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Giant Bomb News


NXE Strikes Back With... Holiday Theme

Home who? The first free post-update premium dashboard theme is up on Xbox Live Marketplace, and we're finding it...strangely enticing.

Sony is in the spotlight today with the launch of Home on the PlayStation 3, but Microsoft ain't taking this one lying down, no sir! They've got their own interface-related announcement to make. It's a...uh...OK, it's a holiday theme for your NXE dashboard. I'm not doing a good job of feigning excitement here, am I? At least it's free (if you're a Gold member).

Wait, hang on, I'm feeling something. I'm feeling...festive.

A free theme in a pear tree.
A free theme in a pear tree.

To be fair, that's the best use so far I've seen of the premium themes, which change out the little graphics behind your friends and everything. And it's hard to argue with a giant ice sculpture of your console. Hit up Marketplace if you want to slap it on yourself. After applying the theme, I had to trade in my avatar's shorts for some long pants and snowboarding gear. Dashboard-me just looked so cold there hanging out in all that ice and snow.

...I don't know what they're doing with this goofy dashboard stuff, but apparently it's working.
Brad Shoemaker on Google+