of playing a game. 1 score points and2 get new weapons. In this one screen 2D platformer these are...

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Another decent indie platformer 0

I dug it - something of a platformer ideas mashup. You can rotate levels, use a rope, teleport, change size use ghost shuggies etc...However the controls are just jump and action - each level (usually one screen) uses a just one concept on that action (rotate level or what have you) which makes things simple, varied and challenges the level designers to wring every thing they can out of each concept.Not as hard as super meat boy - there's a great variety of difficulty in the levels lots of choic...

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