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Best of Giant Bomb 18 - Sky Train HD Remix

Long story short: This is the quick look that YouTube deleted years ago because of the ending. I should have made this a long time ago... but here it is now!

It's probably one of the better collection of videos cause of the great stuff from Trains vs. Zombies in Train Simulator.


The Beginner's Guide to WrestleMania XXX

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With the new WWE Network being introduced to the world, there has been a lot of interest building up towards this years WrestleMania from current, old, and possibly new wrestling fans. There has been a few people popping up on the Wrestling Thread lately talking about the Network and this week’s PPV, so I thought it would be a good idea to create one nice mega post to explain everything you need to know in order to enjoy the show.

First of all, if you’re reading this out of pure curiosity, the WWE Network is a new app you can download on most streaming devices and it allows you to stream all of the WWE PPV’s for $9.99 a month. The reason this is huge is because it used to be insanely expensive to be able to keep up with the WWE’s big shows, and now it’s extremely manageable. Also, you get a back catalog of every past PPV from WWE, WCW, and ECW as well as tons of other shows.

This Sunday is WrestleMania XXX(not a porno, it’s WrestleMania 30) and it will take place in the SuperDome at New Orleans. If you get the WWE Network to watch the show, feel free to join our chat during the show in the Wrestling Thread (wrestling is always much more tolerable with a chatroom of people in it).

The Card

Randy Orton (c) vs. Batista vs. _______. Whoever wins between Daniel Bryan vs. Triple H from earlier in the night will be included in the main event.
Randy Orton (c) vs. Batista vs. _______. Whoever wins between Daniel Bryan vs. Triple H from earlier in the night will be included in the main event.
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The main event is shaping up to be the culmination of a two year journey for Daniel Bryan. Two years ago at WrestleMania 28, he was beaten by Sheamus in 18 seconds. From that night on, the crowds in every city have backed Daniel Bryan with “Yes!” chants. Triple H doesn’t believe that Daniel Bryan has the “look” it takes to be the true leader of the company like John Cena, The Rock, Steve Austin, Hulk Hogan, etc.. and for the past year, Triple H has become nothing but a roadblock for Daniel Bryan. So at WrestleMania, Bryan has to literally overcome not only Triple H, but current WWE Champion Randy Orton and Batista to finally prove that he’s able to be the face of the company. Will he be able to do it?

What to watch:

Orton cashing in the Money in the Bank briefcase right after Bryan wins the WWE Championship/Triple H turning on Daniel Bryan.

Bryan turning on Bray Wyatt/Returns to the people.

Batista Wins the Royal Rumble.

The Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar
The Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar




Since the beginning of the year, Paul Heyman has claimed that his client, Brock Lesnar, is the self-proclaimed number 1 contender for the WWE Championship. Unfortunately, Lesnar didn’t compete in the Royal Rumble to be able to fight for the Championship at WrestleMania… but he gets the next best opportunity. Undertaker’s win streak is at 21-0 at WrestleMania and in the eyes of many, being the first person to beat The Undertaker at WrestleMania would mean so much more than winning the WWE Championship. The Undertaker has never been beaten at WrestleMania, but also Brock Lesnar has never been beaten by The Undertaker.

What to watch:

The Undertaker/Brock Lesnar confrontation from YEARS ago at UFC 121

Brock Lesnar destroys Mark Henry

Undertaker appears from a casket.

John Cena vs. Bray Wyatt
John Cena vs. Bray Wyatt

John Cena said earlier this year that there is a lot of new talent that is on the rise, and that anybody who was trying to make a name for themselves would have to go through him. Bray Wyatt was the first one to take that challenge. If you’ve never seen Bray Wyatt before, just imagine a southern minister who’s way into the devil. The Wyatt Family has successfully stopped John Cena from becoming the WWE Champion multiple times over the past couple of months, and now it's time to see if Bray Wyatt can beat John Cena on the biggest show of the year.

