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Watch Dogs, The Crew Delayed Until 2014

Two of Ubisoft's premiere next-gen games are moving into next year.

Update: The Crew has been delayed, as well. According to Ubisoft, The Crew is expected during the company's second quarter (July 1 to September 30) and Watch Dogs is aiming for first quarter (April 1 to June 30).


It's not surprising to see game delays leading into a console launch, but even I'm surprised to report Watch Dogs has been pushed back until spring 2014.

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Perhaps Ubisoft saw Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag tracking really well, and decided to avoid cannibalizing its lead franchise?

"We know a lot of you are probably wondering: Why now?" the company said in a blog post today. "We struggled with whether we would delay the game. But from the beginning, we have adopted the attitude that we will not compromise on quality. As we got closer to release, as all the pieces of the puzzle were falling into place in our last push before completion, it became clear to us that we needed to take the extra time to polish and fine tune each detail so we can deliver a truly memorable and exceptional experience."

Watch Dogs had been scheduled for a November 12 release on PlayStation 4, and November 19 everywhere else. It was also part of a PS4 bundle. It's unclear what happens to those customers.

Spring is really vague, too. Technically, summer doesn't start until June 21, 2014.

Patrick Klepek on Google+


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what the hell is the crew? anybody heard of it?

Everyone who actually followed E3, yeah. Where have you been?

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Edited By HellknightLeon

Thats nuts.

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Edited By amafi

what the hell is the crew? anybody heard of it? nobody? hmm ok.Oh wait I looked its a racing game maybe I did hear it mentioned on the bombcast.

Doesn't really matter much since I was gonna stick to just PC for as long as possible /forever anyway

Wow. So. The crew is a racing game. The Crew and watch_dogs are coming out for the PC. They were going to be available later this year, now they won't be. On the PC.

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I suppose it shows how out of touch I am but I thought Watch Dogs WAS due out next year.

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Great... I told Amazon that this was was the PS4 bundle I wanted. I hope they just switch me back to the standard SKU.

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Watchdog is the one game that i am excited about.

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I remember when WD was first shown, Jeff was talking down on it and saying he doesn't get the fuss. Now he is really upset that it's delayed cause it was the only game he was looking forward to this year!

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Bummer as WD was the only game I was interested in paying full price for - just went on Amazon and cancelled my PS4 Pre-Order as I couldn't bring myself to pay over $400 with no games I'm interested in. After buying the launch edition of the Vita and no games I was interested in then, I was mad at myself and swore never to do it again. At least it frees one launch edition PS4 up for somebody who wants it.

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I remember when WD was first shown, Jeff was talking down on it and saying he doesn't get the fuss. Now he is really upset that it's delayed cause it was the only game he was looking forward to this year!

So weird, right? It's almost as if people can change their minds.

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Nobody was going to buy Ass Cr. 4 so i bet they just wanted to push it back some. I doubt they would wait until almost launch day if there was actually 6 months worth of development time on the game, even if there were they would just end up patching it anyway.

Still not buying Ass. 4 though

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i guess i should just cancel my ps4 pre-order and stop getting excited about this bullshit

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@ninkendo: That would be suicide for the game. The majority of the sales will be through current gen consoles.

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Well, son of a bitch.

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@markjw said:

Hey folks who preordered a PS4: there's another next-generation console with more launch titles available you might be interested in. It's not the Wii U. Might be time to reconsider your tribalism.

Nope. The Wii U has more games coming out soon that I'm interested in than any Xbox One launch title.

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I'm actually surprised from the comments how many people were getting a PS4/Xbone specifically for this game.

You guys know it's coming to current-gen too, right? I mean, it won't be quite as good there, but buying a new system just for a game that is available on one you own seems crazy even to an early-adoption nut like myself. Now if you were buying the system anyway then I can understand opting for the flashier version of the game, but that's a different issue.

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Edited By HH

@y2ken said:

I'm actually surprised from the comments how many people were getting a PS4/Xbone specifically for this game.

You guys know it's coming to current-gen too, right? I mean, it won't be quite as good there, but buying a new system just for a game that is available on one you own seems crazy even to an early-adoption nut like myself. Now if you were buying the system anyway then I can understand opting for the flashier version of the game, but that's a different issue.

nobody's buying the console for the game. but people want a game they want to play to enjoy their new console on. get it?

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Edited By Sergio

@shevar said:

All the reactions I read from people that now want to go ahead and cancel their PS4 sort of got me wondering.

If you pre-ordered a PS4 just to be able to play this game "next-gen", I seriously question whether you really "need" a PS4 to begin with. It's a third party game, and the PS4/XBOX One version is just the PC version of that game, and it also comes out on 360 and PS3.

So is it just for the bundle, or is the misconception out there that watch dogs is somehow an exclusive? I know about the 60 minutes of gameplay, but what else is there?

Apart from that, it still sucks. I was kinda looking forward to playing this game since I bought this crazy 10 meter (yeah I'm European) HDMI cable to hook up my PC to my TV and I looked forward to play Watch_Dogs that way.

