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Giant Bomb News


"Authentic" StarCraft Lessons: $25 An Hour

This is as gosu as it gets.

Apparently it's all StarCraft, all the time this week. I just caught sight of an amazing listing on Craigslist (San Francisco Bay Area edition) from a guy named ByunTae offering by-the-hour StarCraft lessons. He sure isn't shy about offering his qualifications:

I have advised and coached many professional gamers such as Im Jae Dong, Park Myung Soo, Ma Jae Yoon, and more. Boxer and I were great friends until he started using my dropships to gain his fame. I started training other players to be on par with Boxer and eventually surpassing Boxer. He is no longer the best player thanks to my contribution to rest of the players.

Um, yeah. OK! So what will your $25/hour (or $35 for advanced lessons) get you? Here's what ByunTae will be teaching.

  • Micro management (unit management) 
  • Macro management (unit production and economy) 
  • Map specific strategies 
  • Basic and Advanced strategies and build orders for all three races. 
  • In-game bugs to be used to your advantage such as unit stack, stop lurkers, etc. 
  • Counter strategies and perfect attack timings. 
  • Learn Korean lango, like "chobo" "gosu" "ww" etc 
  • Basic Korean to communicate with Koreans on 
  • Unit details, their size and their pros/cons against other units 
  • My signature cannon rush along with my signature cheese rush (boxer learned it from me)

Oh yeah, there's always the "Chance to become a professional gamer in Korea - Celebrity status, especially for foreigners." Don't forget about that part. Then again, with madness like this to look forward to, maybe you could stand to brush up on your skills.


Brad Shoemaker on Google+