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Ranked, Played Games of 2020-2029

Over the next decade, I am going to track and rank games that I play that come out during the decade.

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  • Wow! This was basically everything I could hope for. Distinct sections of the world. Different bosses. Fun puzzles. I loved this so much, I got the platinum on both PS5 & PS4.

  • To be fair, I played the PS5 version after a lot of bugs had been fixed. If this was the game that came out at launch, it easily would have been up for GOTY. This game is gorgeous, fun and I cannot stop playing. Even after finishing the game, I went back in to get the platinum which includes doing every "gig," which is to a side mission what a side mission is to a main mission. It's been a long time since I have played an open world RPG and didn't reach the point of, "I'm ready to be done, let's just finish the story."

  • This is a classic JRPG, that should probably go down as one of the all-time greats. The developers even created items you can turn on or off to make the game easier, so anybody can enjoy it! I found myself constantly wanting to play this game. I got to the final boss and told myself, "Ok, I'm ready to finish the game." Then I went and did about 10 hours of optional side content first. The first ending really encourages you to get the true ending, which I both love and hate. I'm going to be thinking about this game for a long time.

  • Fantastic! The combat is great (except some minor gripes), the story is really well done (though on replay to platinum, I really wish I could skip even more of it). Excellent, excellent game.

    The Intergrade/Yuffie DLC was a lot of fun, and Yuffie was a great character to play with. Being able to be melee and range in the same battle was fantastic. Her elemental ninjitsu also made the game a lot of fun. I actually enjoyed Fort Condor (I would always do the bare minimum in the originally FF7).

  • This game is great. World Tour mode is fantastic. I spent about 30 hours on it. I'm looking forward to learning a few characters and hopefully getting good with them. I would like the arcade cabinets to have some kind of way to figure out how good the person you're going to play against is. It is really annoying to have the daily quest be "win 3 arcade matches in the hub."

  • Fantastic follow up to a fantastic game. This story went places I could not predict, and worked! Played 40 hours to platinum, and could have played a bunch more.

  • This game is really good. The story is probably the best story since Yakuza 1. The gameplay is solid. There was a big difficulty spike, even though I had done every side story and event up until that point. Some boss battles just had too much health. The platinum requires an irritating amount of grinding. Which sucks, just because I was enjoying so much of the game and to find that I basically needed to just mindlessly grind for 10s of hours to get it really hurt. I know, it's hard to complain about enjoying a game so much you want to do everything, but I really did and felt let down.

  • This game was fantastic. It's a horror game with some survival elements. You play as a regular person. You never feel overpowered, but you also do not feel too overwhelmed. The game kind of just throws you into the psychological horror and in a way feels like a good version of Stranger Things as a video game. This would have won 2022 GOTY if I had gotten around to it.

  • This game was an emotional JOURNEY. Fantastically done. Wow. I think this was better than Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy. It would have been my #2 game in 2021 if I had gotten around to it then, just behind Resident Evil Village.

  • I'm not big on Shakespeare, but wow. If this game had existed when I was in high school, I would have wanted to read Shakespeare. Who would have though Shakespseare + Sailor Moon/magical girls + Zeboyd (and their comedy style) would have been so freaking good? I'm absolutely floored. Plus, I played an entire JRPG in under 10 hours! I cannot recommend this enough.

  • Fantastic. Everything I wanted it to be. I <3 Charles. There were a number of mechanics in this game that made me go, "Why is this not done more?!" such as the transition between map and not map, the train, and just not overcomplicating things. $20, ~ 4 hours to 100%

  • Square Enix needs to hire a new marketing firm. They did a 20+ minute presentation on this game, and it looked so... freaking... boring. Mad props to my friend, artist Skititlez for pushing me to pick this up on Black Friday. It's fantastic. Halfway through the first chapter, I was fully hooked. This game makes you care about the characters, and it is also hilarious. I do not know how Square messed up advertising this.

  • This was a fantastic Simon's Quest style game. I loved every minute of it. Your main character has a mace, and is returning from a journey. The world and monster designs are the perfect amount of spoopy.

  • This game is fantastic and adorable. Heavily inspired by Majora's Mask, but with a lot of ideas that make it much, much more friendly. It spins into Ace Attorney and even a Shrek the play knockoff.

  • What a fantastic sequel! This game went from 2-player co-op to 4-player co-op! It even gave Marian from Double Dragon some awesome character development! The music is fantastic and there was plenty of comedy to go around as well. There were some boss fights that were annoying. This could be me not understanding what to do. The game is roughly twice the length of the first one. Towards the end of that, I was ready to be done. When I realized I was about to start the end section of the game, I felt like this was about the right length. This means they kept the pace going very well.

