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    Runaway: A Road Adventure

    Game » consists of 2 releases. Released Jul 06, 2001

    On a dark night, Brian Brisco accidentally hits a girl on run from the mob. Before he knows it, they're both being chased all because of a peculiar Aztec relic in their possession. A contemporary point and click adventure in the vein of earlier Lucas Arts classics.

    theadmin's Runaway: A Road Adventure (PC) review

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    Makes me miss this genre

    Games like Runaway: A Road Adventure come along only rarely in the adventure game genre. Where most games now are trying to use the latest 3D graphics, Runaway takes a step back to give more of the classic style to the game. Perhaps this is one of the game's best features.

    Graphics: The look of Runaway is excellent. From the highly detailed backgrounds to the interesting characters, everything is right along with the story. Combining traditional artwork with the new 3D Cell-shaded technique makes for an interesting blend that works very well together. The animation also is very well, making for some very good cut-scenes.

    Game play: The game is pretty much a straight forward adventure game, with all the mouse clicking and inventory fun you can expect. The game play in Runaway is actually pretty well suited for all players, nothing too hard or too easy. Some things in the game are very well hidden, making it a little more difficult then other games of this nature. The Story is very well throughout and keeps you interested while playing.

    Sound: The sound in Runaway is excellent. The dialog and music fits right along with the game. Some songs tend to be a little repetitive, but that’s nothing we haven't seen in other games.

    Tilt: Over all, Runaway is an excellent game, especially for any adventure game fan. Combining new and old techniques, they have really made a great game definitely worth the 30 dollar price tag. Happy Gaming!

    Other reviews for Runaway: A Road Adventure (PC)

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