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  • xRageKnightx posted a message on the post 006.

    @rokot7er: You can watch it on twitch or YouTube.....

  • xRageKnightx followed Who's The Big Boss? .
  • xRageKnightx posted a message on the post 812: Sam Raimi Mode.

    I'm sorry but playing Mario Kart Wii without the wheel is blasphemy. All the others Gamecube controller ftw but Wii wheel hit different at the time.

  • xRageKnightx posted a message on the post Game Mess Mornings 07/12/23.

    I find it kinda funny Lucy cant get through a long action movie like Mission Impossible. But she can sit through the extended versions of the LOTR Trilogy. Honestly couldn't disagree more though. Lon...

  • xRageKnightx posted a message on the post Grubbsy 3D - Part 4.

    @wasteland_alpha: My guy you seem genuinely upset about silly things on a video game website. Maybe take a deep breath and think about why your mad. Because you sound ridiculous right now, no one is f...

  • xRageKnightx followed Mario Madness .
  • xRageKnightx followed Die Another Friday .