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I have one complaint about this album. It's not really even a complaint so much as bad timing. It's basically that I've heard similar albums to this one and I like what some of them are doing a little better. That's it.

I think most people would file this album under the genre of nu jazz, which, despite the amount of live instrumentation on this album, is basically "Let's play electronic music as if it were jazz, with jazz like arrangements and improvisation and so on." But really, I'm talking about the fusion of jazz and electronic music (and in this case, some other genres as well) to evoke a sense of scope and thus forge a connection to space and the cosmos. It's a line that starts with Sun Ra and Alice Coltrane, and in this case, the band I was thinking of a lot when I was listening to this was The Comet is Coming. (I've nearly submitted their album Trust in the Lifeforce of the Deep Mystery every time a new cycle comes around.) When you compare them, Sungazer seems slightly less daring. Or at least, a little more reigned in.

But really, that's all I got. This album fucking rules.

Really, it was wrong of me to frame Perihelion as "Sungazer vs. The Comet is Coming." They're both doing similar things but have different ways of going about it. In Sungazer's case, they incorporate a lot more samples, they take a lot more cues from hip hop and pop, and they foreground different instrumentation as, unlike The Comet is Coming, they aren't centered around a master saxophonist. (Who recently gave up the saxophone. Long story.)

Moreover, what I find really impressive about Perihelion is the balance they're able to find between what some might consider tech-y arrangements (I don't) and unpredictability. Even though you're aware of the construction of what they're playing, I could never really tell where it was going. And moreover, it's really not that deep. There's an energy I really connected with I ate this shit up. I'm familiar with the lineage it's from, but it definitely holds up on its own merits.

Favorite Songs: "Macchina," "Perihelion," "Cytherean"

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#2  Edited By UncleJam23

Duders! Welcome to the 49th edition of the Unofficial Giant Bomb Album Club! Last week, we felt our feelings and we felt them hard with emo punk throwback Bless My Psyche by Sincere Engineer. This week, we're getting a little more experimental. A little jazzier. A little noted Youtuber-ier. Our album this week is Perihelion by Sungazer! This album was selected by our good friend @justin258, and you can listen with the links below:


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The Unofficial Giant Bomb Album Club! Every week, we pick an album at random from the pool we made in our Discord to listen to and discuss. Want in? Come on down!

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I'm 32 years old. I was there to witness the transition from the nu-metal phase to the emo one (or at least what we millennials call "emo"), and emo rose and hit its peak during my late middle school and high school years. My generation spent a lot of time hating the emo kids, and I've spent many of the subsequent years thinking about why. (Also, sorry if I've made these points before.)

My best guesses are the usual suspects. The anger of the older generations not understanding what the kids were doing and not liking how it reminded them of their own mortality. Our good friend performative toxic masculinity, particularly in the Bush era when kids shouldn't have been wearing all that makeup and singing about their feelings when they could've been bro-ing out and signing up to go to Iraq. Our hardwired impulse to shit on anything teenage girls like. So on and so forth.

I probably wasn't above any of that myself. But at the time, my reasoning for not liking emo or emo culture (I was friends with some of those kids though) was how solipsistic it seemed to me. Or that's the nice way of putting it because this was the height of my inability to appreciate anything that wasn't super conscious hip-hop. How could you sit around listening to Hawthorne Heights? People are dying in the war! Man.

(I was also a huge hypocrite because I dug the shit out of the emo Minneapolis rappers. That stuff just didn't register as "emo" to me at the time. The cliché emo band was singing "I'm so sad!!!!" and the cliché Minneapolis emo rapper was rapping about depressed girls named Ashley. There's a difference!)

Bless My Psyche is not really an emo album in the mid/late 2000s Fall Out Boy/Panic!/The Maine/ sense. At least to my ears, it reminded me more of older emo. Your American Footballs and Sunny Day Real Estates and whatnot. Emo that remembers it was an offshoot of hardcore. Yet, I was thinking about the former category of emo a lot while listening to it, because it made me realize that I've been spending too much time thinking "Why didn't we like the emo kids?" and not enough about the appeal of emo in the first place.

