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Giant Bomb News


The Beatles vs. The Beatles: Rock Band

Can you tell the difference?

I'm gonna admit it: I'm pretty jazzed up about The Beatles: Rock Band. I've been a pretty casual Beatles fan for most of my music-appreciating life, though ever since that amazing trailer was shown at E3, I've fallen in pretty deep. I tell myself that it's all to prepare for the release of the game so I'll know the song list inside and out, but that's a laughable justification. I mean, I've started listening to Wings for god's sake. So it pleases me to see that the always chipper and upbeat Aaron Thomas over at Bitmob did a nice side-by-side comparison of how The Beatles look in the game and how they looked in real life, and it's pretty uncanny. Here's just a taste, though I thoroughly recommend you go check out the full article.

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