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Giant Bomb News


Fable II On PC? Don't Hold Your Breath

Word straight from Lionhead says no work is currently taking place on a PC port of the Xbox 360 RPG.

"Buy an Xbox already, GEEZ."
Are you a person who belongs in both of these categories?

  • Clings to the personal computer as sole gaming platform
  • Wants to play Fable II

If you answered "yes," it is my solemn duty to deliver some bad news: Lionhead's community "dude" Woody has stated unequivocally the company is not working on a PC version of Fable II. Here's the full quote.

We're not working on a PC version of Fable II.

There, glad that's cleared up. He does allow that the official Fable II site will be updated with new info "if this changes."

And does anyone expect it not to change? If you remember all the way back to the heady days of 2004-05, there was a full year between the original Xbox release of Fable and the follow-up PC (and Mac!) version, The Lost Chapters. I can't think of a good reason Microsoft won't repeat history with Fable II, maybe at the end of this year. The 360 original is barely three months old at this point; it's a bit early to start talking about future Fable plans.

Besides, given the ease of porting from the 360 to Windows, I'm sure they could crank out a PC version in, like, a week, tops, right? Right?

Totally jesting. Thanks to the newly redesigned Joystiq for the link.
Brad Shoemaker on Google+