Or, to put it more bluntly, Bless My Psyche made me realize I was overthinking it. The appeal is, simply, being very loud about how miserable you are. We need shit to help us access our emotions, and I would've told my high school self that even though there may be darker shit happening in the world around you, people still need things to feel their feelings to. It also helps that Sincere Engineer sells that experience without the trappings of the aesthetics of the emo scene in the 2000s. (I'm open to the music now, but I'm not fucking with a lot of the visual aesthetic. I'm only willing to evolve so much damnit!) It's emo stripped down to its rawest form, and I dug it a lot.

There's a part of me that wishes it had more variation in its sound. But it's also a pretty short album, so I didn't sweat that too much. Really, an issue I have with it is overshadowed by what it's done in helping me think about emo better. I'm not going to go rushing into the deep end with it. But I'll happily try out some more.

Favorite Songs: "Recluse in the Making," "Come Out for a Spell," "Bless My Psyche"

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#4  Edited By UncleJam23

Duders! Welcome to the 48th edition of the Unofficial Giant Bomb Album Club. Last week, we partied with Bomba Estéreo. There were some suits at the party who were a little too keen on writing down the song names, but the party was still bumping. This week, however, we're in our rooms, we got the lights off, and we're deep in our emotions because our album this round is emo throwback Bless My Psyche by Sincere Engineer! This album was selected by @redwing42, and you can listen with the links below:


Apple Music:


Here at the Unofficial Giant Bomb Album Club, we gathered in a Discord, created a pool of albums, and we pick one at random to listen to and discuss every week. Sound cool? Come join!

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#5  Edited By UncleJam23

This one's just a very uncomplicated good time.

There's a part of me that wants to make a point about how some of it feels a little watered down. Or at least it feels that way because "Soy Yo" sounded a little familiar, and it turns out I remembered the Grubhub ad it's featured in. But even if one or two of the songs haven't been used in some ads, they still sound like they're designed to be used that way. Or to put it another way, it's very easy for me to imagine a scenario where someone who knows more about pop and electronic music from the Spanish speaking portions of South America will call this sellout shit.

But then I remind myself of the plight of many an indie/alternative rock fan back in the 2010s. A bunch of ad executives want to pass off their products as hip, and (supposedly) hip people were listening to Portugal. The Man or whatever, and that's what ad music became. I remember seeing a lot of moaning from that crowd online, but it's not the music's fault, and it certainly isn't Bomba Estéreo's fault that Spanish language pop is in and Grubhub's willing to fork over the money to put their song in a shitty ad. (Also the whole notion that people get mad about "selling out" is stupid for a variety of reasons, but that's for another post.)

All of this makes it sound like this album only has smoothed-out pop. It doesn't. There are stretches of this album that go truly wild, and there are others when it's going for something a little slower and more emotional. All of it works.

Will this blow your mind or make you rethink your life? Probably not, no. But for what it is, it's a hell of a lot of fun and it's easy for me to imagine myself going back to it. It's energetic, it's colorful, and it's everything you could want it to be.

Favorite Songs: "Amanecer," "Fiesta," "Raiz"

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#6  Edited By UncleJam23

Duders! Welcome to the 47th edition of the Unofficial Giant Bomb Album Club. We're back from the emotional slog of the holidays, where we looked upon the faces of our families and said, "Fuck, I wish I was listening to music and talking about it on a video game website's forum section." And we're back with an almost violent change of pace! Last time, we did some a classical horror ballet, and this week, we're back with some Colombian dance pop grooves with Amanecer by BombaEstéreo! This album was selected by our good friend @thatpinguino! Fuck with it:




Here at the Unofficial Giant Bomb Album Club, we gathered on a Discord, made a pool of albums, and we chose one at random every week (long holiday breaks notwithstanding) to listen to and discuss. Come on down if you want in!

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As far as the quality of video games released to the public in 2023, it was certainly one for the books. In years past, this is the part where I’d complain about how everyone was having a good time except for me, then point to all the fighting games and Fromsoftware stuff or whatever that aren’t typically for me. But I felt like this year had something for everyone no matter their taste.

However, when it comes to everything else about video games, be it the business or the culture or literally anything else, it was a dumpster fire.

I’m having a hard time squaring that. I loved many of the games that came out in 2023, but the love feels hollow when I think about the people who made them. Granted, I have a friend who works at one of those AAA studios you’ve read about that laid off a shit ton of their people. But even if I didn’t, I spent six months on the picket line with the WGA and SAG-AFTRA. The line between my side of the entertainment industry and video games is so thin in my eyes that it might as well not be there at all.

