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"What do you do for a living?"

I hesitate before answering this question to a stranger or an acquaintance that becomes curious. Why? Because of the string of assumptions made about what I do for a living. On the outside it may seem noble, selfless, and challenging. But to call myself noble comes off as arrogant and not needed. Selflessness... well, I do get paid for it. I'm not volunteering my time and mental health. In the future I will answer with a focus in the challenge because it provides the necessary perspective that it's not all grateful broken people. More often than not it is broken angry people with their sights set to me or my coworkers.

What do you do for a living?

I peer into dying, hateful, fearful, angry, grateful, funny, racist, loving, wealthy, homeless people of all ages. I look inside and see what their major malfunction is, all while staying professional EVEN if a person takes out their decade-long repressed emotions on you. A man who hasn't cried since he was a boy decided to burst out and let you know how much of a piece of shit you are... yet you must not take it personally. "I gotta look inside sir, please stop being an asshole for a second so we can save your life."

It's both humanizing and dehumanizing. I don't enjoy being yelled at, that's not my kink.

"Oh sir, your aorta may be split in half and you need to hold still so we know how badly you need intervention... yes sir I speak English."

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