What to watch:

John Cena calls out Bray Wyatt

Other Matches:

  • The Shield (Roman Reigns, Dean Ambrose, and Seth Rollins) vs. Kane & The New Age Outlaws- After being henchmen for The Authority for the past year, The Shield were clearly on the verge of breaking up. But recently they've turned against The Authority and seem to be a cohesive unit yet again. Kane & The New Age Outlaws are set to punish The Shield for their betrayal.
  • The Usos (c) vs. The Real Americans vs. Rybaxel vs. Los Matadores - A four way tag team match over the Tag Team Championship. There actually isn't too much story heading into this match except for whether or not The Real Americans(Antonio Cesaro & Jack Swagger) will break up.
  • 30-Man Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal - With Hulk Hogan as the host of this year's WrestleMania, the only match that he has officially made this year is the Battle Royal. Not only that, but the winner gets a Trophy shaped like Andre The Giant! Absolutely anyone can win this match.
  • AJ Lee vs. every Diva in the entire roster - AJ has been the Divas Champion for the past year, and has made enemies with everyone. Even her own bodyguard. So now, she has to participate in the first ever "Vickie Guerrero Divas Championship Invitational". The rules are unknown, but AJ will put the title up against 13 other female wrestlers.

WWE Hall of Fame 2014:

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This year's Hall of Fame will be broadcasted live on the WWE Network Saturday Night at 9 PM Eastern. The inductee's are:

  • Ultimate Warrior - I can not wait for Warrior to have a live mic in his hands in front of thousands of people and live on the WWE Network. Warrior was a Main Event star in his prime, but since he left from the WWE, the company buried him. They even put out a DVD that did nothing but mock the guy for over an hour. I guess eventually cooler heads prevailed and Ultimate Warrior was welcomed back to the family with a Hall of Fame induction.
  • Jake "The Snake" Roberts - The tragic story of Jake Roberts is known to most people, wrestling fan or not. In his prime, he was one of the biggest names in all of wrestling, but drugs and alcohol took over his life. It's hard not to be depressed when you saw him in the wrestling documentary Beyond The Mat. Over the past two years, DDP took Jake Roberts into his home to get him cleaned up and back into a shape where he could live comfortably and clean through the power of DDP Yoga. Earlier this year, Jake made an appearance on Raw and shortly after he was announced to be inducted into the Hall of Fame.
  • Lita - Trish Stratus was inducted a little while ago, so it would make sense that her counter-part, Lita, would be brought in as well. Lita was known for wearing thongs and doing moonsaults in the ring, but the best period of her career to me was during the whole run where she was Edge's valet and she would be able to get tremendous heat for Edge.
  • Paul Bearer - One of the most memorable managers of all time, who passed away last year (and managed to be the focus to a great feud last year between CM Punk and The Undertaker).
  • Carlos Colon - Father of Carlito and Epico, and founder of Puerto Rico's WWC. This induction is a little controversial because WWE is only inducting him in order to receive WWC's tape library for the WWE Network (which would be for the Spanish speaking audience). He's also usually one of the people pointed at for allowing the murder of Bruiser Brody to happen.
  • Mr. T - WWE has a "celeb wing" to their Hall of Fame, but unlike many others Mr. T actually belongs in the WWE Hall of Fame. He was in the main event of Wrestlemania 1 and 2.
  • Razor Ramon (aka Scott Hall) - Scott Hall, like Jake Roberts, fell into a life of drugs and alcohol outside of wrestling. Every time he made an appearance anywhere, he looked completely out of it, and nearing the end of his life. DDP also took in Scott Hall (seriously, can we give DDP a medal?) and has sobered up Hall over the past year through the power of DDP Yoga. And now, Razor Ramon is also going to be in the Hall of Fame.


That's all for now, I might include more stuff detailing the independent promotions that schedule around WrestleMania or a FAQ on some related questions people might have. If you have any questions towards anything related, I (or someone else) will be happy to answer them for you. As always, The Wrestling Thread will host a live chat during the PPV, so come on in and enjoy the show with us. - To order the PPV, it's $9.99 a month (with a 6 month commitment)

The Wrestling Discussion Thread - Best thread on Giant Bomb!