But I have to find joy where I can, and I had an incredible time playing video games this year. The new games were unusually fantastic. I broke out of my comfort zone and tried some old games that wound up being particularly fulfilling. (I fell down the Minecraft hole hard around this time last year.) For the first time in what feels like forever, I got into not just one new mobile game, but two! And neither are scammy bullshit dystopian mobile market games either! Like… actual games! They still make actual games for phones! (Shout out to Subpar Pool and Gubbins.)

Put it another way: Starfield, arguably the most anticipated game in recent memory, could come out, more or less shit the bed, and it didn’t put a dent in the perception of the quality of games in 2023. If that doesn’t speak to a strong year, I don’t know what does. I just wish that quality didn’t come with so much baggage.

Capitalism. It’s bad!


Runner-Up: Baldur’s Gate 3

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When I was a little kid, most of my friends had their birthday parties at Chuck E. Cheese, and the soda dispenser at the one we went to had Surge. I’d get a cup of Surge, then another, then another, and soon after, I’d be bouncing off the walls. I’d run around like a maniac, my friends and I would steal balls from the ball pit to throw at the animatronics, and overall, I’d would just be an annoying little bastard. Then I’d wake up on the couch, having crashed so hard that I didn’t remember one of my parents carrying me inside, and I’d feel like dogshit.

That’s roughly what my experience with Baldur’s Gate 3 was like.

I’ve only owned a PC for about two years, and BG3 was not only my first CRPG, but also my first real encounter with anything coming close to Dungeons and Dragons. Giving me both of those things at once, and also adding what occasionally feels like an infinite amount of variables to any given encounter or problem, was the equivalent of giving a little kid some pure uncut Surge. And maybe a little cocaine.

I tested what felt like every way of handling every problem I encountered. I save-scummed scenarios over and over. I redid conversations and hit F5 so many times it might count as abuse.

I couldn’t just kill the three goblin leaders. I had to set up and execute each kill so I wouldn’t be caught and have to fight my way out of the stronghold. I had to make sure nobody saw me as I destroyed the bridge I got The Drow to stand on. I had to experiment with which characters could be poisoned by Gut so I could carry out the assassination alone. I had to go through trial and error hell to figure out how to get Ragzlin without turning everyone hostile. (Honestly, I think I just got lucky on that one.)

And much like that little kid on his third cup of Surge, eventually, I crashed, and I crashed hard. I put 20+ hours into BG3, and I completely burned myself out before I even left the first area. It’ll be a long time before I can convince myself to pick it up again.

Is that the game’s fault? Absolutely not. But it’s also why Baldur’s Gate 3 isn’t on my list proper. It’s too much for me to handle at this moment in time. Or to put it another way, the game’s simply too good. I’m sorry!

10. My Friendly Neighborhood

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There’s a very gradual shift in My Friendly Neighborhood that I spent a lot of time thinking about this year.

It’s not that I don’t like horror games. It’s more that it’s an experience I don’t seek out as quickly in games as I would in other mediums. Scary games are scarier to me than scary movies, at least when they work, and all of this is a long way of saying that I’m a coward. You can plug one of your ears to lessen the effect of the jumpscare in the theater. If you want out of the horror in a video game, you have to stop playing.

I read about My Friendly Neighborhood, a survival horror game set in an abandoned children’s show set, somewhere and gave it a whirl. At first, I found it scary. Granted, it’s actually pretty light on jumpscares, the guns are very silly, and the enemies announce themselves from pretty far away. But there’s something about the atmosphere that got to me. The lack of any kind of human presence. The hum of silence when there aren’t any enemies around. Mix that with the high stakes of dying and the resource scarcity and yeah, it got to me a little.

That feeling didn’t last. Some of it was the repetition of the lines the puppet enemies constantly spew to themselves and at you, but it was also because you simply spend enough time in a space and you get used to it, even when new areas of the map unlock. A certain monotony was on the cusp of setting in, but then I discovered, by accident, that you can help out some of the more imposing puppet bosses.

I’ll leave out the details of that encounter. (For those who played the game, I’m talking about the puppet in the main stage.) However, after said encounter, I asked myself a question: Are all the puppets lingering around this game actually “enemies?” Yes, they attack you and the things they shout can be particularly… unpleasant. But there’s ample evidence to suggest that they’re not necessarily attacking you out of malice. In fact, they might not even be aware that they’re attacking you at all, and their actions might not even register to them as an “attack” in the first place.

