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Did we, as gamers, shoot ourselves in the foot?

No, were playing an FPS and when we look down our feet aren't there. ;) 
But seriously, by asking for the top of the line, high definition consoles and games did we force developers to neglect stories and spend more time on pretty textures and life-like models. While at the same time forcing publishers to price games at $60. My personal opinion is that by asking for "the most amazing looking shit ever" instead of the next great experience we forced; the cost of making games, the manpower needed to create games, and the sheer amount of sales needed to make those games profitable upwards.  Im not against good looking games, Crysis has a place in this world, but I think its ridiculous that if a game doesn't look great its practically thrown aside by most gamers.  
My biggest problems with the need for incredible looking games is that its pushed the price of games up to $60. This might be the recession talking but thats a lot of money. Its also forced the budgets of games to a ridiculous amount. The budgets themselves I don't have a problem with, but when a budget is so big that if the game doesn't sale a million copies its a failure, and the studios might even be forced to close. Maybe its the fact that so many developers have been laid off and studios closed in the past year getting to me, but either way I honestly believe that if we hadn't pushed the envelop of graphics to their limit games would be cheaper, and less people would have lost their job. 