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Brad played through Anthem like one and a half times and lived to tell about it.

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Giant Bomb Review


Anthem Review

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BioWare joins the ranks of developers who have learned the hard way how difficult it is to make a good loot game.

Editor's note: This review was originally conducted in a podcast format, available as a video above or right here as an audio file. A summary of the review follows.

You can make some cool power armor if you put your mind to it.
You can make some cool power armor if you put your mind to it.

BioWare nails the feeling of flight in its first attempt at a loot shooter, Anthem. Soaring over a big open landscape in your robot suit (or javelin, as they're known here); nimbly covering ground in combat situations; snapping into and out of flight mode in a split-second burst of fireworks: it all feels great, and it's nice that Anthem's most unique aspect also turns out to be its best. The game also has a robust character customizer, giving you a range of painting tools and letting you swap between materials like cloth, hard rubber, and various metals to create weird and unique looks for your power armor, without locking basic coloration behind a paywall or grind like some other loot games in recent memory.

Those are the good parts. Most of the other elements that make up Anthem, from the storytelling to the loot to the basic gunplay, suffer from a range of problems or just aren't as good or polished as you'd like, and the game as a whole has an oddly rigid, disjointed structure that often makes playing it feel more tedious and frustrating than it should be. Anthem feels like it needs a lot more attention in a lot of areas.

This is BioWare's first brand new from-the-ground-up setting in quite some time, but it's underpinned by the same "ancient, vanished progenitor race and the magical technology they left behind" trope that's such well worn territory in video game stories, particularly in BioWare's own Mass Effect series, where it already appeared in two separate iterations. The vast bulk of the dialogue has an overly performative, irreverent tone to it that made it tough for me to get invested in what was going on. Though, there is some dramatic potential in the friction between the various good-guy factions, including the lighthearted mercenary freelancers, who your nameless character belongs to, the stuffy, militaristic sentinels, and Corvus, the secret spy agency. But the story only starts to scratch the surface there (and mostly does so around the edges of the main plot) by the time it's over, and all of these groups are just up against your standard generic evil empire trying to get its hands on the ancient tech before they do, anyway. Anthem does end with a mildly intriguing post-credits teaser that looks like it will take the game in a distinctly different direction from the story included in the shipping product, and since BioWare is promising "ongoing narrative" content starting a handful of weeks after release, it won't take long to find out if it's any good. Hopefully the writers focus more on the grounded, affecting style of storytelling you get just a few short glimpses of at the end of the main campaign.

These guys can be a huuuuuge pain to fight.
These guys can be a huuuuuge pain to fight.

Actually playing Anthem is where the real trouble arises. Much of the third-person gunplay feels imprecise, a problem exacerbated by the fact that even combat fundamentals like shooting guns and enemies registering damage seem to be dependent on your server connection, so in laggy situations the game just doesn't feel good to play. The guns are all generic military fare and don't have much personality for a game where you're supposed to get excited about having new weapons drop from enemies all the time, and the aspirational arc of the loot as you level up through the story feels more contrived than in games where the rarity of loot seems truly random (although to be fair, loot issues appear to be something BioWare is committed to addressing quickly). There are four distinct javelins that all play quite differently, though the game doesn't let you try them out before you're locked into your initial choices for which ones you want to play first. The ability combo system, similar to that of the Mass Effect games, would ideally add some more variety and dynamism to your combat loadout once you've settled on a preferred class, but the game doesn't even try to explain this system in any detail, leaving you to fumble around and guess at the meaning of various icons and item descriptions if you want to grasp how combos work in any more depth than what's obvious at first glance. And you'll realize very quickly there are only a small handful of objectives that you're going to repeat over and over and over across a multitude of missions. In a game with better combat that wouldn't be so bad, but with all the other issues in play, it wears thin.

Other oversights or strange design choices drag down the experience. The game is chock-full of load screens, which are interminably long on consoles, and the various sections of the game are so compartmentalized that you frequently hit load after load just to get anything done. New loot that drops during gameplay just comes in as a generic item, so you can't tell what it is you just got--but that doesn't really matter since you can't change your weapons and abilities without returning to the game's one small town first anyway. So just to try out a new item or experiment with a new set of abilities that might combo well together, you have to load from the game world back into town, walk all the way across town, load into the loot and gear interface, load back into town, then load back into the game world again. It's hard to say if there are technical reasons behind the simple fact that you can't even change your weapons on the fly, but that doesn't make it any less frustrating to play.