  • I played this game co-op with my wife. We laughed so hard our sides and faces hurt. You play as astronaut in zero g trying to navigate around and do things. Some times though you just mess up and start spinning off or throw an item you need far away.

  • I do not understand all of the hate this game received. I hear it's because people were expecting it to be more like Dead Space. Not being like Dead Space is one reason I really enjoyed it. That series is overrated. It was surprisingly fun to telekinesis enemies into spikes repeatedly. It was cathartic to just stomp a defeated enemy that annoyed you over and over. I thought the story did some interesting things, but there are some things that could have been better. The stealth mechanics were only ok. The game did not do a great job of communicating the correct direction, so there would be times I wanted to explore and accidentally advanced the story.

  • I am absolutely shocked at how good this game is. I had sooooooooo much fun. Just an absolute blast. There are some missions where they make you search for things and it can be annoying. There are some trophies that are annoying, but I want to play the DLC so much. This and The Callisto Protocol are neck and neck.

  • This game was the perfect length. Gave the experience of being MM, but didn't overstay its welcome.

  • Fantastic game. Exceeded my expectations. Game of Thrones meets Mega Man meets JRPG. Definitely one of my favorite games for sure. I absolutely love Titan's powers, because you can counter moves.

    On second playthrough, this game was more like candy. Tasty, enjoyable in the moment, but fleeting in satisfaction.

  • I really came around on this game.. When I started, I was not really into it. I think I'm not big on samurais. Somewhere around Chapter 8 though, it really grabbed me and I was excited to play and see it through to the end. This is definitely a great LAD game.

  • I really enjoyed the premise of this game. I don't know how they make a sequel, but I hope that they do. Lots of fun, well executed.

  • Wow! My understanding is one person made this game. It's a 2 hour FPS that feels like it was made by a AAA developer. I enjoyed every minute of this. Highly recommend.

  • A short, fun Metroidvania! Really enjoyed this. There are some flaws. I wish points of interest came off of your map once you finished them. I'm missing a key item that I cannot find anywhere, which is a bit frustrating.

  • Wow! This took me about an hour to 100%. It only cost $3. It was a fantastic 3D platformer collectathon. Highly recommend.

  • What a fantastic sequel! It was full of surprises, emotions and for the most part kept me interested. There were sections that went on too long and possibly levels that felt like they padded the game a little. However, it was quite good throughout.

  • Having a lot of fun with this game. Feels like they made a lot of improvements from 2k21. Either that or I'm somehow just playing better. I have been playing My Eras with the classic Pistons. You get four jumping on points: 1983, 1991, early 2000's (I forgot the year) and present day. Started with 1991 and am refusing to let Jordan win another title. Might get more into this game as I get better.

  • I really enjoyed the single player story. I also enjoyed just playing this game, leveling characters and grinding gear to the point that my Playstation annual wrap up said I played more than 200 hours of this game. Not for everyone, but I definitely got my money out of it.

  • Streets of Rage is back! This game was fantastic. The campaign is just about the right length (maybe 1 or 2 missions too long), and unlockable characters keeps me coming back for more.

  • This was a wonderful experience to play through with my wife.

  • I had a lot of fun with this game. I'm not sure how I feel overall about all of the different classes. I wish there had been range weapons like bows or something, but I guess there weren't in FF1. The story towards the end of the game was fantastic. I loved what they did here and how it recontextualizes FF1.

  • Watched my wife play this while I was working from home on the other tv. She got to a point where she said, "I'm kind of bored of this game. I'm just going to go kill the final boss now." We looked at her in-game play time for her save file and it was at 73 hours. Yeah, she definitely enjoyed this. It felt like it looked at Breath of the Wild and made improvements everywhere. She also liked it way more than BotW.

  • This was cute, but I got bored after a couple hours. Recently learned it has co-op, so I might play it with my wife.

  • A free to play mobile card game. I guess that's a theme in 2022. This is fun to play though. Games are 6 turns and go pretty fast. There is no real incentive to spend money. You can hold 6 daily challenges at a time, which is the amount you get in 24 hours (you get 2 every 8 hours). It feels like you don't need to play it more than once a day.

  • I had fun with this. You basically get to be Aang from The Last Airbender, but in a Japanese horror open world. It's the Luigi's Mansion of open world games.

  • Adorable! I was not expecting anything out of this game. Signed up to try PS Extra, so got to play this for "free." I really enjoyed it. Definitely one of the best games of the year 2022 (at least up to August). It did not overstay it's welcome.

