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Unsurprisingly, George 'GeoHot' Hotz has Some Thoughts About this Whole PSN Hacking Thing

The kid who cracked the PlayStation 3's security is not shocked to learn someone else hacked the PlayStation Network.

As the news blogs and social media feeds continue to swell to the point of bursting with vitriolic, sarcastic, and generally unkind words regarding the compromising of the PlayStation Network and the bona fide communications catastrophe that has since followed, we of The Internet have waited with bated breath for words from George "GeoHot" Hotz, that lovable, firmware-hacking rapscallion whose fairly public and unpleasant legal battle with Sony over said PS3 hackery more or less set off all this nonsense.

 Hackers, meet your bed-headed messiah.
 Hackers, meet your bed-headed messiah.
Now, Hotz's deepest, most personal thoughts have come down from on high (via his blog), and perhaps unsurprisingly, he sees this issue as primarily the fault of Sony executives and their particular brand of hubris in dealing with the hacker community at large.

"The fault lies with the executives," wrote Hotz, "who declared a war on hackers, laughed at the idea of people penetrating the fortress that once was Sony, whined incessantly about piracy, and kept hiring more lawyers when they really needed to hire good security experts. Alienating the hacker community is not a good idea."

On the subject of the current issue and its ramifications for the personal identities of a whole bunch of PlayStation 3 owners, Hotz expressed a sort of defiant sympathy. "Running homebrew and exploring security on your devices is cool, hacking into someone elses server and stealing databases of user info is not cool. You make the hacking community look bad, even if it is aimed at douches like Sony."

== TEASER ==Hotz, who recently settled his civil suit with Sony over his hacked firmware chicanery, also distanced himself directly from the whole episode. "I'm not crazy, and would prefer to not have the FBI knocking on my door," he stated. Anonymous, the Super Mega Awesome Hacking Club who previously responded to Sony's legal chest-beating by threatening to use Sony executives' personal email addresses to sign up for Craigslist erotic service ads, have also claimed to not be directly involved in this personal info thievery.

Hotz closed with a message to the hackers involved in the PSN breach, imploring them not to be "dicks" and referring to Sony as "noobs" without a hint of identifiable irony.

"To the perpetrator, two things. You are clearly talented and will have plenty of money(or a jail sentence and bankruptcy) coming to you in the future. Don't be a dick and sell people's information. And I'd love to see a write up on how it all went down...lord knows we'll never get that from Sony, noobs probably had the password set to '4' or something. I mean, at least it was randomly generated."
Alex Navarro on Google+


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he's so funny

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Edited By MordeaniisChaos

@SavageM2 said:

I know next to nothing about this stuff, but I have to say I really like this quote:"Running homebrew and exploring security on your devices is cool, hacking into someone elses server and stealing databases of user info is not cool. You make the hacking community look bad, even if it is aimed at douches like Sony."

Seems an odd thing to "really like". Is it in an ironic way? Even then it seems like a really generic quote for irony even. Hmm... Or perhaps there is something I'm not seeing?

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Edited By SavageM2

I know next to nothing about this stuff, but I have to say I really like this quote:
"Running homebrew and exploring security on your devices is cool, hacking into someone elses server and stealing databases of user info is not cool. You make the hacking community look bad, even if it is aimed at douches like Sony."

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Edited By MrAristocrates  Online
@JonPadgett:  Shutting down PSN was the best thing they could have done in the circumstances.
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Edited By Sheltro

I find it soo funny

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Edited By SeriouslyNow
@CraigAA said:
" Telling hackers they can't get into PSN is like telling a teenager he can't get into a bar. Give him some time and he'll find a way if he really wants to. "
You can't beat a 100%.  Liking your STALKER : CoP LP btw.  You should turn on shadows etc.  At least for a quick squiz so people can see how the game is supposed to look.
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Edited By CraigAA1028

Telling hackers they can't get into PSN is like telling a teenager he can't get into a bar. Give him some time and he'll find a way if he really wants to.
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Edited By JonPadgett

Geohot is correct for some of what he is saying. But if you really think about this, he has nothing to do with the hack attempts so you can't blame him for all of this. Honestly completely shutting down the PSN was not their brightest idea and made alot of people upset. But hey, You know. Companies like sony, youtube, and google shouldn't mess with hackers. Frankly its stupid. The only company that hasn't called them out or threatened  them is Microsoft. Its smart to stay out of the fire when everyone else is burning themselves on it. 

