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How's 2017 so far for you? [Congratulations! Thank you chef, I... On the worst dish of this competition.]

Hello duders. So many things have happened between my last entry and this one. Frankly, I feel I've become dumber somehow throughout the last few years. The more experiences I've gained the more stupid I feel. When I was 18 I was a straight up genius, but you can't be 18 forever.

Let me tell you, if you ever try being an adult do bank as much sleep as you can because currently sleep is like the rarest, signed pair of Jordans. Make of that analogy what you will.

Snapchat is not so bad
Snapchat is not so bad

Recently I found an old note from 2013 I wrote myself with the goals I wanted for myself, and I was surprised I managed to actually do them. Why is it that I feel so unfulfilled then? I thought reaching my goals would help me feel good or something.

What was it all for? All this fucking effort and sacrifice? So I can buy an 800K house? So I can get married? Kids? And then what? For what? Don't really feel like playing the dating game. I'm already anticipating the chess moves in my head, it all ending in a double checkmate. I just don't care for it. All in all, the past few years have been shit, but also not so shit. I guess that's what life is, just a big old blob of disappointments and successes.

What I'm saying is I've done the things, but without much meaning. For now my motivation has been to not be broke and have sweet shoes. Is there more to life than *fire emoji* kicks?

Tired of the grind, but the grind is all I've known. If only I had time to play some video games and watch shitty movies.
