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E3 Excitement: A list of E3 offerings

This list represents the things I will purchase because of E3 2010. 
Growing throughout E3.

List items

  • The new one.

    That thing is well designed in my opinion, and is my big "Holy shit I want that!" moment of E3 so far.

  • Dear god that trailer is just what the doctor ordered.

    A fresh take on Metal Gears familiar appearance and a unique sword system to boot!

  • I'm a sucker for new Nintendo platforms, and Kid Icarus pretty much sealed the deal.

  • I know very little about this game, and I probably won't learn much more in the coming months; but I will purchase and enjoy it regardless it seems.

  • This is an official "must buy" after viewing that single player video. Firefight also sweetens the deal.

  • At first I wasn't sure if I had enough cooldown from my playthrough of the second, but who am I kidding. Any story development in AC universe is welcome.

  • I suppose this isn't entirely related to E3 (if at all) but it was revealed to be Fallout Online during E3 hours so boosh! I'm praying I get in the beta.

  • Still skeptical, but now much less so.

  • That four player co-op demo looked like fun wrapped in fun.

    Nothing to unique here, but you can't beat solid gameplay with your friends.

    I haven't seen anyone comment on it yet, but now that it's four player- I can't help but recognize a similarity with left 4 dead.

    wait.....that's stupid.

  • I feel stupid for including this, but I've always been a fan of the Ghost series and the direction they're taking it looks interesting enough.