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a blog about somethin but nothin.

so i logged into the site today to find i was getting quests completed for simple things like viewing the podcast page or viewing my own profile page. easy stuff like that. dunno if this is a new quest that the WM crew put out just to mess with us or if it's been a while and it's just now activating. i have no clue but not gonna strain myself thinkin too much on it.
i've been playing medal of honor and umm....not really feelin it. environment details look sketchy and blotchy, lighting isn't balanced right at times, shadows are deeper than they probably should be. i could go on and on about things. i'm only on the 3rd mission so far and i hope it gets better. for now's a plain 3 out of 5 from me for first impressions rating though i'm sorta being generous with that....


i blog because i can =/ deal with it

i'm growing older and as i do my patience runs thinner and thinner with certain types of people. for instance, people who think they know everything and think they are the shit at everything. i grow more weary and tired of these types of d-bag assholes as i become older. girls who say idk all the time and never wanna talk when they call and say let's talk. it's becoming a plague to my faith in humanity and it angers me. i'm finding alot of things anger me more and more as i get older but i find that it's just part of gettin older i guess. another thing that fuckin bugs my brains are people who love to be snobby and throw it in my face. for instance, people who will critisize me for not grammatically correct. i'm sorry i don't appeal to your heirarchy of d-bag but i am me and i will do as i please and type however i want to. deal with it of get the fuck out of my face. i don't wanna deal with you and you don't wanna deal with me. end of discussion. i don't know why i'm venting in random blahh blahh blahhness but just felt like it. i don't care if anyone reads this or not. i am a very tolerant guy. don't get me wrong. i am very tolerant but only to a certain point.  if anyone does read this then great, fine, and dandy. thanks for reading. if not then it's whatever and just another rant blog on my behalf for i guess my own satisfaction i guess to put my mind at ease a little bit. 
laterz y'all! ^_^

my first blog post here on giant bomb

 ok, so giant bomb just opened it's doors today for everyone interested in it and it has a good sense and vibe about it. i haven't checked everything out on it yet but i'll get to that in time. hopefully this site can get a good size community, not to say that giant bomb doesn't already have a good sized community already but it can stand to grow some more though but in due time. bottom line and my basic line thoughts on the site and all: it's totally killa kewl awesome and i can't wait to see how it develops and grows in good due time.

 ok, so w/ that out of the way, i can start talkin about what i've been up to lately. i saw the dark knight and IMO words can't describe how awesome that movie is and you just have to see the movie for yourself to truly understand. i'm not sayin that is the be all end all statement on that movie because everyone has their own opinions on the movie but i loved it though and plan to see it again sometime soon. i played some halo 3 co-op w/ 3 of my friends early thru the morning on legendary and mad was that a bit of a trial there =D. we got thru it though even though one of the guys had to get to work early so he left to get some sleep before then and so it was just me and 2 of my friends as we went through the rest of the's a good feeling to have knowing that you and your friends beat halo 3 on legendary or better yet any game on the highest difficulty like gears of war and whatnot and the achievement points just add on nicely to the good feeling of accomplishment. me and a couple of my friends are workin on band world tour on rack band for the xbox 360 here and there and we are doin alright and holdin our own for now. my friends play on easy to medium most of the time. i usually play on hard and expert so we don't get any more fans really unless they go up in difficulty but it's kewl though cuz we're just talkin it at our own pace and all for now and then maybe later on we will work on getting more fans and all.

i re-installed diablo 2 and the expansion onto my laptop after about a year or so of not playing and so i'm having to start my necromancer all over again all from scratch but that's ok w/ me though because i remember how my main one when i was still playing was done out as and so i'll just remold my new necro into what my old one was but tweak him here and there to make him a bit more efficient and whatnot. if any of ya'll wanna play sometime and run thru the acts w/ me and just have a good time and whatnot then send me a message and i'll get on if i can at the time. i play on useast but i'll prolly make another one for uswest as well to make it fair and all for everyone. my username on there is suikoden352 so yeah. lemme know if your game for some good ole dungeon crawlin action d2 style.

my xbox 360 gamertag is MasterShake352 so feel free to hit me up on there if you wanna. i only ask that you don't spam me w/ messages all the time or game invites and especially if i am playing w/ friends cuz when i'm playin w/ friends--i'm playin w/ friends so yea. just don't spam me and don't be a d-bag and all really and we won't have any real probs w/ each other cuz i'm just lookin to have fun playin games and chillin out and all. that is unless i start losin or i'm playin sports games and then my mindset might change to a more serious notion but otherwise, i'm just lookin to play games and have a good time and all. i might start doin some reviews on here maybe but i'm still thinking on that and they might just end up turning into video reviews and such but that would have to wait for a lil while so my decision on that is still up in the air. i'll write another entry on here when i have more things on my mind to talk about so yeah. cya'll laterz and have yourselves a good time here on giant bomb yo!! =)