Sure enough, there’s a reason all this is happening, and that reason is tragic in ways I wasn’t necessarily expecting. As I said, I spent most of 2023 on the entertainment industry picket lines, and the sight of abandoned creative spaces and sets stirred certain feelings in me. But the tragedy actually goes further beneath the surface and reaches back to why we bother making art for children in the first place.

I realize that’s a lot to pin on the silly horror game where you shoot evil puppets with golden metal letters. But art’s weird sometimes.

9. Alan Wake II

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I read screenplays and short stories for something that partially resembles a living and I give writers feedback on their work. Though it’s a seasonal gig, I still read a lot of stuff every year, and thus I feel at least somewhat qualified to say that Alan Wake is a terrible writer.

I’m not saying he’s without his merits. (Nor am I saying that I’m any better, for the record.) His mastery of syntax is strong enough to be able to form a coherent sentence or two and he ticks just about every box you need to be considered competent. But I’ve always subscribed to the theory that talent alone isn’t as important as what you do with it, and Alan’s sole value seems to be summoning nouns and calling them “dark,” a word he seemingly uses every other sentence. The dark man in the dark room in the dark place with dark thoughts.

Moreover, the way he talks about his work and his writing is insufferable. But in this case, I don’t mean that as a complaint. The intolerability that gushers out of him whenever he talks about writing is what makes him a little too tangible to me. If you’ve ever taken any kind of creative writing class, he may seem a little too familiar to you as well.

The problem is that I can’t tell if Alan’s a shitty writer on purpose or by accident.

I think most people would say that Remedy is well aware of the fact that Alan Wake writes books for the beach and the airport. But the thing is that I’ve played the first two Max Payne games, and Alan’s writing sure does sound an awful lot like Max’s inner monologue. You could argue that Remedy does a decent job lampshading the insipidness of Max’s noir musings and Alan’s Stephen King-y scribblings. But there’s a fine line between winking at the audience and shining your light on your faults as a crutch, and something about the tonality of Remedy’s hints at self-awareness don’t always strike me as intentional.

Even if all that weren’t true, there’s still such a sense of authorship and creativity in this game that I’d still love it, and it’s on this list because I had an incredible time playing it. I just had to get that off my chest.

Anyway, Alan Wake II is a very good video game.

8. Star Wars Jedi: Survivor

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Were you to make a line graph of my time with My Friendly Neighborhood, it would look like a rollercoaster. There’d be a steep ramp-up when the premise was fresh and the novelty was still there, followed by a drop once said novelty wore off. It would go up when something made me laugh or I encountered that scary ass fucking thing in the endgame I failed to mention earlier and down when I got stuck on a puzzle or something like that. You get the idea.

The line graph for Star Wars Jedi: Survivor would just go up.

It wouldn’t start at the bottom of the graph, but it would definitely start below the middle. I thought Fallen Order had some effective story ideas, particularly in the context of being a Star Wars game, and some fun combat. And then it started fading from my memory almost immediately after I finished it.

So my expectations were low, but when I started playing, a few things stood out to me. The maps were easier to navigate. The lightsaber haptics felt really good. (I don’t know how or why I’m still wowed by haptics, but here we are.) Turgle. “Hey,” I asked myself, “Do I like this?”

I played a little more, and as it went on, it kept introducing more ideas. There are constant additions to the styles of combat you can use and new platforming mechanics that do a fantastic job building on one another. I was having fun. Way more fun than I thought I’d be having.

Then, at a certain point, there’s a story twist I didn’t see coming, and the narrative built on that twist in ways I found compelling and emotionally engaging. So not only was I having fun but I also… cared???

I realize all that sounds somewhat condescending. However, maybe it’s my bubble, but it sure feels like people are bouncing off the model for non-Nintendo AAA games, particularly the Sony ones that feel like they’re holding your hand or the homogenous Ubisoft/Bethesda sandboxes. For me, sometimes I actually want a relatively mindless AAA game just to take my mind off things. But I’m certainly not immune to the pushback either, and there was a part of me that was wondering if this moment was ever going to come.

