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Giant Bomb News


StarCraft II Is "In The Final Stretch"

Going to go out on a limb here and guess that Wings of Liberty will be in your hands sometime in '09.

Patience, you heathens.
Patience, you heathens.
In a post appropriately titled "Some Updates," Blizzard employee "Cavez" dropped some new info today about StarCraft II over on the company's official forums. Mostly stuff about how development has been progressing; it's been nearly two years since the game was first unveiled, after all. Here's a slightly distilled version of the whole thing.

I see lots of questions about timelines. Here is a little FAQ.

  • Why hasn't Blizzard released the Beta? or WTF have they been working on, I played it at Blizzcon last year and I thought it was done! Solo campaign is under heavy construction as is Battlenet. When these things have enough work done that we know when our release date is going to be with strong confidence we will announce the Beta. Unless something crazy happens, the Beta is going to happen this year.
  • Why don't you just give us your target dates if you don't know the final date? We promise, we won't get mad if Blizzard misses target dates. Let's be realistic. Our target dates are not something we hit more than half the time. Putting those out there would be pretty close to lying to the fans. We are not going to do that. We want to be able to give good info, not info that we know is suspect. We'll give target dates when we think it is very likely that we will hit them.
  • When can we have the next Battle Report? We were waiting on getting some improved graphics in (some of the new stuff looked REALLY rough). That was finished last week and we are now playing and looking for a good game. Once we get that game the process is reasonably quick to get it out. Once we go Beta, you guys can do these and put them up. When that happens I'm sure there will be a ton of them and I'm sure the quality of the games played and the announcing will go way up.
  • I notice that you haven't actually given us any dates.... Yeah. Sorry. We don't want to lie about the Beta, and we don't even want to lie about the next Battle Report. When we know a date (for anything) for certain, we'll let you know.

Hang in there. We're in the final stretch.

All reassuring stuff, but the real point of interest is that final line. You'll recall during the recent Activision earnings call that Blizzard's COO Paul Sams admitted the company would be putting out one "frontline" title a year for the foreseeable future, so if the first StarCraft II installment is really getting that close, it's got an awfully good chance of becoming this year's release. This almost reads like an implicit confirmation of that news.

Are you happy with this development, or did you want to get your mouse-clicking fingers on Diablo III first?

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