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    Game » consists of 2 releases. Released May 25, 2009

    Zenonia is an action RPG with an anime aesthetic and gameplay style reminiscent of the 16-bit era. Initially released on regular cellphones, Zenonia was later ported to iOS in 2009 and the Android OS thereafter.

    Short summary describing this game.

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    Average score of 1 user reviews

    Zenonia 0

    Zenonia is a fun, albeit somewhat generic portable RPG. Even when you can understand the hit and miss translation, Regret does not seem very funny, insightful or clever and the game, though done well, feels generic and oftentimes grindy to a fault.  +1000 EXP!  Zenonia is kind of like Zelda or Final Fantasy, being a SNES-like action RPG. You start off in a small town, your adopted father is killed, and you go on some kind of epic quest to join a guild and save the world. As I understand it, you ...

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