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Edited By vigorousjammer

I have absolutely no problem with hardware "hacking"

The stuff GeoHot does is simply modifications to a product HE OWNS.
It's no worse than Jailbreaking an iPhone

sure, pirating games on a modified Playstation isn't cool, and I understand why Sony would block that stuff... but why block the homebrew?

I mean, just because the games don't have an ESRB rating shouldn't matter, the Xbox 360 Indie Games section is a perfect example of homebrew done right.  You put a warning before each game that it wasn't rated, and let people put up whatever they want.

Although in that case, the $90 a year price tag is a bit ridiculous, even considering the servers they need to run to host the stuff, it seems like a lot of money.

That being said, Sony should do something similar.

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Edited By wintermute

Wait, I can only say "noob" ironically now? Man, you kids with the slang, always changing it around (er, I mean "changing it up") at the drop of a hat (do we still say "drop of a hat"?) It's so hard for us oldsters (is "oldsters" okay?) to keep up because we don't mainline (what about "mainline"?) the "newspeak" (wait, most of you were probably born after 1984).

Please interpret this entire post ironically, if doing so makes it seem more "hip".

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Edited By SeriouslyNow
@Ronald said:
" @subvertedhope said:

And the number of giant multinational corporation sympathizers on here saddens me. They have plenty of money and lawyers (and judges and politicians on their side as well), they don't need you to white-knight them. Such good little consumers. "

And this is the kind of thinking that cost my entire store, from associates up through store manager their jobs. "Your company has plenty of money, I should be allowed to steal as much as I want" is the same excuse I heard again and again from the thieves who would rob us of our product and lead to the store team being replaced. Because it is not the company that gets hurt by this type of hacking (which is a form of theft). It is the hard working employees who get hurt by it. They get fired, even if the fault in the system had nothing to do with it. It is the PSN users who now have to worry about their identities being stolen who have to worry. They suddenly can't get a mortgage on a house or an automotive loan because someone else decided it would be fun to steal their identity, which is what happened to my mother. But it's always the easy excuse to forget the people who get hurt by these actions when we can just call it the "corporation". "
What happened to you, your company AND your mother, while awful if we take it as real, doesn't relate to this discussion. (but you do seem to have a lot of misfortune) The fault does lie with Sony in this case.  They implemented their security poorly (non random seed - an amateur error which is essentially gross negligence on such a large scale as this) which they then tried to cover by removing the OtherOS feature rather then actually fixing the problem.  Had Sony fixed the problem which they caused without inconveniencing their consumers none of this would have happened.  The interest in hacking the PS3 was extremely low until Sony's removal of OtherOS.  On the one hand it infuriated some who felt that they had had something taken away from them which Sony had no right to take and on the other it sent warning bells ringing because it meant that OtherOS Support and thus Linux might reveal some of the deeper aspects of the hardware which people had otherwise assumed (based on what Sony had always said) were never going to be available.

But it's always the easy excuse to forgo reality in favour of making up some bullshit to fit a line of reasoning where people don't have to be responsible for the choices they make.  Especially when it suits you to complain because you've had downtime to your precious PSN.  Just be honest.
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Edited By jamesisaacs

Hackers done it for such a lame reason...ugh damn nerds would never do something of that scale in public to someones face the pocket protected virgin losers!

P.S. Geohotz looks like a virgin too.

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Edited By iam3green

know that was going to be said.

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Edited By Hailinel
@Afroman269 said:
" People still say noob? "
Only if they spend all their time hacking electronics while the majority of their social interaction requires the internet.
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Edited By Scrubiii

I don't know if I'm the only one but I thought the quote from Anonymous was really funny. It's odd but I actually find that I respect them. I don't know how many other people have seen this but I think it's great. They seem like they only go for people who really deserve it, as with this case, or they are just in it for a laugh, like their threat to Sony. 