There's a fair amount of grind in Anthem that wouldn't be quite so bad if there weren't so many problems in other areas. Gaining crafting recipes for new gear forces you to grind faction reputation, making it feel like it takes forever before you can craft anything worthwhile. The game throws up a couple of arbitrary lists of tedious mechanical challenges that force you to go out and grind a ton of kills, which isn't all that hard, but also look for more situational things like treasure chests that can be an absolute slog depending on your luck (or your willingness to replay missions that guarantee them). Though there's an open world, the collectibles and random events you engage with there quickly get repetitive, and some of the events aren't balanced well for solo play without telegraphing that fact until you've already invested too much time in finishing them and run up against a boss with way too much health.

Maybe Spy Lady will have a more interesting story to tell next month.
Maybe Spy Lady will have a more interesting story to tell next month.

Also, the game is buggy. Really buggy. Aside from standard server disconnects and crashes, I found basic game functionality would break on a regular basis. Sometimes it was the interact prompt that let me open doors and revive other players that stopped working. Frequently, it was the meter for my ultimate ability appearing to be ready to go even though the ability was actually unusable. Once, the game loaded me into a mission with one of my two guns unequipped (note that the game doesn't actually let you unequip a gun manually). And twice on PS4, the game crashed so hard that it literally powered down my console, forcing me to repair all my storage devices before I could boot it back up. A game making you worry about damaging your hardware is just inexcusable. I don't remember seeing this many big and small technical issues in a major release since, well, Mass Effect: Andromeda. How that reflects on BioWare's recent track record doesn't really need to be said.

Despite my litany of complaints, I did have some fun zooming around in some of Anthem's grander combat situations--when everything comes together and you're flying to and fro, coordinating your tactics with your friends (which, frankly, makes any game better), you can see how good an Anthem with all of these rough edges sanded down could be. And there are a few ideas here, like creating more combat and traversal mechanics around flight, that deserve more attention than they get in the game that's on shelves right now. But Anthem needs more than just new content. A lot of work needs to be done on a wide variety of the game's fundamental elements before it can join the ranks of other redeemed loot games like Diablo III, Destiny, and The Division. Whether EA will give BioWare the latitude to overhaul the parts of the game that need it--and whether it's even technically feasible for them to do that in the first place--are questions with uncertain answers.

Brad Shoemaker on Google+


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Great review. I'm glad for the many discussions the site has had on this game given what a big release EA & Bioware are making it out to be. The complaints from people saying their tired of the negativity towards it just don't hold water for me. Trying to push under the rug just how bad this game turned out it exactly what the EA & Bioware want.

Their best bet now it to rely on the general public's short memory when it comes to these things. Hoping they'll forget the bad & buy the game anyway. It shouldn't be forgotten and it being fun to fly around in shouldn't be enough to justify playing it. This game deserves all the bad reviews & comments it's getting. They made their bed & now they have to lie in it.

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Sad to see this, I was really rooting for Anthem.

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Great review Brad! Oh how the mighty have fallen.

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@silellak said:

Silellak •

@2headedninja said:

2HeadedNinja •

@syndrom said:

Syndrom •

@2headedninja: devs need to stop launching broken games and promise to fix them. They shouldn't get a break.

I played the game for 20/30 hours and it's not broken. It might not be what people WANTED, but it's a perfectly fine, playable game. I encountered maybe one or two minor glitches.

Any game that doesn't just crash to the PS4 home screen, but crashes so hard it reboots the PS4 in an unsafe way is 1000% super broken.

This happened to me twice in the open beta (both during free play) and is one of the biggest reasons why I'm probably never touching this game again.

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doncabesa •

@bonafideginger said:

BonafideGinger •

I mean... I think we all get it. No one at Giantbomb likes Anthem.. 3 podcasts, an early impressions video, a quick look and now a written review all saying the same thing over and over... message received. As someone who does like Anthem it gets old, especially when so many of the complaints are simply invalid or show a lack of understanding of how to even play the game. Dont get me wrong the game has some technical issues, but the gameplay itself is a blast. Hopefully this is the end of the shit on anthem content for a while.

Same feeling for me here, the less they talk about it in the future the happier I'll be.

But it's a bad game.