  • I quite enjoyed the puzzles in this game. It was like playing a bunch of escape rooms. Each level made me feel really smart for figuring them out.

  • This was a lot of fun to play with my wife. It got a little long in the end, but not too much. Really enjoyable.

  • This the best of the Anthology so far. A compelling story, choices that feel like they matter, QTEs that failing is the best option. The main downfall of this game is Ashley Tisdale. She's awful. There is a moment where people act really dumb as well, but this was great. I may actually replay it.

  • This game is a lot of fun. Does involve a stalker scenario, but it gives me a perspective I never had before. I have never enjoyed using daggers in games before, but the dagger here was great. The scythe was OP and great to use. I do wish there were more clear options about just being friends with some of the characters.

  • The follow up to Rogue Legacy has dropped. It is what you would want in a sequel. More castle unlockables, more bosses, more classes (I believe).

  • I was looking forward to this for months. It may not have lived up to the hype I built up because of RE2, but it was still enjoyable and fun. Took my time and just enjoyed my first playthrough on Standard. Ran through on Assisted and will run through the other difficulties to platinum this game.

    It looks like Resident Evil Resistance doesn't have an entry on Giant Bomb. So, if I include that in the same package as this, wow! I have put maybe 5 hours into that at the time of this writing and it is quite fun.

  • This is the most relaxing game I think I have ever played. There's something so cathartic about playing this on easy and kicking someone in the head until they collapse into a pile of unconsciousness. I don't think there's another sports game that's fun at lower difficulties. Winning in Madden 100-0 or something is really boring. This has not gotten boring yet. The pre-game hype make me think, "Haha. This computer AI thinks they have a chance. Now they have brain damage."

  • This was cute and fun. It only a couple hours long, but that is just fine. It stayed the right amount of time and had some fun variety.

  • It's like they took the gameplay from Doom 2016/Doom Eternal, but made it good! They also made a grappling hook that is way better than Halo Infinite's. This game was a lot of fun.

  • This was an adorably fun platformer and free! Totally forgot to play this in 2020 when I got the PS5. I see why it was on so many people's top ten games of the year.

  • As a fan of TLOU1, I was quite excited for this. I was not disappointed, but man did this game feel really long. It took me 31 hours to finish the game. About the 18 hour mark, I was ready to be done. I had more fun with RE3R, which is the tiebreaker here for me.

  • This is actually Bowser's Fury, as it was a new game in 2021. I played this game co-op with my wife (she was Mario, I was Bowser Jr.). It was a lot of fun! I'm not sure if I want Mario games to always be like this, been I have really enjoyed the co-op options of this and Odyssey. More clever and fun co-op in Mario games is hugely desired.

  • After not playing Yugioh for 15 years, this has been a lot of fun to get into. I tried Duel Links, but it was a limited version (3 monster & 3 spell/trap spaces instead of 5). I have learned that there are some decks that are just boring to play and play against. The deck basically play solitaire for 5 minutes. But that's fine. They give so much free currency, it's kind of crazy. There are also solo challenges (and more get added over time), where you can use your deck or a loaner deck to learn new ideas.

  • I feel like Metroid Dread is a handful of tweaks/changes away from being spectacular. I think it falls short in a few categories. Overall, I enjoyed a good deal of the experience. Some of the boss fights were fun, some were just annoying. Some of the powers were cool, and some were just ok. I ended up finishing the game according to the in-game clock around 8.5 hours with 47% of items, but my Switch says I had the game open for 15 hours or more. I was ready to be done with the game maybe an hour or two before I finished it.

  • This game makes me feel like the first time I played Pokemon Red. Holy cow. It's just so full of warmth and goodness and invigorates the franchise. I hope they make more in this style. This is the first time since Pokemon Gold that I have constantly changed my lineup and used different pokemon frequently. The twist of doing research to fill out your pokedex (and not just catching/evolving pokemon) is addictive. It encourages you to use different ones just to see them use a move X times in order to fill out your pokedex. I got bored after awhile and just started mainlining the game to finish it and update my Pokemon Home with the new pokemon.

  • I quite enjoyed this game. I played a girl named Tina. I managed to de-friend a boy obviously headed towards trouble. Then, I befriended another boy that was made to look like the "bad boy," but was dealing with his parents' divorce where he thought he was the cause.

  • A full length Supermassive game. I do not know what happened to the animations and faces, but they were off. Characters didn't look quite right, their eyes looked dead and glazed over, they didn't look like they were talking to each other. Except for Brenda Song, she looked correct. However, the back half of the game brought me back to enjoying it.

