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    Two Worlds

    Game » consists of 6 releases. Released Aug 21, 2007

    Two Worlds is an Action Role Playing Game in which you explore the world of Antaloor, solving quests and making choices that affect the world around you.

    Short summary describing this game.

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    Average score of 4 user reviews

    Two Worlds is a bland experience and a technical mess. 0

    Two Worlds is a technical fart.  I think I would have enjoyed it much more if it wasn't for the ugly graphics, bland world, terrible controls, bad art, and just overall technical screw ups and glitches.  I DID enjoy the quests.  I loved exploring, even though the world was bland, I just thought it was a great world map.  That's really the only compliments I can give it. Besides the technical mess of this game, my next biggest beef with this game is the crap controls, and the lack of information....

    3 out of 3 found this review helpful.

    Two Worlds reminds us of how great Oblivion is 3

    Two worlds is not the Oblivion-killer Reality Pump would lead us to believe it would be. In fact, Two Worlds' only real accomplishment is reminding us of how great of a game Oblivion is.Playing Two Worlds can be extremely painful at times, not only because it is mediocre at best on most levels - usually much lower - but also because it is ridden with performance problems, design flaws and bugs. It very well could be the absolute worst performing and presented game of all time for the Xbox 360. W...

    1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

    Two Worlds 0

    This game came out a long while ago and looked interesting from what I saw of it. I liked their ideas and the game play seemed interesting. Another RPG game taking place in a fantasy setting much like Oblivion. This was the main reason why I bought this game because I was expecting another rich colorful good looking world with interesting game play.The problem is this game looks and plays horribly. To start with the entire game is framy. The game does not run well at all. The writing of the game...

    0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

    Lowering The Bar 0

    I've played a fair number of RPGs in my time. Some have left me awe-struck. Most have been forgettable, but not innately awful. Some have been just bad. None, however, have ever reached down this far. I mention for context that I had never previously played a SouthPeak game, nor had I heard anything specific about Two Worlds. While browsing through one day, I saw what I thought to be a hidden gem; how often can you buy an RPG, new, for $7!? Despite the 2 star review, it has to be wort...

    0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

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