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Average score of 2 user reviews

Wonderful Surprise! 0

I am obviously not a professional reviewer and I tend to review things like how I would talk to a person, not as if I were writing an article.So I had to be talked into playing Farcry 3. I spent 3 hours playing Farcry 2 and I said: “Never again”. My husband began playing it and the first thing that caught my attention was the acting of the character named Vaas. I was absolutely blown away at the caliber and believably of the character. I mean he was one crazy fool! I was so drawn in by that char...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

RollerCoaster Tycoon 3 0

Visually this game is pretty awesome. It's quirky looking and I like that. It gives the game a really fun vibe. Basically you are going to build an amusement park. You can add pre-made coasters or you can make your own. Making your own coasters is super tricky. The physics are precise. If you wouldn't get a real coaster to go over an impossible hill, you're not going to get it to do it here. It is time consuming and you really start to grasp how gravity works. You will most like spend hours sitt...

1 out of 2 found this review helpful.