  • I have been playing this on my Steam Deck and it has been a lot of fun. It's an endless survival game where you can purchase upgrades for future runs. I'm sure there are strategies to min/max, but I haven't figured them out yet.

  • A top-down horror game where you play an exorcist. I had a lot of fun with this, but there are definitely areas that it could be better. Would totally play a sequel.

  • This is good, but something about it is just not as charming as the first game. I can't quite put my finger on it.

  • Watched my wife play this, while providing some help against certain bosses. It was super cute and she really enjoyed it.

  • This was a fun, cute game. About 2 hours long, which was the perfect length. It's like a significantly less stressful Minit. Lots of fun!

  • This was fun. Better in co-op. Definitely a nice throwback to the arcade game and Turtles in Time. Awesome to play as Splinter and other characters.

  • Definitely could have been better, but I had a lot of fun with it. The heart and soul of the franchise existed in the back end, so hopefully we get a good one in the future. If they had included wacky weapons (even repeats from previous games) it would have helped.

  • I had fun with this game, but it's definitely at it's best when it's being weird and during boss fights. It's been awhile since I played the first two games, but I do remember having to do mini games to earn enough money to fight the boss. Getting to just do fights against random enemies is a nice upgrade. I thought the #1 ranked boss fight's second stage was weirdly boring. There was a lot of fun and clever design up until that point, but then it went off the rails. The final boss redeemed things though.

  • This was a fun, puzzle game. Just the right length.

  • This was cute and fun. I enjoyed playing it.

  • It's the best part of RE4 as an entire puzzle game! Finished it in 1.3 hours according to Steam. Well worth the $1 I spent on it.

  • I thought this was going to be more of a horror game. It opens with a warning, asking if you want to censor (aka skip over) some of the more graphic scenes. I chose yes, and I'm glad I did. This was more of a mental health game than a horror game. Let's try to get that to catch on as a genre.

  • This was cute. Sometimes I didn't understand what an item was or why it had to be moved. Fun overall.

  • I played through this for Game Pass quests because my nephew started it. This was actually a fun collectathon. I would say it introduces kids to a few gaming concepts pretty well.

  • It's such a breath of fresh air to see a free game not bogged down by ads or trying everything to get you to spend your life on it. One puzzle a day, just a few minutes to play. I played a lot of Lingo 20 years ago on game show network's game website, so this has been a little bit nostalgic as well.

  • This one took a little while to get going, but I ended up quite liking it.

  • Fun, but after Super Smash Bros. Ultimate set the bar, I hoped this would have more characters, boards and games. They could still add them as DLC.

  • This is definitely how you make a sequel to My Name is Mayo. There were fun little mini games to help with the clicking.

  • Well, they made it better than the mediocrity that was the original RE4. There are some additional side quests, but it's still held back by feeling part way between horror and action. They even added a stealth mechanic that is not great. It could have added a lot of tension and made the game better.

  • I had fun with this on Game Pass. It kind of reminded me a bit of early 2000's internet based games. Also, Star Fox, but good.

  • I like that they changed things up quite a bit with this game. It's cute and still has fun adventures, but you're limited to Polly and Scott the whole time. Polly is fine. Scott is ok. I think I would rather put my time into more Monster Prom 1.

  • Kind of a let down after the improvements and fun diversity of My Name is Mayo 2. The story of dealing with a parent's death was an interesting take.

  • House of Ashes was a showing that Supermassive had learned a lot of lessons and put everything together. The Devil In Me is like they forgot all of those lessons. It goes on too long and the cast keeps falling for the same traps. I lost my first character in what I felt was a BS way. Lost the second character because I didn't kill a dog. Feel let down by the Season 1 finale.

  • It just felt really bland throughout. Nothing offensive. I liked that you start with the stances/items/powers you ended the last game with. It just felt like it suffers from lack of direction. Fallen Order felt like you were going to these epic worlds. Survivor feels like they wanted to slap "open world" on the box and watered down everything great.

  • I enjoyed some of the story, but it wasn't as great as I thought it would be. Still fun to make beverages.

  • I had fun with this overall, but I do not see myself going back to it. There are a lot of good pieces, but the game overall was a fun, short romp.

  • I got bored. It was fun for awhile.

  • It's clearly a well polished game, but it's really mediocre overall. The world is disjointed and feels like it's one step away from an MMO with areas that exist just to be different. The well defined areas of interest in other Soulsborne games are gone. I understand why some people love it, but it's not for me. I might be done with the whole Soulsborne thing in general.

  • I'm not sure what it was about this game, but it just didn't click with me. It's clearly well made and designed. I think part of it was that the abilities felt too scatter shot.

  • The demo was great. The full game left me confused and annoyed.