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Best Match Ever Episode 1: Atsushi Onita vs. Hayabusa - Exploding Barbed Wire Cage Bomb Deathmatch

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Hey folks, Derek here. Also known as “the guy who makes those Best of Giant Bomb videos”. Yeah, I can’t believe they haven’t replaced me yet with somebody else yet either.

Anyways, I’m here to unveil my next video series that I’m doing: Best Match Ever!

The quick elevator pitch is that over the past couple of years we’ve heard the phrase “Best Match Ever” being thrown around constantly to describe several different pro wrestling matches… the problem with this is that the people who are making these kinds of claims are operating on a broken scale of reviewing wrestling matches. We used to have a simple five star scale, and now suddenly people are throwing around six star reviews and seven star reviews. Unacceptable!

So my solution is simple: We rank every single pro wrestling match of all time to determine which match is truly the Best Match Ever. I’m doing these videos with fellow wrestling duders @papercut, @ht101 & @cmblasko.

The first episode is below, an Exploding Barbed Wire Cage Bomb Deathmatch!


The idea of this video series is to combine ideas from Ranking of Fighter (taking slightly obscure matches and putting them on an arbitrary list) & OSW Review (video series that likes to review old WWF PPVs) and melds those together into something that I think can be enjoyed by wrestling fans and non-fans alike (every time wrestling is the focus on a Giant Bomb video there’s always dozens of posts saying “I hate wrestling but I’m fascinated whenever people speak of it”, so that’s why I believe non-fans will like this show too). I’ve always been a fan of the editing styles of Red Letter Media and similar other channels to so that’s kind of what I’m going for here.

We’ve got 5 episodes that are already done that we’ll be rolling out weekly and hopefully many more following that. Any and all feedback is wonderful to me so please if you’re kind enough to check it out let me know what you think!

If you want to be updated on future episodes, I recommend subscribing to the channel (smash that like button)!