My point is that I don’t take the basics for granted anymore when it comes to the big releases. They may offer a special idea or two, but I don’t assume those moments will be anything other than fleeting. Survivor isn’t without its flaws, but for me at least, it’s fun, it tells a decent story, and it puts clear effort into many areas a lot of its AAA peers don’t beyond just scope and graphics. It’s a AAA game that feels like it was made by human beings. It’s nice to know those still exist.

7. Tchia

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I don’t know why I keep going back to My Friendly Neighborhood, but here I am doing it again.

My Friendly Neighborhood found a way to wring meaning out of the inherent contradiction of being a horror game that isn’t scary. On a similar note, Tchia might be the warmest, most feel-good game I played in 2023, a game many people would be quick to call “cozy,” yet it’s also a game where you wage war against industry, capitalism, and colonialism. You wage said war in as friendly a way as you can, given that you don’t kill anyone. But you do sabotage factories, depose evil dictators, and give the land back to the people.

Or maybe it just felt that way because of some fortunate timing. The anti-colonial themes of Tchia are pretty apparent, but they’re not the parts of the game that stood out to me for the first two-thirds or so. That, to me, was the warmth. The clear passion and spirit on display in every corner of the game as I ran around flinging myself from trees and turning into birds.

Then, as I was reaching the endgame, I went and saw How to Blow Up a Pipeline. With thoughts of revolutionary sabotage on my mind, I went into the final missions, which involve destroying the villain’s cloth factories. “Oh shit,” I thought, “Am I about to blow up a pipeline, metaphorically speaking?” And blow up a metaphorical pipeline I did in this adorable game about revolution.

This juxtaposition might feel contradictory to many. Cozy games typically deal in low stakes and they don’t make you think about things like oppressive bureaucracy or the muck of capitalism or the retention of ancestry and identity in the face of cultural erasure, all of which is to say nothing of the rich leader literally sitting on a throne and eating children. However, that juxtaposition is also what makes this game special to me because it demonstrates the humanity at the core of the experience. It’s a messy balance to try to maintain. One most people will spend their lives trying to find. You know, all that Inside Out shit.

And it’s not just the humanity of the game’s content, but its creation as well. I’ve reached a point in my time with games where I value heart more than polish (despite the next two games on this list and the previous two as well) and I’m not sure I played anything with more obvious benevolence behind it than Tchia. It’s the feel-good game of the year, whether your definition of “feel-good” is simply vibing out in nature or throwing a bomb down a factory exhaust pipe.

6. Super Mario Bros. Wonder

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It’s a 2D Mario game that’s better than the vast majority of 2D Mario games in recent memory. Sometimes I need innovation and challenge. Sometimes I really don’t.

5. Marvel’s Spider-Man 2

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At a certain point in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, you unlock the web line. It is, essentially, a tightrope you shoot from your hand. If you’re standing on a ledge and there’s another ledge across the room, you can not only shoot a web line and make a connection between the two, but you can also shoot more lines from the one you’re already standing on, allowing you to make a de facto spider-web.

Not long after you gain this ability, you start using them in the stealth sections. I’d shoot a web line, then another, then another, and I’d use these lines to string up enemies from above. I went through this routine a few times, but then at one point, I bothered to look up to see what I had done. I discovered that I was making these fucked up hanging goon murals on the ceiling, and from that moment on, I started going out of my way to make them more and more elaborate. You could argue that the web lines make stealth too easy, but I liked the idea of some boss seeing what I’d done to his thugs and being just a little taken aback. The whole point of Spider-Man is that he’s always outmuscled. Yet here I was, feeling intimidating.

At another point, you unlock a series of side quests revolving around the Brooklyn Visions Academy, the prestigious private high school Miles and all of his friends attend. In a vacuum, some of these quests may feel perfunctory. However, maybe this is just me being in my 30s and having a little bit of emotional transference from the Spider-Verse movies, I found myself invested in helping these kids out, and I found all these quests charming. (Particularly the prom-posal one.) After I was done with them, the students banded together and got me the Boricua Suit. The suit I’d spend the rest of the game wearing. Much like a suit you get in the Miles Morales solo game, I loved the idea of them seeing me wearing it, and it doesn’t hurt that it looks dope.

