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Veilor's comments

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@frytup said:
@veilor said:
@rlatham said:

@frytup: Agreed. It's not a big deal. I'm sure at the time they didn't think about it but after the fact during the edit were concerned. At first I thought they were blurring out Kane for some reason.

But you can notice the camera is trying not to film the screne so yes his complaints are warranted, instead of the annoying movement just turn off the monitor. It was not something they noticed in editing. If that was the case we would see the full screen way more.

You and I interpret that camera work very differently. Doesn't seem like it was trying to avoid the monitor at all. Just keeping Jeff and the items in frame.

@janman, help us resolve Pixelgate before this turns into the world's least important conspiracy theory. Was the redacted monitor noticed at the time, or not until editing?

Well for starters this is the first time they didn't have the box in frame when picking up stuff. In past mail videos the box and whoever packing up would be in fram, this time, and you can see this towards the end, the camera gets in on whatever Jeff picked up then moved away fast after.

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@rlatham said:

@frytup: Agreed. It's not a big deal. I'm sure at the time they didn't think about it but after the fact during the edit were concerned. At first I thought they were blurring out Kane for some reason.

But you can notice the camera is trying not to film the screne so yes his complaints are warranted, instead of the annoying movement just turn off the monitor. It was not something they noticed in editing. If that was the case we would see the full screen way more.