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Giant Bomb News


What Was Up With That Contra Teaser At the End of the Konami Press Conference?

Did you see the big C? No? Here, let us show you.

You will be forgiven if you missed the final stinger at the end of Konami's pre-E3 2011 press conference. After all, that would have meant sitting through to the very end of Konami's pre-E3 2011 press conference, and that's asking an awful lot of anyone.

This is erotic for so many different reasons...
This is erotic for so many different reasons...

However, if you did bow out a little early, you actually missed what might be the most exciting (possible) revelation to come out of the whole, dull affair. Right at about the 54:30 mark of the conference video--which you could actually skip to at any point, since the whole conference was pre-recorded and not live--a quick flash of a burning "C" pops up, followed by the words "They're coming..."

Unless this is some mean-spirited jerk's way of announcing a Cybernator reboot, this pretty much has to be a new Contra game of some fashion. Who wants to play, "Name the platform you'd most want to see a new Contra game on?" Ready... GO!

Alex Navarro on Google+