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Average score of 31 user reviews

Cheap but good 0

Lost In Nightmares comes as the first part of the many DLC content packs that are going to be released for Resident Evil 5 within the next few months. As a $5 add-on, this pack holds a good amount of nostalgia, scares and content to warrant an easy purchase for anyone who loved Resident Evil 5 already. The content pack has a whole new episode that explains some backstory that was told, and frequently referenced throughout the main story of Resident Evil 5. Essentially, it’s the mission where Chr...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

A solid, modern JRPG 0

White Knight Chronicles is a long-awaited RPG for the PS3 from Level 5. Having been announced around 5 years ago, some wondered if it would ever come out, and even then the question of American availability came into question. Well, there’s no doubt about it now; White Knight Chronicles is here, and the only question now is whether or not it’s any good. The answer may surprise you.   The story in White Knight Chronicles starts off, and remains relatively cliche. Nothing about it jumped out at me...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Not good but oddly compelling 0

Divinity II certainly has an interesting premise. The idea is to create and customize your own character, down to the very last detail, and then take him on a very elaborate story involving Dragons and how to kill them. Along the way, the execution falls flat on its face, making Divinity II difficult to recommend. You assume the role of a Dragon Slayer set upon the mythical world of Rivellon with the ultimate goal of becoming a Dragon Knight. Very early on, you are able to choose your class betw...

4 out of 4 found this review helpful.

As fun as it is addictive 0

“Left 4 Dead is the new best horror franchise” is an odd thing to say, especially for me. After playing a metric ton of the first game, I was satisfied with it just being another zombie game that hadn’t really reached its potential. When a second game was announced, I figured it was going to play just like the first and be nothing more than a map pack. After playing this sequel for a good 25 hours, I can safely say that Left 4 Dead 2 is far and away a lot more than a map pack. In fact, I would s...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Compelling while it lasts 0

Let’s be clear on something first: I didn’t really enjoy Umbrella Chronicles as much as I thought I would. That game had an excellent premise and some new ideas, but had some poor execution. The controls felt over-complicated and the aiming just felt plain wonky. I am glad to say that most of those problems are fixed in Darkside Chronicles, to the point where they are about as good as they can be. Now, Darkside Chronicles is very similar to Umbrella Chronicles in a lot of ways. It is an on-rails...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

A worthy rerelease 0

God of War was one of the greatest games on the PS2, garnering much praise for its cinematic style and smooth gameplay. Its sequel, God of War II, was praised in the same areas, and for pushing the PS2 to its absolute limit. The God of War Collection combines these two great games into one cheap package and promises a few graphical upgrades. The question is: Is the God of War Collection worth it? Yes, provided you haven’t played these games before. Starting up the God of War Collection on your P...

6 out of 6 found this review helpful.

Just plain works 0

Hasbro Family Game Night 2 presents a concept that just plain works. Take a bunch of existing board games and convert them directly into digital format, and then sell the package at a reasonable price so that everyone can enjoy them without the mess and hassle of the physical games. While all of the games translate to the digital form just fine, don’t expect much beyond that. Just as its predecessor, all the familiar games include their original modes plus a “remix” mode that changes the rules a...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

An Innovative Platformer 0

Trine is one of those games that you just don’t see coming and never quite understand until you play. The game is a platformer, but it’s not the usual type of platformer in that it has a whole new layer of depth that it brings to the genre. While having that depth certainly makes Trine very interesting and fun for the most part, I still found it to be lacking in some areas. Trine tells the story of a Wizard, Knight and Thief. These three characters come into contact with the Trine, which is an a...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

A bloody mess 0

Fairytale Fights is quite an interesting creature. The game is all about fairytale characters fighting other fairytale characters in a fairytale dreamworld. While the concept is rather interesting and mostly untouched, Fairytale Fights’ problems remain in execution, with its having a rather bad camera, frustrating controls and uninspired level design. The game starts off with a storyteller introducing you to the world by telling a somewhat vague fairytale story. After that, you’re left in a hub ...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Still has many problems. 0

WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2010 picks up exactly where last year’s edition left off, adding new features such as a Storyline Designer and more, which makes it seem like it could be the best wrestling game ever. Unfortunately, some of the problems that have plagued the series for years are still present in SmackDown 2010, which largely makes it difficult to recommend if you already have last year’s game. Maybe I just don’t get why other people buy wrestling games. I’ve heard stories that people buy th...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Slick presentation and nice graphics 1

Xbox Live Arcade is the home of several puzzle games, and most of them manage to stay fun and interesting for a while. The trend seems to be to take a tried and true gameplay style, shove some multiplayer in there, make it pretty and done. Tower Bloxx Deluxe fits into this category but with a rather glaring omission; online multiplayer. Tower Bloxx Deluxe builds its foundation upon the idea of making towers for people to move into by stacking different pieces of the tower onto one another. This ...