My only complaint is that Brad didn't really have any insight into why it's bad in this late review than others shared weeks ago.

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@clark said:

Edited By clark •

@cooljammer00 said:

cooljammer00 •

Wait, if Brad was reviewing this, why was Jeff the one who forced himself to finish it early?

He's talked about this before in that with some games he just has to see it to the end for himself, for his own curiosity. He did the same with with Metal Gear Survive for example. He just desperately needed to see it to its conclusion.

I mean that part I get. I just wasn't sure why Jeff would have wanted to finish it during the weird pre-release Early Access but you give them money period. Remember, he beat the entire game, while Brad just played Apex Legends the entire time, then they switched places where Jeff could now enjoy Apex and Brad had to grind through Anthem.

Maybe they didn't want Brad reviewing it before the Day One patch, since his review was the official site review?

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but are you sure they learned anything?

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Thanks for the review GB. And thanks for consolidating your thoughts into a tight review, it helps to read it all.

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Meh, nothing I haven't heard many, many times before. I haven't played the game and don't intend to but hearing the exact same complaints over and over is incredibly dull.

I'm not saying they're wrong but it's not entertaining / informative at this point soooo....

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some straight up exposed ass on the front page of giant bomb... hmm

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What the fuck happened to Bioware?

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Edited By whitegreyblack

Every time I hear someone ask a question about Anthem's design or story that starts as "But why _______?" my inner monologue immediately says "Because Destiny."

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Edited By CurrySpiced

doncabesa •

@bonafideginger said:

BonafideGinger •

I mean... I think we all get it. No one at Giantbomb likes Anthem.. 3 podcasts, an early impressions video, a quick look and now a written review all saying the same thing over and over... message received. As someone who does like Anthem it gets old, especially when so many of the complaints are simply invalid or show a lack of understanding of how to even play the game. Dont get me wrong the game has some technical issues, but the gameplay itself is a blast. Hopefully this is the end of the shit on anthem content for a while.

Same feeling for me here, the less they talk about it in the future the happier I'll be.

I don't think it's an Anthem specific issue, so much as just a problem with this new interview video/podcast review format. The exact same thing happened with AC Odyssey last year. We got multiple Beastcasts, a launch day stream, Quick Look, and a video/podcast review where Alex basically said the same stuff about how and why he didn't like the game. People have been raving about the new review format, but it just feels repetitious to me. Written reviews tend to provide a unique opportunity for one person to go in depth on their thoughts on a game, whereas these discussions are just the same thing we get on the other podcasts and videos. At least they are now back to writing fullish reviews to go along with these shows, as opposed to that 2 and a half paragraph blurb Ben did for Spider-Man.

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Edited By Onemanarmyy


Honestly, i think the new review setup mostly happened because they take youtube very seriously now. A review won't show up there unless it's a video, so they tried to cut down on the written aspect. But the reaction to that change was very negative so now they're in this weird position where they suddenly spend more effort & time on reviews than they previously did, while also realizing that reviews are getting less & less important because of constant updates, new content, events & the ability for someone to watch twitch streams.

For GB users, it will be quite repetitive, but the youtube audience gets to click an 'Anthem review' video instead of sitting through bombcasts to pick out what they say about Anthem. If they even know what a bombcast is.

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I hold out hope that Bioware will be given the chance to clean the game up, the same way Bungie was able to clean up Destiny 1.

But unlike Destiny 1, I'm staying away until they do. I played the beta, and the raw, foundational shooting and combat just isn't as tight or satisfying as Destiny.

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The saddest part about Anthem is it fails at what we all thought was Bioware's strength: narrative and characters. I have no doubt they will tweak all sorts of mechanical issues to the point where the game will be fun enough to play. But the writing is so juvenile I find it easier to compare it to slashfic than other forms of media.

And since you can't crowd source opinions on the direction of your writing, I don't have faith that they will find their footing there.

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People here seem to be having a difficult time separating between criticizing the game and criticizing the team that made the game. A negative review is not an insult, it's a subjective appraisal of the game. If you are playing Anthem without bugs or glitches I doubt anyone here would hope for you to have a share of their pain; that said, it is also unfair to dismiss other users opinions because their experience differed from yours. GB are not trashing anthem for fun, it's their job to give their honest opinion as their pay is based on us believing that these thoughts are authentically theirs. This is further compounded by frustration from two horribly bungled games (ME3 and MEA) and a bunch of other middling releases when all of us know how truly capable the teams at this studio are. It sucks that Anthem is not a good game and I doubt anyone here wanted it to fail.