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Edited By Ronald
@subvertedhope said:

And the number of giant multinational corporation sympathizers on here saddens me. They have plenty of money and lawyers (and judges and politicians on their side as well), they don't need you to white-knight them. Such good little consumers. "

And this is the kind of thinking that cost my entire store, from associates up through store manager their jobs. "Your company has plenty of money, I should be allowed to steal as much as I want" is the same excuse I heard again and again from the thieves who would rob us of our product and lead to the store team being replaced. Because it is not the company that gets hurt by this type of hacking (which is a form of theft). It is the hard working employees who get hurt by it. They get fired, even if the fault in the system had nothing to do with it. It is the PSN users who now have to worry about their identities being stolen who have to worry. They suddenly can't get a mortgage on a house or an automotive loan because someone else decided it would be fun to steal their identity, which is what happened to my mother. But it's always the easy excuse to forget the people who get hurt by these actions when we can just call it the "corporation".
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Edited By SeriouslyNow
@Punk1984 said:

" @SeriouslyNow said:

Sony needs to save legal fees?  Sony, a giant lumbering multinational corporation does not have to save legal fees, they have legal teams on retainer.  Sony wants to save PR face?  The same Sony that told people to get a second job to afford a PS3?  I think not.  Every company says they will persecute hackers.  We don't need to know who settled with who and you're avoiding my point - all that's important is that Sony settled at all.  If their case was rock solid they would've pursued him through the courts and won - they had no qualms in going to lengths that stretch right to the boundaries of the American Constitution when subpoenaing hosting companies and ISPs for people's IP addresses who visited GeoHotz' site.Your last sentence completely ignores my Brute Force Lawyering comment.  George just could not afford to bring as many lawyers to the table as Sony would so there's no way he would win but for him not to lose in this case means that Sony could not have LEGALLY won the case. "
So what did Sony lose from settling? Did they have write an apology? Reinstate "Other OS?" Oh yeah they didn't have to do anything.
P.S. for future reference just because you have the most lawyers doesn't mean you win the case. This isn't a Zerg Rush.
Sony didn't lose from settling, but they wouldn't have forced a settlement were they actually capable of winning. There was a lot more to gain by winning than settling and lot more to be lost had they lost the case. This is how large organisations mostly win by default, by forcing the issue into a position where they can't lose. They offered a settlement agreement and he signed, not the other way around.  They made a case to scare off would be PS3 fondlers away and to calm investor worries. That's ALL this was because their was egg on their faces from the DEFCON 2011 presentation where it was proved that their random seed wasn't random at all.

Brute Force Lawyering actually wins most of the time even when there's proven a criminal case.  OJ Simpson, Monsanto and countless other examples prove this to be true.  This was very much a Zerg Rush.
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Edited By subvertedhope
@Ronald said:
" @vidiot said: 

So my personal information has been compromised, in-order to counter a grudge? -_- "

" That's about it, yeah. "How dare you not allow people to do things that are technically illegal so we are going to do worse illegal activities in response."

At least George admitted that what Sony really needed was some good security experts working for them and not that the should just allow people to hack into everything they have because hacking is "cool" which is what his previous comments have been. Even if he was smarmy with everything else he wrote. 

And the number of hacker sympathizers on here saddens me. 

