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Giant Bomb News


Capcom All Up In Your Wallet

Capcom gets into the pre-loaded debit card business with Street Fighter, Resident Evil Visa cards.

Ryu needs twenty dollars to make him holler.
Ryu needs twenty dollars to make him holler.
Capcom wants to welcome you to the wonderful world of plastic cards that can be exchanged for goods and services with a prepaid debit card bearing pictures from Resident Evil 5, Street Fighter IV, or Bionic Commando. Sadly, there's no word on if you can recharge the cards using Zenny.

The cards bear the Visa logo and can be recharged with more credit online. Using them at Capcom's online store will get you a discount, and the publisher is setting up some sort of rewards program where you'll be able to exchange points earned from card use on auctions. Some of the examples provided include "an all-expense paid trip to major video gaming events, be written into a game, have lunch with a game producer and much more."

I went to the card's site to sign up for one, but chickened out once I got to the part where they want you to kick down $9.95 for the card and want you to charge it up with at least $10. I'm all for having a goofy Street Fighter IV card just for kicks, but that's not something I'd ever actually use.

How about you? Do you see yourself in need of some kind of debit card? They always claim these things are great for parents, because they could give these to their kids instead of cash to ensure that kids are buying goods and services (like sandwiches and action figures) instead of blowing all the cash on awesome stuff like drugs and prostitutes. Either way, it's not exactly the sort of move you'd immediately expect out of a game publisher.
Jeff Gerstmann on Google+