Not long after that, I did the mission where you play as Hailey, Miles’s deaf romantic interest. In order to put you in her shoes, the game mutes just about all of the noise as you play as her, and you communicate with people via sign language and her phone in order to track down a graffiti artist who vandalized a flower shop. I found this little quest quite moving, not just because of the representation, but because of Hailey’s motivations. You’re not tracking down this artist to chastise her, but rather to let her know that you like her work and there’s a community of artists who will happily accept her. That kind of thing gets to me.

There are a few more of these more heartfelt moments I could talk about. The quest where you help a woman find her grandfather or the moment with the birds or the Harlem Museum exhibit (which might be my favorite gaming moment of the year). But I mention all these things because they exemplify what I like the most about the Insomniac Spider-Man franchise: They’re very good at getting me to give a shit about what I’m doing. Whether it’s the tiny degree of expression I felt I had with my web line nightmares or helping out a bunch of high school kids, I felt like everything I did in the game actually mattered. It also sure doesn’t hurt that it’s also fun as hell, even if I thought the experience as a whole was a bit more uneven than Miles Morales.

Narrative in video games. Turns out it’s good!

4. Venba

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I’ve spent a lot of time over the last few years consuming media about the cultural importance of food.

My last bit of beach reading was Michelle Zauner’s Crying in H Mart, about Zauner exploring her cultural roots through Korean cuisine as she attempts to cope with the grief of losing her Korean mother. I’ve also read similar books, be they works of fiction or little blurbs in the cookbooks I’ve acquired throughout the years. I’ve watched many a documentary about the importance of cultural foodways and how industrialization and capitalism put those practices at risk. (I would highly recommend Gather on Netflix.) I’ve consumed who knows how many videos on cooking channels in which the presenter cooks a dish related to their ancestry and explains said dish’s significance to their culture.

The point is that the importance of the ties between culture and food has been stated so many times that it’s something I take for granted. The sky is blue, water is wet, and what we eat says a lot about who we are and where we come from. Yet it’s exceedingly rare that I sit down and make any of the dishes I read about in those books and watched in those movies. Sometimes it’s because the ingredients are hard to come by, or maybe it’s because I’d need to buy expensive kitchen equipment. Or maybe I don’t have the time. If only there was some kind of interactive medium that could roughly simulate the experience of making these dishes!

Cue Venba.

It’s one thing to read about food and to watch it be made. It’s another to actually make it, even if only virtually. To use all these tools that you would never use otherwise and understand the intimacy and the patience needed for certain parts of the process. To go through it over and over again until it becomes second nature. Venba tells the story of an Indian family who moves to Canada and struggles to assimilate. It’s an affective well-told story that adds substantial emotional depth to all the virtual cooking you do. But even without that context, I found the food preparation mechanics profound enough in and of themselves.

It should also go without saying that this game will make you murderously hungry.

3. Pizza Tower

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Wario might be my favorite Nintendo character.

I love his design. I love his games. But most of all, I love what he represents. A Japanese entertainment company tasked themselves with creating a villainous counterpart for Mario, and after they put their heads together, what they came up with was a fat crass scammer business magnate who loves riding a big dumb motorcycle, farting, and generally being a piece of shit. Wario is the embodiment of late-stage capitalism. Wario is an Ayn Randian nightmare. Wario is America. However, he’s also a Nintendo creation, so he still somehow manages to be pretty charming in spite of those qualities.

When we use the word “charming” in the context of video games, we typically mean it in the Mario Wonder sense of the word. Colorful, whimsical, pure. But the opposite can be just as delightful under the right circumstances. In the end, we love Wario because not only is he a classic scamp, but because he’s intentionally a scamp, and his awfulness is played up for laughs.

Pizza Tower is a faithful recreation of the Wario Land games, which I loved playing as a kid. But it’s also, in a way, Mario Wonder ran through a Wario filter.

Both have a level and gameplay design largely dependent on single-use gimmickry, what with the Wonder Seeds in Wonder and the conception behind the unique mechanics in every level of Pizza Tower. However, the difference is their purpose. Mario Wonder wants to charm you while building on the core pillars of a beloved franchise. It offers refinement, polish, beauty, and bliss. Pizza Tower, on the other hand, offers crudity, anarchy, puckishness, and Microsoft Paint.