4 out of 6 found this review helpful.

Solid, but seen before 0

Sam and Max Save The World was an excellent Xbox Live Arcade game that brought back to life two of the most well known adventure game characters. Beyond Time and Space builds on the foundation that the first season laid adding new characters, new laughs and new locales to explore. Do all of these new additions warrant your purchase? Sure, if you loved the first season.  Beyond Time and Space packs in five episodes (1 less than its predecessor), which is still a good deal because each episode can...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Fresh and Dreamworldly 0

Braid released last summer and was praised for a few reasons, one being its art style and graphics. If Braid’s graphical style was a main factor as to why you liked it, I’d definitely consider Axel & Pixel. Even though the game contains absolutely no dialog, it still manages to be both funny and entertaining proving that creativity can still be viable in today’s gaming world. Now, let’s not beat around the bush – Axel & Pixel is a point and click adventure game. You are using a pointer t...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Bright, colorful, fun. 0

Bust-A-Move Live is the latest addition from the classic franchise that has spawned several sequels and imitations. While Bust-A-Move Live does not deviate from the classic gameplay and formula, it stands as a fun and challenging title that almost everyone could enjoy. The gameplay of Bust-A-Move is very simple–there is a pile of multi-colored bubbles on the top of the screen and you have to shoot a same colored bubble at that pile. When you’ve shot enough same-colored bubbles at the pile, they ...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Bland and unfair 0

Get this, Military Madness: Nectaris is a remake of a Playstation 1 game called Nectaris: Military Madness which was also a remake of Military Madness on the Turbografx 16. Be that as it may, Military Madness succeeds in the promise to keep true to its roots and I’m right in the middle as to whether or not that’s a good thing. The core gameplay of Military Madness is perfectly fine. Let’s just say this, if you’ve played Advance Wars, you’ll feel right at home as this plays the exact same. You ta...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

All been done before 0

Ion Assault, from just looking at a screenshot, can be very deceptive. The game looks just like any other dual-stick shooter out there. I assure you it is more than that, with a unique concept and control scheme. Whether this all culminates in a good game though, is another story entirely. Starting out, Ion Assault seems like it could be pretty simple and rather easy. The object certainly seems simple enough; suck up the space dust in the area and blow it at your enemies and space rocks to destr...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

In a mediocre middle ground 0

I’d like to start off by saying that EA could not have picked a more appropriate name for their latest title in the long running Need For Speed series. Not only is the game about racing really fast in really fast cars, but the game is also quite a “shift” from what people have known Need For Speed for. There are no bones about it, Need For Speed Shift is a simulation style racing game. This could be all well and good in theory, but in execution the whole thing doesn’t play out as well as it shou...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Fun for a while. 0

 DiRT 2 is built upon the groundwork of the previous DiRT game, with new features such as online play and flashback mode. Having not played the original, I really didn’t know what to expect going in to DiRT 2. One thing is for sure though, this is one hell of an off-road racing game that should not be glazed over. Starting out in DiRT 2, the first thing I noticed was the wonderful presentation. The menus don’t feel like menus–rather it feels as if you are smoothly transitioning from one thing t...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Shadow Complex is as fun as it is engaging. 0

 The final Summer of Arcade title is Shadow Complex from Chair Entertainment and Epic Games. Only announced a few months ago, little about the game was known before release.  I was initially skeptical about Shadow Complex due to my feelings about Chair’s first game, Undertow. Thankfully, my worries were for nothing because Shadow Complex is easily one of the best games I’ve played all year and is a perfect swan song for the Summer of Arcade.  The game begins with a bang, as an unknown agent is ...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Falls Short of Expectation 0

 Wolfenstein is a video game collaboration from id Software and Raven Software. The game has spent several years in development, and has faced certain expectations due to the quality of the older games. Wolfenstein beat my expectations when it comes to single player, but falls very short of meeting my multiplayer expectations. B.J. Blazkowicz is back to once again conquer the Nazi regime. Along the way, B.J. encounters several Nazi generals, guards and experiments that are there to put an end t...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Explosively fun. 0

 Splosion Man, from the makers of the Maw, combines explosive humor and off-the-wall action. The game boasts both a fairly long single player and a co-op mode for double sploding fun. The question remains: is Splosion Man a gimmick or an explosive platformer? I would say the latter fits Splosion Man, in more ways than one. Splosion Man works off the premise that you play as a botched experiment escaping his captors by doing the only thing he knows how to do, which is sploding — essentially blow...

