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Giant Bomb News


Giant Bomb Redesign Is A GO!

We've cleaned ourselves up, just for you!

This burger-covered goalie mask sums things up pretty perfectly, I think.
This burger-covered goalie mask sums things up pretty perfectly, I think.
Hey, if you're reading this, congratulations! You're currently looking at the newly updated Giant Bomb. We've been working behind the scenes (and by "we" I mean "the dudes upstairs") on further refining and improving the site.

While the most immediately noticeable change is the homepage, there's a lot going on at various levels of the site.

The biggest change is probably the way images are uploaded, attached, and manipulated. All of those little checkboxes for galleries are now totally history. Now you'll be able to drag and drop images into gallery, easily remove them if you make a mistake, and basically do what you want to do with them in far less time than it took before. The interface is downright wizardrous, and that isn't even a word.

Because most of us around here have become almost completely dependent on Twitter as a way to drunkenly taunt one-another on the weekends, we've decided to add integration with Twitter's API. If you have a Twitter account, you can sync it up with your Giant Bomb status for automagic updates.

That's just one part of the overhaul you'll see on profile pages. You can now further customize your profile pages with your own banner images, and you'll see that we've redone large parts of the activity feed to make it more manageable.

We've made user reviews more prominent now. Links to your reviews, as well as the link to add a new review have been moved closer to the top of the page with a fat icon that might as well shout HEY WRITE A REVIEW LET'S DO THIS when you move your mouse over it. In fact, I should see if those guys can implement some sound effects...

We now have a search box on the video page and some new filters there that will make it easier to find "the classics" that may have fallen out of our regular rotation.

On top of all that, we've got a nice, new, cohesive look across the entire site and, yes, plenty of ideas about where to go from here. It might be a lot to take in all at once like this, but really, this is only the first phase of our plan to enslave and destroy the universe.

As a quick housekeeping note, you may notice that the white version of the site is currently unavailable. That's in the works and will be available shortly. If you are flagged to use the white site, this whole thing probably looks kind of jacked up right now. You may need to clear your cookies and your browser cache to get things up and running properly.

Finally, just wanted to say thanks for visiting the site. We've had record-breaking traffic lately and that's totally awesome. Hope you enjoy the new look.
Jeff Gerstmann on Google+