Moreover, every corner of this game, from the art style to the gameplay to the music to the menus to everything you could possibly grade a game on, is designed to communicate every ounce of that mischief. There’s an intentionality behind this game that, to me, is not only hilarious but endlessly endearing. I had a blast playing it, and when Mario Wonder was released later in the year, I kept giggling because it felt like this game was unknowingly making fun of it. Pizza Tower is goblin energy in video game form.

Also, Peppino Spaghetti is a god king.

2. Cocoon

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I have a few friends who never clicked with the Playdead games. They argued that the puzzles weren’t challenging and the pace wasn’t working or some weird argument about indie pretentiousness that I’m never going to fully comprehend. If they’re not for you, hey, they’re not for you. However, I’d argue that all of the above isn’t necessarily what those games are selling.

Playdead games are less about how you’re doing what you’re doing and more about what you’re doing in the first place. They offer tone, be it the expressionistic nightmare noir of Limbo or the oppressive sci-fi dystopia of Inside. You play a horror game to get scared. You play a Playdead game to get deeply unnerved because shit’s fucked. Hey, some people enjoy that!

Cocoon isn’t a Playdead game, but it shares their lineage in not just key personnel, but in a certain emphasis on bringing all of its elements together for the sake of tone. In this case, I’ve never played anything that feels this alien.

It’s not just that you need to open up a hole in the ground to gain access to something in the floor. It’s that the mechanism by which you open said hole is unzipping a gross fleshy fluid sac zipper. You don’t just lead around the big robot bug. You pull it by its stretchy mechanical skin sphere. There’s a sense of progression and coalescence to everything you’re doing. That everything you’re doing is leading somewhere. It’s hard to say what, but whatever it is, it feels like you’re never going to fully comprehend it even if you could.

Nothing feels like this game. Everything about its world is bizarre and otherworldly, as if from an evolutionary lineage and biology not meant for the human mind. Yet I obsessed over it and I had to keep going. I’d leave my play sessions transfixed and I was eager to tell my friends about it. But what could I tell them? “It’s a game where you’re a bipedal cyborg bug guy and you’re running around with these contained world spheres that you can also jump into that also have a unique power for you inside of each one—” and it was about at this point where I realized I sounded like an insane person.

In that sense, Cocoon might be the most video game ass video game I played in 2023. No other medium can offer an experience like it. Yet despite all of its extravagant sounding ideas, it’s also remarkably simple to play. You move and you interact with a single button. That’s it. The most rudimentary interactions lead to so much emotionality and depth.

God, I love video games sometimes.

1. The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

No Caption Provided

Yeah, it’s a boring predictable pick. But what can you do?

Honorable Mentions

  • BattleBit Remastered
  • Chants of Sennaar
  • Dave the Diver
  • Dead Island 2, specifically in co-op
  • Goodbye Volcano High
  • Hi-Fi Rush
  • Lethal Company
  • OTXO
  • Oxenfree II: Lost Signals
  • Pikmin 4
  • Planet of Lana
  • Slayers X: Terminal Aftermath: Vengance (sic) of the Slayer
  • Sludge Life 2
  • Viewfinder

Will Play Someday

  • Any one of the many 2023 remasters and remakes, the vast majority of which I didn’t get around to.
  • Gravity Circuit
  • Misericorde Volume One
  • Paranormasight: The Seven Mysteries of Honjo
  • Pseudoregalia
  • Shadow Gambit: The Cursed Crew
  • Stray Gods
  • Thirsty Suitors
  • I’m sure there are others.
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#8  Edited By UncleJam23

@ben_h: So I have a long list of 2023 albums I liked overall to consider for a list. (I catalog basically any/all art I consume one way or another.) boygenius and 100 Gecs are both on that list, and I had a particularly painful time cutting the former from the top 10 I'm writing elsewhere. Might post that here once I'm done.

Julien Baker was also my way into boygenius. I was also a fan of all three, but I went into Sprained Ankle blind and it ripped my guts out.

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My Favorite Album of 2023: Hellmode by Jeff Rosenstock (yes, I know Fantano beat me to it, get off me)

One of my closest friends was laid off twice this year.