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Great review, Brad. Personally, I loved seeing the multiple check-in points from GB on this game before the review solidified your feelings on it.

Editorial aside: are em dashes no longer used in this format, or did the double dash fail to convert?

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I only started it after their loot patch went out but I'm really liking it. Can't say I've experienced any of the lag Brad talks about, the shooting for me feels great. I'm playing a Colossus with a massive auto canon (gatling gun) and it's super satisfying to chew up enemies health bars with.

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Seems fair. I'm loving the game for whatever reason. Flying around and customizing my jave. I'm almost 30 so the real grind will begin to get MWs and leggos. Then Div2 hits and well I guess I can back burner Anthem for a bit. The game has got so many quality of life problems and awkward navigation between the world and Tarsis. If this flight gameplay would have just been wrapped tightly by WoW-ish content it would have killed, I tell ya!

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I have to worry about my PS4 crashing if I want to play this game? No thanks.

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whitegreyblack •

Every time I hear someone ask a question about Anthem's design or story that starts as "But why _______?" my inner monologue immediate says "Because Destiny."


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Very informative review Brad. I remember first seeing this and thinking "Yay my Destiny addiction can now go to a new looter game"...sad to say that will not be the case for now.

I have been wondering now for a long time - why are people supporting EA? Firstly they have yet to prove themselves reliable with any IP or any developer they buy. They have seriously tarnished so many games now its incredible - 2017 was a disaster for them and yet it appears people are not learning?

Now I am not taking a pot shot at anyone for buying their products except to say "Why not at least wait until the game is out, see what others (reviewers) have to say and then decide." Will Anthem appeal to a lot of people - absolutely! I know if I bought it I would enjoy many aspects of it. But the last few years have not been good for EA or us as gamers.

And yes I understand their sports games support a lot of that corporation.

Doesn't mean that the so-called "informed gamer" should be rushing out to buy the latest and greatest from EA...because it sounds like it ain't that "great".

I am not even boycotting EA but have not bought a single product of theirs in 3 years - I bought SW Battlefront for like $10 when it was on sale.

So how does EA change its ways? Does it matter if they don't?

I like to think having a gold-standard EA can only be a good thing - but they seriously need to stop drinking the current cool-aid they are drinking - cos it clearly isnt working.

Time for re-think methinks?

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@doncabesa: Ditto to this. Seeing this review was really disheartening. There's just such a dismal tone surrounding the discussion of this game that it sometimes makes me feel crazy for actually really enjoying it.

I get people don't like this game, and there are a lot of things that the games does that get in its own way, but I'm really enjoy just the fundamental aspects of the gameplay. It really reminds me of Day 1 Destiny 1; just moving around and shooting felt so good that I didn't really care that the other elements surrounding those mechanics were pretty hallow. I just hope Bioware's given the latitude to improve and enrich the game.

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Edited By JudgementKazzy

Bioware ain't Bioware anymore. I feel bad for the folks for whom this hasn't set in. It's convenient to keep blaming EA, but it can't be that simple.

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@gorillawithpear: No opossum and slower flight controls. You'd do better with Tribes: Ascend or a Rocket Knight replay

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Brutal, but I kind of agree. After the initial euphoria of flying around in shiny armor wears off there's basically nothing left to enjoy. RIP BioWare.

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@bigmeanchief: Clearly, we need that Crash Team game ASAP for more possums.

@kubus345 said:

A negative review is not an insult, it's a subjective appraisal of the game.

I think this needs to be stated again and again. Anthem might be your jam. It wasn't Brad's and it wasn't mine. But that doesn't change the game for you - it's the exact same as it was when this review came out. Technical issues I experienced aside, I just found the combat to not be too thrilling and I wasn't invested in the story. That's on me. I'm pumped for folks that like it and I really wished I had been able to feel that with you.

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Awesome review Brad! Very well-written.

I know you don't read the comments, but, I wanted to apologize for my previous ones.

I wrote some dumb things.

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Honestly, I really enjoy the story, the side conversations, and the combat. The loot isn't amazing, but those positives carry me through it just fine. I probably wouldn't play this forever.. but hey I enjoyed the 20 hours I put in it so far, that's gotta count for something.