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@brian_: while i don't disagree with anything you said i think the message to ppl watching is that there are still games and little guys are getting more popular. its more to temper audiance expectations going forward into the show vs calling out the big guys... he did the bear minimium he could to both make a statement like ppl always want him to ( a bit late imo) and to save face when so few 'big things' are going to be shown in his own showcase. honestly i don't evny the position he was in . he can't make large statements for funding reasons i'm sure and it doesn't matter his spin on things when its mainly a public saving face To say something in general. as for the treat your ppl right or they'll make something without you.... i think while your not wrong at all Some of them honestly will. we've been seeing more n more long time devs try spinning off on there own for recent yrs be it cause they lost a job or wanted a change. most won't be able to i'm sure but the ones who can may make a place for those that can't over time if they end up one of those big hitters.

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thats shitty , i was just there not too long ago , glad i grabbed what i wanted at the time but its a damn shame , they were at least one of the least sketchy places i seen to go about grabbing things in an organized manner ... its a shame companies won't just let places properly preserve things and give availability when they aren't selling them , specially in nintendo's case these days with the e-shop vc being a thing of the past now.

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personally ...i usually still just use gi , occassionally i'll glance elsewhere but moreso i just get my impressions from podcasts and the overblood group at this point.

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i haven't played 6 but since 3 i've always enjoyed them personally , and as a straight chick the fan service does nothing for me its just there. i only ever play fighters solo tho not online or anything and the couple times i did play doa3 back in the day multiplayer i found it to be alot more beginer friendly vs say a street fighter. that said i used to enjoy all the unlocables and since those are a thing of the past i don't care to play as much vs something with a proper story-mode

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pre-dual sense i would say sony .. post-duke i would say xbox . i don't really have a preferance between them they're both comfy , but the dualsense just isn't comfortable so idk ..

i will say that nintendo is the only one who makes handhelds/controllers so thin that they make my hands cramp ,.. but thats nothing compared to the weeks long post game pain the dualsense would put me in since launch until about a yr ago .. idk why it just stopped hurting like that and i'm thankful for it n i Still get some fatigue but yeah idk ...

as for sega well genesis and dreamcast will always be comfy to my hand i guess

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@markminik: wow man , thats some phrasing there .. now i'll be the first to say i agree with you but the way you worded that was sorta hostile. i too happily use ryujinx over the actual switch hardware cause things just look better and the controller is more comfortable , but that doesn't change the fact that as far as supporting their hardware with 1st party games are concerned imo nintendo is the only one doing well, but that was a 'last gen' system so it shouldn't be compared to a ps5/series lineup but instead a ps4/xb one lineup. and for obvious reasons its too soon to see how the switch2 shakes out i assume nintendo will do about as well as its always done.

as for fanboys they exist i guess due to alot of nostalgia and the fact that overall nintendo just makes fun games , they aren't flashy usually by any means and are outright inferior in plenty of was tech-wise but that really doesn't matter if they're fun. personally i was a sega kid so idc about alot of them but i know fun when i play it

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#7  Edited By styx971

@ben_h: yeah that basicly my plan too but the deadline is late winter when my gamepass sub runs out , sure i Can use xcloud if i want in linux for it but i tried little kitty big city and the latency was less than ideal so .. ehh i'll keep it around till it runs out in case something i Really care to boot into it for pops up. as for win11 i had been using it since a couple weeks after the RC leak got mentioned on a nextlander steam after ,my win10 ended up in a bootloop and i was forced to reformat anyway so i was kinda like ehh why not ,.. its a shame the way things went , that version was alot better than the version that exists today , they keep removing previous functionality and its slowly turned into this junky sluggish nightmare os that forces too much upon you , the one drive crap was a particular headache to unteather when i bought my key for this current rig i built .. now i find myself wishing i never paid for it to begin with. .. i'll be the first to say while i don't listen to the techpod i'm too greatful for the last few years of brad talking about linux stuff on the ramblecast now n then ,it definately helped me move towards making the jump.

as for my games .. i actually had them installed on a separate nvme anyway so it was pretty nice just directing steam to look there n those particular games just sorta re-checking the files so definately a big win there.

i Had thought about giving pop os a go , but i didn't prefer the look of gnome vs kde . i tried bazzite first but it felt a tad laggy for some reason so ended up going with nobara after a random fb user recommended that n fedora or opensuse on a pcgamer article lol

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it goes without saying that i think the answer depends on who you're asking and what you're after.

for my part- my gaming PC aged out of competency many years ago- and truthfully i had considered a full rebuild (case, components, display) mid pandemic. however GPU price fluctuations, a premium on physical space in my NYC-sized apartment, a diminishing interest in tuning/performance and a general distaste for the direction Windows is heading has ostensibly snuffed out my interest in jumping back into PC gaming. i'll be back at some point- but i'm good for the moment. maybe it'll be a steam deck 2 next go around?

i just want to say as a person Also increasingly unhappy with windows ... i did a dual boot a couple weeks back with linux ( nobara) and i was extremely suprised with how much ease of use just exists at first setup at least with my distro of choice. i didn't expect it to be a easy to adjust as it has been and for my games i've tried so far i've mostly had no issues DD2 aside and that only needed some launch setting tweaks . its not perfect and mileage will vary by game i'm sure but if you do get into the mood to want a gaming rig again its a viable alternative now were 10 years ago i don't think i would have said that

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#9  Edited By styx971

idk if i would call this gen a flop so much as a disappointment i guess? .. i mean at least speaking on the ps5 side of things ( i have no need for an xbox) the limited current gen exclusives alone is enough to view it as a disappointment simply cause until the last yr or so pretty much there was no Need to not just stick with a ps4 for most titles.

i guess while i wouldn't call them a flop persay since they seemed to have sold fine considering i Will say that the wii u was a 'flop' and i was happier with that purchase than my ps5

i'll also say that this is the first gen where i actively stopped caring to play most games on a console , i've always had a gaming pc as well but increasingly these days a console seems pointless.

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#10  Edited By styx971

not particularly.. my sister had an nes when i was really little , shes 6 years older than me tho so i rarely was allowed to touch it , what little i did play on one was when i visited my dad some years removed . i personally was a genesis kid , my mother's bf who moved in with us had one and cause of how often i'd play sonic spinball ( one of his few games) i got my own for my 6th birthday , it was all i had till i got a n64 around when the og xbox released .. i did have a gameboy sometime before that , and not toooo long after that i got up to date with a gba , xbox,n gamecube then ps2 . so idk its not that they weren't around or anything but the core of my cognitize-10 years were mainly sega fueled if not pc