@y2ken said:

I'm actually surprised from the comments how many people were getting a PS4/Xbone specifically for this game.

You guys know it's coming to current-gen too, right? I mean, it won't be quite as good there, but buying a new system just for a game that is available on one you own seems crazy even to an early-adoption nut like myself. Now if you were buying the system anyway then I can understand opting for the flashier version of the game, but that's a different issue.

I can only speak for myself, but if you really are interested in why some people were looking forward to this on PS4 (or Xbox One) and are considering cancelling their pre-order for their launch system of choice, here's my opinion.

There are no exclusive launch titles that appeal to me for either system. No doubt there are some that might appeal to others, and I'm happy for them, but I'm not in that boat. The closest release that is exclusive that I want is inFamous: Second Son. The history of exclusives on Xbox 360 and PS3 already had me leaning towards a PS4 purchase. That would mean I'd be getting multiplatform games on the PS4 this coming generation. (My multiplatform gaming this generation has been a mix of Xbox 360 and PC.)

Watch_Dogs is a multiplatform game I want to play. I would rather play that on either a next generation system or my HTPC, instead of either Xbox 360 or PS3. Since I don't intend to upgrade my graphics card any time soon, my choice was to get it for the PS4. This along with any download-only titles filled the gap between launch and inFamous: Second Son, not to mention other PS3 exclusives I still need to go through.

With Watch_Dogs delayed, there is no major release for me to fill that gap. I don't need to buy a launch system and have it sit there until inFamous: Second Son comes out. Not only does it waste money I could use for something else, but it wastes part of the warranty in case something were to happen to the system down the line.

I wasn't buying a new system just for Watch_Dogs. I was buying a new system before inFamous: Second Son's release because I at least had something else to play while I waited. I'm also not just buying a new system for inFamous: Second Son, it just happens to be the first exclusive I want.

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chaser324  Moderator

@sergio: Well said. I certainly still want a PS4, but Watch_Dogs was one of the few games I had an interest in picking up at launch. With that gone, I'm content to cancel my preorder and wait until something more compelling to me like inFamous comes along.

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Edited By bunnymud

One thing I read is that Amazon will send out the game when it comes out if you got that bundle.

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I'd rather have a delay than a half finished game. Delay all you want I say, because I want it to work, and I ESPECIALLY want the stuff where you can mess in your friend's games using a tablet. What good is a new generation if they just rush the games and make a mess of it.

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Edited By mrGREEK360

I'm cancelling my watch dogs preorders (pc/ps4) as I have friends at Ubisoft Toronto/Montreal and they all claim its a financial reason they are doing this, they really thought ac black flag would butcher watch dogs sales and vice versa. They also claim the PS3/360 versions are running like crap. just delay the 360/ps3 versions bt nope. Very dissatisfied with ubisofts lies that this is to make the games better when in reality they they are just trying to make as much money as possible. I hope it bites them in the ass.

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Edited By PeasantAbuse

I can only imagine how many more Watch Dogs trailers will be shit out before it's released.

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Edited By AndrewB

Why couldn't they have just delayed Assassin's Creed? Like, delayed forever, if necessary?

To all the people questioning the next-gen console pre order cancellations, I'm actually in the same boat now. I'm strongly considering canceling the Xbox One pre-order because I was already thinking there was no justification for buying a system at launch. Watch_Dogs was just about the only game I was interested in that wouldn't be forcing on myself just because I wanted a game to go with my console. It's multiplatform, but the 360/PS3 versions are going to be so gimped that they aren't going to be the way people are going to want to experience the game, and I'm skeptical of my PC being able to run next-gen games maxed without more CPU cores.

Anyway, it's not that I was buying system for Watch_Dogs, but I was excited to leap into the next-gen consoles, but the more time passed, the less I could justify the purchase without at least that little bit of time for the dust to settle and for us to see what each system truly had to offer. Pretty much everyone I've listened to is intelligently playing the waiting game, and the ones who aren't are all buying specifically because they're involved in the industry and need it for their jobs.

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Edited By leebmx

I think this is bad news for the PS4. That was the one reason I would have bought a PS4 before Xmas. Now Dead Rising 3 is the only next-gen interesting looking title coming out this year.

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Edited By velocinox

I was starting to expect something to happen to Watch Dogs. They were showing basically the same activities over and over every time I saw them try and show it off. demo video... hack and kill/help/rob, press sneak peek... hack and kill/help/rob, Aisha on Fallon... hack and kill/help/rob. It showed of some driving but what they showed off was always very similar.

Don't get me wrong I was very excited for the title. I love cyberpunk and the wirelesspunk it has become as the technologies began to evolve from our 1980s dreams, but they kept showing the same thing and the marketing department always wants to show off attention grabbing game play. So it started to seem like that was it to the game.

Shifting my attention to AC4 which I had been ignoring, (yea I know, don't ask why) and hoping when I next see WD, it will have a deeper repertoire to brag about.