And the number of giant multinational corporation sympathizers on here saddens me. They have plenty of money and lawyers (and judges and politicians on their side as well), they don't need you to white-knight them. Such good little consumers.
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Edited By Punk1984
@SeriouslyNow said:
Sony needs to save legal fees?  Sony, a giant lumbering multinational corporation does not have to save legal fees, they have legal teams on retainer.  Sony wants to save PR face?  The same Sony that told people to get a second job to afford a PS3?  I think not.  Every company says they will persecute hackers.  We don't need to know who settled with who and you're avoiding my point - all that's important is that Sony settled at all.  If their case was rock solid they would've pursued him through the courts and won - they had no qualms in going to lengths that stretch right to the boundaries of the American Constitution when subpoenaing hosting companies and ISPs for people's IP addresses who visited GeoHotz' site.Your last sentence completely ignores my Brute Force Lawyering comment.  George just could not afford to bring as many lawyers to the table as Sony would so there's no way he would win but for him not to lose in this case means that Sony could not have LEGALLY won the case. "
So what did Sony lose from settling? Did they have write an apology? Reinstate "Other OS?" Oh yeah they didn't have to do anything.
P.S. for future reference just because you have the most lawyers doesn't mean you win the case. This isn't a Zerg Rush.
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Edited By SeriouslyNow
@Krakn3Dfx said:
" If they had no case, why did George Hotz settle?  Seems like his Hacker harem had no problem sending him money to finance his case, so why not stick it out and beat Sony like he had claimed he was going to do?Seems like he jumped on an offer pretty quickly instead of "fighting the good fight" and taking down Goliath.Not saying that Sony isn't scum as well, they obviously have corporate interests at heart, we're all just a number to them at the end of the day.  I just think dismissing Sony as not having a leg to stand on also dismisses the fact that George Hotz threw in the towel pretty quick on his campaign to beat The Man.And no, I'm not jealous of some guy who is hated by millions that, at the end of the day, just want to get online and play their games without having to worry about people like George Hotz screwing it up because he's the bitter, self appointed leader of a handful of hackers that want to create anarchy for their own personal recognition. "
Sony may well have pressured him in some other way, outside of the bounds of the case.  What happens in the eyes of the court and media is rarely the full story.  Once again, legally Sony had no case.  A settlement between these two parties clearly delineates that.  George didn't appoint himself a leader of hackers, he made statements on the internet and some members of Anonymous and the Happy Hacking Club decided to take a stand on their own recognisance because they agreed with him.  A rabble of people sending him some money now and then wasn't something he could rely on - he is a young man and has to think of his future; the cost of losing a case against such a giant could stretch on for years and not just financially.  Finally, George didn't take down Sony's network, Sony did and Sony did so because they didn't do their due diligence when it mattered and so a lot of PS3 and the PSN were left unsecured which left them no option but to properly overhaul those aspects of both systems.  That means downtime.  Sony are just cleverly using said downtime around the time of the case to generate a mob against one man who showed them up to be fools.
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Edited By SeriouslyNow
@Punk1984 said:
" @SeriouslyNow: There is a litany of reasons they would want to settle, save lawyer fees, save PR face, their point was already made they will persecute hackers. I mean you don't know who settled with who, or who came out on the raw end of the deal. If anything what did Sony lose by settling? Geohot can't touch a Sony product and had to write an apology. Sony had to...not continue doing something that was starting to garner bad PR? Maybe there is something else maybe Sony had to pay out a fat sum of money that no one knows about.

At the end of the day if GeoHot's case was rock solid and Sony was going to go down; the suit would have gone on. If only to make a point that big bad Sony can be defeated by someone who uses 'n00b' in everyday speech. 
Sony needs to save legal fees?  Sony, a giant lumbering multinational corporation does not have to save legal fees, they have legal teams on retainer.  Sony wants to save PR face?  The same Sony that told people to get a second job to afford a PS3?  I think not.  Every company says they will persecute hackers.  We don't need to know who settled with who and you're avoiding my point - all that's important is that Sony settled at all.  If their case was rock solid they would've pursued him through the courts and won - they had no qualms in going to lengths that stretch right to the boundaries of the American Constitution when subpoenaing hosting companies and ISPs for people's IP addresses who visited GeoHotz' site.

Your last sentence completely ignores my Brute Force Lawyering comment.  George just could not afford to bring as many lawyers to the table as Sony would so there's no way he would win but for him not to lose in this case means that Sony could not have LEGALLY won the case.
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Edited By Afroman269

People still say noob?

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Ladies and Gentlemen, George Hotz

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The Gibson!

