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    Rhobar II

    Character » appears in 3 games

    Ruler of Myrtana, son of Rhobar I.

    Short summary describing this character.

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    Rhobar II was a son of Rhobar I, ruler of mankind and unifier of Myrtana. 
    He got his throne and kingdom as he was still a young lad, because his father died. As a king, he also got a sword and shield, and he became chosen of Innos, just like his father. He lives in Vengard. He was involved in many battles and wars (beggining from Invasion on Nordmar, 15 years before Gothic I), and he got all lands of Myrtana. In the meantime, he found a Sceptre of Varant, which became his ruling symbol. His most trusted mens are Lord Hagen, some noble lords (but they aren't so loyal), and, in past, Lee, who was cheated by those lords in murdering king's wife. Two years later, after almost all battles, orcs prepared assault for Myrtana, beginning from Nordmar and ore mines. They fought for them, and won. Rhobar, as he didn't got any magical ore, which was very valuable for making good weapons, got his last hope: Mining Valley of Khorinis, also known as The Colony. Every criminal have been sent here, and he had to dig in mines for ore, no matter what he done. This made Rhobar somehow unfamous. He also gave an order for 13 mages ( Xardas, Saturas, Myxir, Riordian, Nefarius, Merdarion, Corristo, Torrez, Drago, and others, excluding Milten, because he became mage AFTER creating the barrier) to make sure that prisoners will never get out, so the mages created a magical barrier (once someone will get there, he will NEVER get out). But something gone wrong. Barrier was bigger then it was excepted to be, and it imprisoned those mages, and some innocent people. But prisoners weren't stupid - they used their chance and they killed noble guards, using a time of a little disorientation of guards. Then, they wore they armors and then they made an Old Camp. Then they made five groups of people from this camp - diggers, shadows, guards, Fire Mages, and Ore Barons. Gomez became a leader of this camp. He was selling ore for some useful things, everything he wanted. Rhobar gained ore, and Gomez gained food, weapons, and even womans for known reasons. Then, General Lee was cheated onto killing Rhobar's wife by lords who were aware of Lee's power. Only years of his service rescued him from death penalty, and he was sent to Colony. Lee sworn that he will get his revenge on Rhobar. After 10 years, Barrier has been destroyed by The Nameless Hero with Xardas' aid. After this, orcs had they big day - Colony was unsafe, there weren't any people (everybody just got out from this place), so they rushed onto Colony. Rhobar sent Lord Hagen onto Khorinis on his war galleon - Esmeralda. Hagen had to take off the Colony from orcs' hands. His mission surely failed, because The Nameless Hero hijacked the ship and got out from Khorinis with his friends. After hero arived on mainland, Hero have met Rhobar. Rhobar knew him well, and he said that sending him to Colony was only a test, and it was a chance for Hero to see who he really is, after this, king asked hero for help in rescuing the world. He agreed. But then he discovered that Xardas' plan's part was to kill Rhobar II. So he was killed by both Hero and Lee. An ex-general has taken his throne, and started ruling Myrtana. And that's the end of Rhobar's story.


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