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I'm cancelling my watch dogs preorders (pc/ps4) as I have friends at Ubisoft Toronto/Montreal and they all claim its a financial reason they are doing this, they really thought ac black flag would butcher watch dogs sales and vice versa. They also claim the PS3/360 versions are running like crap. just delay the 360/ps3 versions bt nope. Very dissatisfied with ubisofts lies that this is to make the games better when in reality they they are just trying to make as much money as possible. I hope it bites them in the ass.

A corporation trying to make more profit on a multi-year project really is just so fucking evil isn't it.

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Wonder what happens to all the people that pre ordered the watchdogs PS4 combo on amazon

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@leebmx said:

I think this is bad news for the PS4. That was the one reason I would have bought a PS4 before Xmas. Now Dead Rising 3 is the only next-gen interesting looking title coming out this year.

I don't see how this applies. Neither watch dogs nor the crew were exclusives. The exclusives situation is exactly the same as it was before this announcement.

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@amafi said:

@leebmx said:

I think this is bad news for the PS4. That was the one reason I would have bought a PS4 before Xmas. Now Dead Rising 3 is the only next-gen interesting looking title coming out this year.

I don't see how this applies. Neither watch dogs nor the crew were exclusives. The exclusives situation is exactly the same as it was before this announcement.

Whether or not they were exclusives doesn't matter. They were games people were looking forward to playing on a next gen platform this year, and now there are two less reasons to pick up that platform until next year.

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@amafi said:

@leebmx said:

I think this is bad news for the PS4. That was the one reason I would have bought a PS4 before Xmas. Now Dead Rising 3 is the only next-gen interesting looking title coming out this year.

I don't see how this applies. Neither watch dogs nor the crew were exclusives. The exclusives situation is exactly the same as it was before this announcement.

Whether or not they were exclusives doesn't matter. They were games people were looking forward to playing on a next gen platform this year, and now there are two less reasons to pick up that platform until next year.

Yeah that's pretty much what I meant. My thinking was that I don't want to be playing the crappy version of those two games on my 360 this autumn. Now that neither of them are coming out there is nothing else that I am really desperate to play that is coming out on new consoles apart from maybe Dead Rising 3.

I can wait till next year and not feel like I am missing out. I expect there are some people with more money than me who will want to get in on a new console at launch and now be looking at the Xbox because there are more interesting games to play.

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@leebmx said:

@orange_pork said:

@amafi said:

@leebmx said:

I think this is bad news for the PS4. That was the one reason I would have bought a PS4 before Xmas. Now Dead Rising 3 is the only next-gen interesting looking title coming out this year.

I don't see how this applies. Neither watch dogs nor the crew were exclusives. The exclusives situation is exactly the same as it was before this announcement.

Whether or not they were exclusives doesn't matter. They were games people were looking forward to playing on a next gen platform this year, and now there are two less reasons to pick up that platform until next year.

Yeah that's pretty much what I meant. My thinking was that I don't want to be playing the crappy version of those two games on my 360 this autumn. Now that neither of them are coming out there is nothing else that I am really desperate to play that is coming out on new consoles apart from maybe Dead Rising 3.

I can wait till next year and not feel like I am missing out. I expect there are some people with more money than me who will want to get in on a new console at launch and now be looking at the Xbox because there are more interesting games to play.

I don't expect people to switch over to Xbox One. There are reasons they chose a PS4 to begin with, and it wasn't these games that clinched the deal. Now that there's no reason to get a PS4 at launch, there's still no reason to get an Xbox One at launch.Otherwise, those "more interesting" games would have won them over before this announcement, since these were multiplatform games that got delayed.

What it may do is give a skewed perception on what console people are more interested in if more people cancel their PS4 pre-order than those who cancel their Xbox One pre-order.

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I pre-order via Amazon, and just got the email telling me I will still get a PS4. However, Watch Dogs was reason for getting a PS4. I also pre-order the XBone. I might just cancel my PS4, there is really no other game that interest me right now on that system :(

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Edited By Evercaptor

@sergio said:

I don't expect people to switch over to Xbox One. There are reasons they chose a PS4 to begin with, and it wasn't these games that clinched the deal. Now that there's no reason to get a PS4 at launch, there's still no reason to get an Xbox One at launch.Otherwise, those "more interesting" games would have won them over before this announcement, since these were multiplatform games that got delayed.

What it may do is give a skewed perception on what console people are more interested in if more people cancel their PS4 pre-order than those who cancel their Xbox One pre-order.

Next March, though, if you can Watch Dogs, get Titanfall, Destiny and Dead Rising all on the same platform that is negligibly different than the platform that loves indie-games you can play everywhere, why would you NOT go for the title with interesting exclusives in the future?
That's presuming you're not dead-set on having the thing immediately despite there being no reason to, however.

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@m0nty said:

@colourful_hippie: so hopefully "polishing" means producing a 1080p 60fps console version. I didn't buy in to the new generation just to play a slightly higher texture quality version of the 360 game.

Remember the old Tested adage: Buy a product for what it is, rather than what you expect it might be in the future. and the Dave quote: "what you see is what you get"

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They can delay it, games are better when a delay comes up. I'd buy it on the next consoles. Sounds like PC have to many problems for me to mess with.