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Giant Bomb News


Friday Is For Screenshots

GTA 4 Lost & Damned, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Halo Wars, Noby Noby Boy. It's an asset extravaganza!

For whatever reason, a huge pile of screenshots was released today for games I really want to play. So here they are, assembled for your clicking pleasure.

I'll also take this chance to let you know that the Guys Upstairs have pushed out some rather elite new image-embedding features, the results of which you see below. You can use these same image tools in your forum posts, blogs, guides -- anywhere you embed images, really. Also, yes, I said elite. What is this, 1997?

GTA IV: The Lost and Damned

As we posted yesterday, the first GTA IV add-on is now set for a February 17 release date and comes in at a modest $20. Why modest, you ask? I pegged this one at $30, easy, and since they're saying it will be a third as long as the original game, that sounds like a pretty good bang for your buck.

Star Wars: The Old Republic

All quiet on the BioWare front for the time being, but these shots at least give you more of a sense of the art direction the team is going in. Plus, I think the lightsabers are getting a little smaller, thankfully. You get a bonus wallpaper here because our embed tool likes to wrap every six images.

Halo Wars

Microsoft announced today that Ensemble's Halo RTS has just gone gold in advance of the release in late February, and a demo with two campaign missions and one multiplayer map will be hitting Xbox Live on February 5.

They've also started a series of interview-style documentary videos on Halo Wars; we posted the first one, so go take a look.

Noby Noby Boy

Namco Bandai put out a release yesterday that this one--the first new game from Keita Takahashi since he created Katamari Damacy--will be hitting the PlayStation Network on February 19 at the surprisingly generous price of $4.99. At that price, how can you not buy it?!

While I was on Namco's FTP, I also grabbed these new shots of Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 2. Enjoy?


Yeah, don't ask. Ryan is weirdly interested in this game, for some reason. Here's shots from the Wii and DS versions.

Hmm...those rabbits do appear to be performing a romance dance. Maybe this is a game I can appreciate after all.

Brad Shoemaker on Google+