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I've been reading reviews less frequently. Have you?

I remember the time where I first started to read videogame reviews. I was a kid, around twelve or thirteen, and was in a position where I had my own money from saving allowance and doing the odd job here and there like washing cars. I could now buy my own games, without having to ask my parents, or be surprised on birthdays/Christmas. Exited to purchase my own games, I searched the internet for games I thought I would like. Among the list I made, were Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter and Yu-Gi-Oh: Duelist of the Roses, these choices were made because I loved the original Breath of Fire on the SNES, and I was into Yu-Gi-Oh at that time. Their release date was the very same day, so I got both at the same time, spending a whopping $100 (a lot of money for a thirteen year old kid). When I got home, I was met with two horrible games, the realization of throwing weeks of saving and working down the toilet, and probably the first time I felt truly ripped off.

It was this time I started to make sure I knew everything I could before investing in a game I new nothing about. I read reviews on Gamespot, watched videos and read articles. From there, I started to make decisions about what games I would buy, based what I liked and the general reception form games journalists. I was more cautious, better informed and overall a smarter consumer. As years passed, because of this, I built an investment in brands, franchises, and developers/producers. When the new GTA, Mass Effect, Assassin's Creed, etc. comes out, I pretty much know what I'm getting into and what I'm going to be buying. Sure I watch videos and read articles leading up to the game's release, but when it comes to the review, and when it's a game I am so invested in, it hardly ever factors into my purchase. The only way it would is if the game received a huge amount of negative or middling reception, which hardly happens to the games I am invested in.

As a result, I mostly read the full text of a review when it's a game I have never played before, or know very little about but yet still interested in what kind of game it is. Even then, I will only read the full text if the game was well received, as I don't need to read the review of a game I was iffy on when the overall consensus is, it's not a good game. Sure, there are some rare moments where I am so overwhelmingly excited for a game, that I need to soak up every word written or said about it (Portal 2), but an industry where sequels are more prevalent, I think I have become comfortable and trusting of the sequels I buy today. Now, I pretty much just glance at review scores to how well a sequel does, only reading the full text when things don't line up with how I expected that game to be received, but more often then not, you know Assasin's Creed and Mass Effect are going to get great reviews, and even if they don't, I believe your overall investment in the franchise will be more important than the general consensus.

Is this the same for you guys, or am I crazy in how much trust I put into my franchises? What was the last review of a game you read? Mine was Puzzle Agent 2.