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These problems matter~♫

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Edited By amir90

How is Geohot a hacker? :o
Swinging that term around a bit don't ya think? :O

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Edited By Krakn3Dfx
If they had no case, why did George Hotz settle?  Seems like his Hacker harem had no problem sending him money to finance his case, so why not stick it out and beat Sony like he had claimed he was going to do?

Seems like he jumped on an offer pretty quickly instead of "fighting the good fight" and taking down Goliath.

Not saying that Sony isn't scum as well, they obviously have corporate interests at heart, we're all just a number to them at the end of the day.  I just think dismissing Sony as not having a leg to stand on also dismisses the fact that George Hotz threw in the towel pretty quick on his campaign to beat The Man.

And no, I'm not jealous of some guy who is hated by millions that, at the end of the day, just want to get online and play their games without having to worry about people like George Hotz screwing it up because he's the bitter, self appointed leader of a handful of hackers that want to create anarchy for their own personal recognition.
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Edited By MadLeper
  @SeriouslyNow said:

Why would Sony settle at all?   Oh that's right, they had no case.   Brute Force Lawyering is all they had. "

Err, SONY offered a settlement and Geohot took it.   Geohot had also promised to carry the fight until SONY apologized and restored OtherOS, that didn't happen.

I read the settlement and it was all in SONY's favor, looks to me that Geohot didn't have a chance of winning and didn't want to risk losing to SONY and screwing himself and his hacker clique by setting a precedent.   So he caved and ran away

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Edited By Punk1984
@SeriouslyNow: There is a litany of reasons they would want to settle, save lawyer fees, save PR face, their point was already made they will persecute hackers. I mean you don't know who settled with who, or who came out on the raw end of the deal. If anything what did Sony lose by settling? Geohot can't touch a Sony product and had to write an apology. Sony had to...not continue doing something that was starting to garner bad PR? Maybe there is something else maybe Sony had to pay out a fat sum of money that no one knows about.

At the end of the day if GeoHot's case was rock solid and Sony was going to go down; the suit would have gone on. If only to make a point that big bad Sony can be defeated by someone who uses 'n00b' in everyday speech. 
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Edited By MadLeper

 @EpicSteve: George is good at what he does.  Lawyers will leave him alone, the government will ask for stuff in return, he'll go to DEFCON to talk to the masses about hardware cracking, etc.  He's more valuable to companies and the government outside of jail.  People like George are very rare in the States and everyone will do everything to get him to work for them.

Wait just a second, I thought Geohots main claim to fame was his ability to take credit for other hackers hard work.  As far as I'm aware he's never sucessfully fully hacked anyhting on his own, just repackages other peoples work.  He's great at self-promotion & bragging, but his hacker-fu is weak.
If he's chosen to speak at DEFCON, I'm sure it would be just from the publicity with his misadventures with SONY.  I'm certain the real crackers & hackers there would tear him to bits if he dared to pass himself off as an equal.
As well, who on earth would hire a guy with a history of shamless self-promoting and a complete disregard for other peoples property?  The "hackers get hired because their skillz are so 1337" is a Hollywood & media myth.
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Edited By SeriouslyNow
@Punk1984 said:
" @SeriouslyNow: I thought part of the settlement was that neither party claimed responsibility for the settlement? I.E. it wasn't Sony settling with GeoHot or the other way around.
If I was the kids lawyer whether he had a shot of winning or not I would have said, "Look Sony is going to fight this longer than you can take, even if you win you lose the best thing for you is to settle. Find some term you want and take it outside of that you're in over your head." Happens all the time.
Why would Sony settle at all?  Oh that's right, they had no case.  Brute Force Lawyering is all they had.
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Edited By Genjai

Dude, that's awesome! I'm totally changing all my passwords to 4 now! It's so leet!