0 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Cheap Multiplayer Classic 0

Battlefield 1943 is an interesting experiment coming from longtime Battlefield developer DICE, with the backing of EA. The game has had a rocky launch with just about everything possible going wrong. Servers crashing, players not connecting, party system not working, people dying, MASS HYSTERIA. Despite its launch problems, Battlefield 1943 manages to be a stellar game built upon the groundwork of Battlefield Bad Company. Gameplay in Battlefield 1943 is as one could expect. Bear with me if you’...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Completely broken and shallow. 0

The Punisher: No Mercy poses an interesting proposition. The game is only $10, is a first person shooter based on the Unreal engine and has online multiplayer for support up to 8 players. The questions is, should anyone play it? The gameplay is as expected in a modern first person shooter, except now with power-ups called “Mods.” Mods allow for different types of power-ups that either make you faster, allow you to take more damage, carry more ammo, etc. They do add a small bit of variety, but m...

4 out of 4 found this review helpful.

Just as much fun as it ever was. 0

id Software’s Wolfenstein 3D is long-hailed the original first person shooter. While it’s not the first FPS ever created, it might as well be, as it is often credited for popularizing the genre. Recently, Wolfenstein 3D was released on XBLA and PSN, with just as much fun as it ever had. In Wolfenstein 3D, the objective is simple. William “B.J.” Blazkowicz must infiltrate the Castle Wolfenstein in order to kill Nazi officers or obtain top secret documents in order to take down the Nazi regime. T...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Well worth the price. 0

Sam & Max: Save the World, just released on Live Arcade, is the latest point-and-click adventure game from Telltale to show up on the Xbox Live Arcade, and is based off of Sam & Max: Season One that was released for the PC in 2006-2007. It boasts six unique episodes for only $20; and thanks to its humor, it’s well worth that price. Point-and-Click games are rarely seen on consoles, due to the natural thought of a mouse instead of using an analog stick to drag a cursor across the screen....

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

True to the Source Material 0

Telltale’s latest adventure game is Wallace & Gromit’s Grand Adventure, an episodic title that focuses on the humor of the animated British comedy with the backdrop of some old-school adventure-style gameplay. Thankfully, it stays true to its source material and makes for a fun game as well. The premise is that Wallace & Gromit are in financial trouble, have no income, and are also left with a debt that one of Wallace’s inventions caused. Throughout the game, it’s up to Wallace & Gro...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Boring and stupid. 0

Interpol: The Trail of Dr. Chaos is a puzzle type game for the Xbox Live Arcade. The objective is to collect various items around the world, leading to the capture of Dr. Chaos. At 800 Points, is a simple point and click game worth it? Liked: It’s Short: It will only take about an hour and a half before you “finish” it. That is the game’s only real blessing. Easy Achievements: You can easily grab most of the achievements with ease. Disliked: Snoozefest: This game has the most boring gameplay sin...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Collection of classic sweetness. 0

Namco Museum Virtual Arcade boasts a hoarde of new and old games. It has anything from a few months old Xbox Live Arcade release to a classic 80’s Arcade game. Not only does the collection come loaded with 34 games, it comes with a budget price. At $29.99, that’s less than $1 per game. If you haven’t heard of Dig Dug, Pac Man or Galaga before then you’re on the wrong website. If you have never really played any of them before, then this is the perfect starting point. The games in the ‘Museum’ po...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

MGS4 is like the cherry on top of the MGS sundae. 1

War has changed. So has the Metal Gear Solid franchise with its fourth installment. Thankfully, it's all for the better, culminating in one of the best games ever. Metal Gear Solid 4 has been the most highly anticipated game for the Playstation 3 since before the console was even announced. All over the internet and magazines, plenty of gamers and MGS nerds wondering when we will see the next installment in the famed franchise. Luckily, in June 2008, it is finally here. Even better, what is her...

0 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Haze is as mediocre as they come. 2

It's sad that, even in 2008, we still have to put up with this amount of sheer mediocrity. Haze has been looked at as an interesting first person shooter since it was first announced. Coming from the developers of TimeSplitters, expectations were a bit high. It's also garnered plenty of attention from being an exclusive PS3 game. Unfortunately, for every step Haze takes forward, it takes 5 steps back. The graphics in Haze are nothing special. While it doesn't look bad necessarily, I expect mor...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Rainbow Six Vegas 2 improves upon its predecessor in many ways. 0

Rainbow Six Vegas 2 comes hot off the heels of its predecessor, Rainbow Six Vegas from late 2006. The first Vegas game was highly regarded as one of the better shooters of this generation with plenty of praise from critics and consumers all over. Does the sequel stack up? Yes, very much so. Rainbow Six, as a series, has never been the benchmark for graphical power, and Vegas 2 is no exception. It doesn't necessarily look bad by any means, it's just nothing to gawk or drool at. As with most Unre...

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