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Just a simple list of my favorite games or game franchises.

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  • To many, likely an odd choice, understandably. However, Morrowind was an incredible experience for me. I began playing it somewhere around 2003 or 2004, on the original Xbox. I was 13 or 14 years old, and it was the first open world RPG I ever played. I had never played an MMO before, but looking back, I sure treated Morrowind like one, just in the sheer hours I spent exploring and questing in Vvardenfell.

    I loved Oblivion plenty, as well, as you can see further down the list, but I doubt any Elder Scrolls will top Morrowind for me.

  • Ah, Fallout. Another game series I entered late. Being a fan of Morrowind and Oblivion, when Bethesda released Fallout 3, it was fairly natural for me to pick it up. I put many an hour into 3, enjoying the hell out of it and all the DLCs. Eventually, I played through the first two games on PC, and found Fallout 2, specifically, one of the best games I've ever played.

    In summary, this entire series is a huge favorite of mine.

  • Yep, thus far the entire series has been a fantastic experience, and among the most enjoyable games I've ever played. Fem Shep represent!

    2012 Note: All right, 3 wasn't as good as the others, but still, pretty damn good series.

  • I put a disgusting amount of time into this game, for many years.

  • Shh, I know, it's okay, just breathe. I seem to be in the minority in really liking Raiden. Otherwise, I came into the Metal Gear Solid series very late, (2009ish?), and playing the series sort of back to back in a row, I just really enjoyed the Raiden character, as well as the story in 2.

  • I had been into Final Fantasy beginning with 7, but strangely 12 really struck something for me. It took me completely starting a fresh save, after leaving the game idle for several months, but when I finally played through, in the end I found the experience the most fun I've had with a Final Fantasy.