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Edited By Punk1984
@SeriouslyNow: I thought part of the settlement was that neither party claimed responsibility for the settlement? I.E. it wasn't Sony settling with GeoHot or the other way around.
If I was the kids lawyer whether he had a shot of winning or not I would have said, "Look Sony is going to fight this longer than you can take, even if you win you lose the best thing for you is to settle. Find some term you want and take it outside of that you're in over your head." Happens all the time.
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Edited By Mike76x
@RenMcKormack said:
" does Sony also have "noob" lawyers who didn't make this kid sign an NDA and/or a confidentiality agreement with the release from the civil suit?  "
He's probably not prohibited from talking about Sony in general terms.
Unless their network password was actually 4, he'll probably be fine.
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Edited By EpicBenjamin
@PXAbstraction said:
                GeoHot is an asshole. While I agree with the base motivations for hacking the PS3 (i.e. removing a once touted function, even though virtually no one used it and it was so slow it had no real value), what he did (and knew he was doing) was enabling massive piracy and cheating in online games. It's very convenient that he does that (something which ruins the experience for those of us who don't steal content) but then sticks his head and the sand and goes "Well I didn't WANT it to be used this way so clearly I'm not responsible at all!" There are legitimate uses for a hacked console but anyone who looks at the situation realistically knows that virtually everyone with a hacked console uses it to steal games. Just look at your local online classified site and see how many people out there include a stack of burned games with every console mod.I think Sony's heavy-handed legal approach with him was stupid and likely inspired whoever hacked PSN. They're stupid for pursuing the way he did. But this guy is no saint, he screwed up the PS3 experience for a lot of legitimate customers, refused to acknowledge his part in that and then sits back and smugly insults the situation (and indirectly, those affected) because of a movement he started. Fuck you GeoHot.

Agreed. Also, he's a piece of shit.
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Edited By renmckormack

does Sony also have "noob" lawyers who didn't make this kid sign an NDA and/or a confidentiality agreement with the release from the civil suit? 

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Edited By SeriouslyNow
@Krakn3Dfx said:
" @SeriouslyNow said:
" @Krakn3Dfx said:
" @CL60 said:
" @ComradeKhan said:
" @Krakn3Dfx said:
" It's too bad one of the stipulations in the settlement wasn't that George Hotz would stop talking. "
BOOM!.. Thank you sir, we're all done here. "
No we're not, because I still need an explanation on how he is being annoying or a dick, by pointing out the obvious, and pointing out how the guys that did this are dicks. "
I honestly think given his recent history with Sony and the outcome, he just shouldn't be able to comment on anything related to Sony, and even if he can, I think the less he says, the better it is for him personally.But it's become pretty obvious that George Hotz has become kind of an media whore, so I expect at any point he will make a statement or do something that will end up with him at the receiving end of another lawsuit because he doesn't seem to be very good at leaving well enough alone. "
Jealous much? "
Yeah, obviously that's it. "
Please explain what kind of lawsuit he'd be receiving from Sony.  I don't think it's offensive to the point of engaging lawyers for him to state the obvious and come out in their defense.   Sony settled with him - ie they are more scared of him than he is of them.  When Goliath sits down with David you can bet Goliath is the one who's worried.
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Edited By Krakn3Dfx
@SeriouslyNow said:
" @Krakn3Dfx said:
" @CL60 said:
" @ComradeKhan said:
" @Krakn3Dfx said:
" It's too bad one of the stipulations in the settlement wasn't that George Hotz would stop talking. "
BOOM!.. Thank you sir, we're all done here. "
No we're not, because I still need an explanation on how he is being annoying or a dick, by pointing out the obvious, and pointing out how the guys that did this are dicks. "
I honestly think given his recent history with Sony and the outcome, he just shouldn't be able to comment on anything related to Sony, and even if he can, I think the less he says, the better it is for him personally.But it's become pretty obvious that George Hotz has become kind of an media whore, so I expect at any point he will make a statement or do something that will end up with him at the receiving end of another lawsuit because he doesn't seem to be very good at leaving well enough alone. "
Jealous much? "
Yeah, obviously that's it.
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Edited By penguindust

I found Alex's tone to be equally as smarmy and disdainful of Hotz as Hotz is of Sony.  That amused me.    

