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Giant Bomb News


Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Megaguide FAQ Guide... Unleashed!

Need help with Star Wars: The Force Unleashed? A trio of industrious users have got your collective back on this one.

Starkiller sez:
Starkiller sez: "If you are having problems with the PC version of my game, I'm afraid this guide might not help!"
Stuck in Star Wars: The Force Unleashed? I know there were a few boss fights that gave me a bit of frustrating trouble before I finished it. That's why I'm pointing you all to this nifty bit of business from Giant Bomb's Friendly Friends of the Moment, Lies, pyromaniac, and systech. They each win a lifetime supply of oxygen and an unspecified number of bonus points to be determined by me when I am done writing this.

The guide is here. And by "here" I mean click on "the link" to "read" it!

These guys pored over as much of The Force Unleashed as they could stand, then pored over it some more. Then they poured over it, which I don't think I want to get into right now. The end result is an extremely handy "Megaguide" that should help you with everything from those tricky boss fights to finding all of those stupid holocrons so you can finally get that last achievement you've been hunting for.

I'd go back and hunt for that stuff, myself, but Andy just now finished up with the 360 version and now Coonce is going to go for it.

Congratulations to Lies, pyromaniac, and systech for properly exploiting our rad Guide creation tools!
Jeff Gerstmann on Google+