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Giant Bomb News


The Taskmaster Commands You!

Want to help make the world a better place, but you aren't sure where to begin? This new site feature is a great place to start.

The Taskmaster's booking all of us to win the world title of article editing domination! This is a dumb image and caption and I firmly apologize! 
The Taskmaster's booking all of us to win the world title of article editing domination! This is a dumb image and caption and I firmly apologize! 
Howdy, partners! I'm Jeff, friendly cowboy and part-time "buns" aficionado.

We've got a new feature kicking around Giant Bomb that I wanted to point out to you. It's designed to help people focus their efforts when contributing to our database. Granted, not all of you need the help. But since we can sit up here and see which pages are both popular and not necessarily filled out as well as they could be, we're in a position to know which page edits would make the most impact.

So we've built a system that puts a points bounty on the heads of pages that need some assistance. Think of it as a pumped-up, super-engorged version of the old "needs help" list.

The process is pretty simple.

  • You can view a list of all open tasks right here. Normally you can get to this page by selecting "wiki tasks" from the "help" menu at the top of any Giant Bomb page.
  • Once there, you'll see a list of current tasks, their status, what they need help with, and the bounty associated with them.
  • The thing you need to know here is that multiple people can work on the same task. Feel free to work together with other members of the community, or just jump in solo and flex your knowledge on a variety of topics.
  • Once you've wrapped up, you can flag the task as waiting for approval, which sends it back to us so we can assign out the bonus bounty to the folks that participated in beautifying the site.

So, in conclusion:

  1. We're helping you know which database edits are the most valuable, ensuring that your work is being seen by more people.
  2. We're giving out a gang of bonus points to those of you that help out with these special operations.
  3. This allowed the page for Racing Destruction Set to go from empty to awesome in like 45 minutes.
  4. Buns!!!!!

 It's pretty rad.
Jeff Gerstmann on Google+