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    Super Turrican 2

    Game » consists of 3 releases. Released June 1995

    One of the most technically advanced games to be released on the SNES; this shooter featured liberal use of voice samples, Mode 7 and even Dolby Surround.

    Short summary describing this game.

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    Average score of 1 user reviews

    25 years later and I still don't like it 0

    In terms of technology, Super Turrican 2 is quite impressive and makes great use of the SNES abilities. In terms of actual fun it is however a major step down from the previous Super Turrican and the equally superior Turrican1&2&3 on the Amiga. The previously large and open level design got replaced here with extremely linear and "cinematic" levels, making the game play much more similar to something like Contra. But unlike Contra everything here feels a little slow and sluggish. The awk...

    1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

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