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Top 10 games of 2022 brought to you by Gamepass™

This was a pretty good year for gaming for me, for the first time since making these lists I actually played 10 whole games! with games to spare!

Honourable Mentions:

Last Call BBS - If I was smart enough to figure out half the games in this collection then it would have probably made the list but alas, I only really figured out like 3 or 4 of the games. I certainly had a lot of fun making many miniature model toys though. Kinda wish the game was just an expanded version of that because that would be top 3 material.

Prodeus - A strong #11

Tinykin - What a fun little (ha!) game. It's not particularly unique or remarkable, it's just some good meat and potatoes video gaming that I had a lot of fun with.

Midnight Fight Express - #1 on my games I fell off list

Nobody Saves the World - A less strong #11

Signalis - I wish I had started this earlier in the year because it's so damned neat and would have absolutely made the list if I had played more (assuming it stays good, which the internet seems to think it does)

Dwarf Fortress - I played 80 minutes of this before stopping and refunding because I could tell this would eat up literally all my time. In another life where my time had no value this would be all I played and it'd be the only game on this list.

Pentiment - This game looks so cool and interesting but I'm too scared to start it because deep down I know it'll be too talky for me. The fantasy of playing it is worthy of a mention though.

List items

  • #10

    The gamification of what I enjoyed about being a Kitchen Porter, which is MURDERING DIRT WITH A HOSE

  • #9

    While the Delicious Last Course was more of an amuse bouche, It's still some of the best video gaming I've done this year.

  • #8

    Despite being the game that frustrated me most this year, I can't deny just how much I was into this game's squishiness.

  • #7

    This game couldn't have come out at a better time for me. The same year I started to discover just how amazing Kurosawa's movies are, this game comes out to capitalise on that interest. It's certainly a style over substance type of game, but boy oh boy is it stylish.

  • #6

    The spiritual successor to Fez that I've been waiting a decade for. No other game since has given me as many "omg that's so fucking smart and awesome" moments as Tunic. Also, just look at how adorable this little fox is:

  • #5

    Whereas Vampire Survivors embodied all the good things about cocaine, this game personified the realities of cocaine. In 4 days I somehow put in 55 hours. My life literally became this game, sleep and maybe some food here and there. I just couldn't stop chasing that dragon(fly)

  • #4

    Ah, it was only a couple of months ago I was convinced GOTY would come down to this or Elden Ring. Oh how things change.

  • #3

    This game totally took me by surprise. It's not perfect but it's certainly punching above its weight and the story hooked me like no other game this year. Also I get why Christopher Judge won the game award for best performance, but Charlotte McBurney was absolutely more deserving of that win. Hope to see more of her in some capacity somewhere.

  • #2

    Tell you what, that crack is really moreish

  • #1

    I had such a sour face during my first 50 hours with this game. I wasn't not enjoying it, but years of hype can be hard to live up to. Thankfully the game still had 110 hours of content to win me over with. And that was just my first character.