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Edited By SeriouslyNow
@Krakn3Dfx said:
" @CL60 said:
" @ComradeKhan said:
" @Krakn3Dfx said:
" It's too bad one of the stipulations in the settlement wasn't that George Hotz would stop talking. "
BOOM!.. Thank you sir, we're all done here. "
No we're not, because I still need an explanation on how he is being annoying or a dick, by pointing out the obvious, and pointing out how the guys that did this are dicks. "
I honestly think given his recent history with Sony and the outcome, he just shouldn't be able to comment on anything related to Sony, and even if he can, I think the less he says, the better it is for him personally.But it's become pretty obvious that George Hotz has become kind of an media whore, so I expect at any point he will make a statement or do something that will end up with him at the receiving end of another lawsuit because he doesn't seem to be very good at leaving well enough alone. "
Jealous much?
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Edited By Krakn3Dfx
@CL60 said:
" @ComradeKhan said:
" @Krakn3Dfx said:
" It's too bad one of the stipulations in the settlement wasn't that George Hotz would stop talking. "
BOOM!.. Thank you sir, we're all done here. "
No we're not, because I still need an explanation on how he is being annoying or a dick, by pointing out the obvious, and pointing out how the guys that did this are dicks. "
I honestly think given his recent history with Sony and the outcome, he just shouldn't be able to comment on anything related to Sony, and even if he can, I think the less he says, the better it is for him personally.

But it's become pretty obvious that George Hotz has become kind of an media whore, so I expect at any point he will make a statement or do something that will end up with him at the receiving end of another lawsuit because he doesn't seem to be very good at leaving well enough alone.
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Edited By n8
@Methodis said:
" why give this idiot any newsspace "
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Edited By Daroki
@Punk1984 said:
" @pkjr92:Geohotz cracks it because he wants to prove he can and even though he doesn't do anything bad with that information...k. "

Like publish their root keys?  Nothing bad happened there...
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Edited By Ronald
@vidiot said: 

So my personal information has been compromised, in-order to counter a grudge? -_- "

" That's about it, yeah. "How dare you not allow people to do things that are technically illegal so we are going to do worse illegal activities in response."

At least George admitted that what Sony really needed was some good security experts working for them and not that the should just allow people to hack into everything they have because hacking is "cool" which is what his previous comments have been. Even if he was smarmy with everything else he wrote. 

And the number of hacker sympathizers on here saddens me. 

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Edited By Dixego
 @zityz said:
" Password was 1...2...3...4...5...

"12345? that's a kind of password that some idiot would put on his luggage!"
That's amazing! I've got the same combinatiion on my luggage!
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Edited By PXAbstraction

GeoHot is an asshole. While I agree with the base motivations for hacking the PS3 (i.e. removing a once touted function, even though virtually no one used it and it was so slow it had no real value), what he did (and knew he was doing) was enabling massive piracy and cheating in online games. It's very convenient that he does that (something which ruins the experience for those of us who don't steal content) but then sticks his head and the sand and goes "Well I didn't WANT it to be used this way so clearly I'm not responsible at all!" There are legitimate uses for a hacked console but anyone who looks at the situation realistically knows that virtually everyone with a hacked console uses it to steal games. Just look at your local online classified site and see how many people out there include a stack of burned games with every console mod.

I think Sony's heavy-handed legal approach with him was stupid and likely inspired whoever hacked PSN. They're stupid for pursuing the way he did. But this guy is no saint, he screwed up the PS3 experience for a lot of legitimate customers, refused to acknowledge his part in that and then sits back and smugly insults the situation (and indirectly, those affected) because of a movement he started. Fuck you GeoHot.

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Edited By Punk1984
@Prodstep: Not to get into this again but Sony while maybe negligent isn't the person who stole your information from Sony. Just like the bank wouldn't rob itself. The information was on a secure network that unauthorized parties broke into and accessed. Just like if your money was in the secure bank's vault and bank robbers broke in. Stop defending criminals who broke the law and made people freak out it makes you look like a jerk.
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