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Giant Bomb News


The Sacrifice DLC Hitting Both Left 4 Deads In October

Get ready to once again remind Bill that there are pills here.

So, your hands are sore from holding on to your respective butts in hot nerve-wracking anticipation of Valve's Left 4 Dead 2 and Left 4 Dead The Sacrifice DLC? Good news: Valve will be easing your pain by bringing out the additional bits of content soon--as in October 5.
Just to be clear, that October 5 release date applies to the same content across all versions of the games. The prices, however, will vary. The Xbox 360 versions will cost 560 Microsoft Points a pop, Valve has confirmed, while the PC versions will be free as usual. 

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Both versions of The Sacrifice DLC feature three brand new maps, all of which are playable across all the games' respective modes. The L4D2 version of the content has an extra-special bonus: the original game's No Mercy campaign will be playable in L4D2's Versus, Survival, and Scavenger modes. Additionally, the new campaign will feature all the new special infected, weapons, and items that were added to Valve's sequel.

== TEASER ==The Sacrifice, as you may have guessed from its name, has a neat mechanic. During both versions' finales, one player will be asked to "sacrifice" himself so the others may live. As previously reported, both versions of the content will feature the original cast of L4D, so I'm guessing Zoey is going to get the short end of the life stick quite a bit. 
Here's the new poster!  

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