The first job was a work-from-home position in market research. It wasn't a particularly inspiring job and as a perpetual people pleaser, she was often put in a position where she was the one picking up other people's slack. But it paid the bills and it didn't consume her entire waking life. Then some clients ended their contracts with the company and they had to tighten their belts so they sent her packing. Demoralized, she took a role in the family business, which was launching a new arm. She took a managerial role, and though the work was exhausting and frequently psychotic, she loved it. It felt like things were finally on the upswing and that she had finally found her calling. Or at least something that felt right. Then the money behind the operation arbitrarily decided the new venture wasn't making enough profit and pulled the plug. For the record, it was, but that doesn't matter now. She still has to start all over again.

Her boyfriend, another dear friend of mine, was also laid off this year. This was his third lay-off in a row. After this job fell through, he had a contract gig that lasted a few months, but that ran its course and once again he's on the hunt. He's never shown a lot of rage or despair over being tossed around like this, and I hope with everything I have that's because of his disposition. But if I'm being honest, I don't think that's the case. I think he's just used to this.

I have two other dear friends who weren't laid off themselves, but their offices were decimated thanks in large part to mergers and "standard industry practices." One of them works in TV and the other in video games. (I'll let you figure out whose office was effected by which.) They were close with the people they worked with, and then one day they were gone ("Thanos-ed," as one of them put it), and my video game friend agreed to write four letters of recommendation the day after. They both still have jobs, but in industries as unstable and uncaring as TV and video games, I'm sure they can feel the sword hanging over their heads, scraping their skin and constantly hovering.

I'm an aspiring screenwriter, and I spent six months this year on the picket lines with the WGA and SAG-AFTRA. I heard horror story after horror story from all these artists who came out to pursue their dreams, dreams I share with them, and in return, the industry conspired to rob them of fair pay, sustainable hours, and a future while working them like dogs and treating them like vermin. They even plotted in broad daylight to drag things out long enough to starve union members out of their homes. This industry that I'm actively trying to be a part of. This industry that will come for me once I am. It makes me want to scream.

I can feel the fury and heartbreak over what's happening to my friends and peers eating away at me, and these feelings have grown harder and harder to contain. They've been seeping out and finding their way into other arenas of my life to the point where I've spent most of my therapy sessions this year talking about it. My therapist constantly reminds me that none of this is in my control and that there's only so much energy I can and should spend keeping that anger alive. She's right. But that knowledge in and of itself doesn't feel like enough.

Hellmode is an album, at least in part, about the hopelessness that comes with the realization that all your dreams and aspirations are tied to capitalism. A system I spent this year watching destroy seemingly everything and everyone I care about. A system I have no choice but to avail myself of, as well as the pure burnout from having to exist within its confines.

But it's also an album about healing from that knowledge. About finding happiness and community within these walls. Cherishing the little moments where all is calm and you're able to recognize joy when it's right in front of you. The fact that the people in your life matter, and you matter, despite everything around you constantly shouting otherwise.

It's the album I needed the most in 2023. I'll probably continue to need it for the rest of my life, or at least what it has to say. And it certainly doesn't hurt that it's also a pretty fucking great pop punk album!

Favorite Songs: "Liked U Better," "Doubt," "3 Summers"

The Rest of My Favorites From 2023

  • McKinley Dixon, Beloved! Paradise! Jazz!?
  • Meshell Ndegeocello, The Omnichord Real Book
  • Sampha, Lahai
  • Sufjan Stevens, Javelin
  • Kara Jackson, Why Does the Earth Give Us People to Love
  • feeble little horse, Girl with Fish
  • Lil Ugly Mane, Singles Collection 2022
  • Alice Longyu Gao, Let’s Hope Heteros Fail, Learn, and Retire
  • RUNNERS-UP: False Lankum by Lankum and SAVED! by Reverend Kristin Michael Hayter (They're both frequently scary albums exploring the horror lingering at the roots of their respective folk genres, Irish folk and Appalachian hymns respectively, and I don't know which one I like more so I said "fuck it" and put them both on.)

Favorite Non-2023 Album I Listened to for the First Time in 2023: Heaven or Las Vegas by The Cocteau Twins

I don't have a lot to say here, it's just fucking gorgeous.

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Hey y'all. We're on holiday break here at the GB Album Club. Holidays and family and shit. However, here's a space to write a few thoughts on your favorite album of 2023 if you've got 'em. Was it a thing from this year? Was it a thing from a previous year? What do you got? And hey, if you want to catch up on the cycle thus far, here's what we've done:

Anyway, what's your favorite music experience of 2023?