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Giant Bomb News


BioShock Infinite Hitting Retail In October

North American and European players will get their hands on Irrational's latest before the Fall rush completely engulfs the industry.

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No sense in dragging this one out. BioShock Infinite, that game that you've probably been desperately anticipating since last E3 when the collective video game industry suddenly found itself whipped into a crazed frenzy over it, finally has a release date.

Irrational let it be known on its website today that players in North America will be able to get their hands on Infinite on October 16 of this very year, while international folk will get their chance on October 19.

It's worth noting that the PC version of Infinite will be coming at the same time as its console counterparts. Specifically, it's worth noting that because of how infrequently that happens nowadays.

Odds are we won't hear too much more about the game until round about E3 time this year, but with any luck, by then we'll actually be able to sit down and play the thing. That'd be great, as I've been dying to know how all that skyhook craziness actually works in practice. It looks like absolute voodoo when you're watching someone else do it.

Alex Navarro on Google+