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Giant Bomb News


Double Fine's Next Downloadable Game Announced

It's called Stacking and stars Matryoshka dolls.

The next Double Fine downloadable is a fine looking puzzle title called Stacking. It's not quite Tetris, though, oddly enough, there is a Russian twist to it. In the game, you'll control young Charlie Blackmore, the world's smallest nesting or Matryoshka doll. 
Charlie is on a quest to bring his family back together after an industrialist rips them apart, and the only way he'll be able to do so is by taking advantage of his stature. Enter the main gameplay mechanic: stealth-stacking into other dolls in order to acquire skill sets that'll help Charlie reach his goal.

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Of course, the catch is that the bigger the doll Charlie jumps into, the bigger the next doll that he wants to stack needs to be. See? It's a puzzle game.
There's still a lot of stuff we don't know about Stacking, which is to be expected since the game won't debut on Xbox Live Arcade and PSN until Spring 2011. But here's a little something-something to hold on to until marketing ramps up: Double Fine is programming in multiple solutions to each puzzle you'll come across, and will toss out in-game rewards for being creative. I wonder if the guy in the video got anything special for seducing that guard?