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Giant Bomb News


Pub Games Patched

Now you're gonna have to learn with your left hand.

The house always wins.
The house always wins.
As mentioned on the podcast last week, we've been getting some confusing information lately about the gaping bug in Fable II Pub Games that makes it possible to get all nouveau riche in Fable II and buy all manner of gaudy baubles and trendy real estate right out the gate. First there was an announcement from Lionhead saying that a patch was forthcoming. Then, IGN chatted with Peter Molyneux, who seemed to insinuate that it was all part of his diabolical master plan, and that there would be repercussions in Fable II for players who got their grift on.

The IGN story has since been reworded to make it sound less like Molyneuxian machinations and more like a clever reaction to a bad turn, and now the aforementioned patch has been released, shutting down all the gold-farming and seemingly confirming that notion. Some folks might argue that this is just another chess move by the High Wizard Molyneux, but those people are cuh-ray-zay.