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Giant Bomb News


Welcome to AnimeVice!

The technical minds behind Giant Bomb have a new toy for you to play with.

I can't tell you what's going on in this picture, but I can tell you that I think it's ALL GOOD.
I can't tell you what's going on in this picture, but I can tell you that I think it's ALL GOOD.
You may have heard us talk about this on this week's podcast, but this is not a drill. There is no escape. We are all doomed. Why?

Because AnimeVice lives!

Much like Giant Bomb was ComicVine for games, AnimeVice is Giant Bomb for anime and manga. As soon as you get over there and create an account, you'll certainly recognize a lot of the same underlying technology that makes us the world's most blazingest video game database on the planet. Earth, I mean. Planet Earth.

You'll also find a few things that you don't currently see on Giant Bomb. Stuff like...

  • A dedicated cosplay section full of images that I find simultaneously fascinating and creepy!
  • An intelligent way to handle multiple series of anime and manga that belong in the same franchise!
  • News and information from Gia! She's an expert on this stuff!
  • A character battle section that lets you determine which characters are the best and strongest in the universe!

I'm especially into the character battles. You'll be seeing some of this stuff over on our side next year.

And, naturally, all of it is totally editable, so whether you've got a lot of stored-up anime knowledge, or if, like me, you only feel comfortable adding images to the Heihachi Mishima character page, there's plenty of places for you to make a mark.

Check it out now! It's a website... about anime!

You know, I'll just let Gia and Maxwell explain it...


Jeff Gerstmann on Google+