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03/08/10 - MUSE@ACC


That was REALLY REALLY fun. Never been to a concert before, which kinda bums me out cause I'm reading other people say how it's one of the best they've seen, and not only do I've no frame of reference, but that means it's all gonna go downhill from here LOL. Until Muse comes back of course!!!!!!!

I saw one dude toss his beer cup down in his section though, not cool. And someone behind us yelled at people above him saying they didn't appreciate getting hit by their popcorn. Also not cool.

But DA-YUM that was a hella great show. Section 120 over here. Picked up a hoodie, t-shirt, and that 3-quarter sleeve one with the 3 overlapping colours. Kinda pricey but totally worth it.

Next time though I know to get GA tickets. The seats were nice and all, but I found myself really wishing I was down there just jumping, clapping, screaming and having a blast. Mind you I still jumped, clapped, screamed, and also headbobbed like a woodpecker but it woulda been nicer to be down there where everyone around me would be doing that stuff as well.

But hey, fuck it, tonight was AMAZING!!!!