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cozmicaztaway I bought Arcanum tonight...

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Games I played in 2014

Since I never, ever seem t have played any game by the time GOTY rolls around, here's a freaking list keeping track of games I've spent some time with this year, be it an old game or a new one.

List items

  • Bought and started this last year. COntinuing this year. I like it, but it's not quite as terrific as Disgaea so far.

  • Spending all your working hours running an idler? Yuuuup

    As of January 24th, I "beat" this game. So, yay!

  • Lite version, started playing around with it January 2nd. While technically not a game, well.. I'm making a game and playing that, so hah? Project Nanon, for my own future reference.

  • Played a tiny bit of it so far, because RPG Maker. Seems neat.

    Early January.

  • ..yeah, I dunno why either. And it crashed my Xbox 360. Early january.

  • Played with friends in a "retro" afternoon Jan 5th. Kicked rear in Battle.

  • Played with friends in a "retro" afternoon Jan 5th. Got rwar kicked in exhibition mode.

  • Started Januray 6th. Hopefully I can finish it this year, or at least prevent it from taking up ALL my time.

  • Ok, so just the demo, which is like the first level, but I might come back to this. January 6th.

  • Started playing on January 9th on the bus. Killed the Persian king by slamming a chest into his face.. yeah, I haven't played that much God of War, but.. err, I can sort of get behind the crazy violence I think (please don't arrest me..)

  • Ok, actually playing Bubble Mania, but it's just another F2P, energy-based shitty version of this. Bust-a-Move ftw.

  • Have the ONE table in the free version on Android. Played because Pinball itch.

  • Jan 11th: Yeah, just jumped in,playing as Yunica.. this game seems really, really cool so far.

  • Demo 2. Tried some last year. Still terrible at it. Gonna buy it anyway, because maybe it can get easier, maybe?

  • Original Final Fantasy IV. Might even finish it this time (yeah, right). Continuing from last year, still early goings. Restarted Jan 22nd.

    Feb 4th: Beat the Dark Elf! And with this, I am now further into FFIV than I've been previously. Woo!

  • Jan 23rd: So my PSP was running out of battery as I quit FFIV because Rosa died needlessly, aaand decided I'd spend something else. I'm terrible at Motorstorm.

  • I lost an auction for this, because.. well, someone else actually bid on the thing. So, in my "aww" mood, I played the demo. The annoying part is, as a wrestling game, it's actually pretty fun.

  • Also in my Rumble Roses "doh" mood, I beat the A-License test for this. Yay!

  • GOTY edition! Bought because me and the GF wanted somehting to play together. Then we realized how effing intimidating a split-screen co-op FPS is when you haven't really played a lot of FPSs. So, playing alone. Abandoned my Gunzerker for a Mechromancer, because she's way more fun.

  • Looking at menus, the game! Ok, so there's some volleyball, but.. this game needs more volleyball and less menus

  • Played the pretty lengthy demo for this. It's really cool, I should try and find time and money for it, maybe.

  • So FINALLY started this a bit. It's neat and fun. Haven't played a lot of it so far

  • Weird JRPG with weirder title, HOO! Haven't gotten very far at all yet, only put like 3 hours into it, but it's sorta neat I guess.

  • What do you do when your best friend comes home from Japan with a cool new arcade stick? You play Metal Slug! AWW YEEEAH

  • Also, Boomblasta brought Gundams, and well,I'm a sucker for Gundams. We had no idea what this game was going to be, but it was pretty cool in that weird "console first person game" kind of way