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Years Later, Why Klei Returned to Shank

How the action game's portrayal of sensitive subjects didn't sit well with the studio, so they went back.

Klei Entertainment shipped Shank in August 2010 on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, followed by a PC release in October. Few took notice when the developer returned to Shank in October 2012--yes, more than two years later--to patch a few gameplay tweaks and implement some story changes, as well.

People are touchy about their stories. Just look at any discussion about George Lucas's decision to mess with the original Star Wars movies, or how quickly Steven Spielberg backed away from returning to his own classics, following an avalanche of criticism regarding E.T.’s “updates.”

Shank was a violent, adult game with a cartoonish visual style.
Shank was a violent, adult game with a cartoonish visual style.

“The newly refined cutscenes are much tighter, with improved audio and visuals,” read a detailed patch note on Klei’s forums, describing the PC and Mac-only update. “We made these changes based on internal discussions about keeping the purpose and essence of the story, and editing to make the character motivations more in line with what we feel is right as creators.”

Klei did not disclose what the studio had decided to change, only that it changed some cutscenes. Only one person in that thread took note, months later, and he wasn’t very happy.

“To be honest, I still do not understand, why you need to cut custscenes for no reason ?” said user JohnSmirnov. “Seriously, instead of making it more interesting and etc, you just made a lot of plot holes. I think in this case, PS3 and Xbox360 owners are the luckiest, cause they got full and interesting cutscenes. While PC owners got it cut and believe me, I am not the only one who thinks that this is stupid and pointless and etc. Seriously guys, no offense, but you made it worse, not better.”

And that was that.

So far as I can tell, it was a dead issue. Klei made its changes, and the world moved on, even if there wasn’t a public discourse about what prompted Klei to make them. We were talking Shank 2 at that point.

But like most of the world, I browse Reddit occasionally, one of many places I visit to see what people are talking about at the moment, and last week raised my eyebrow at one thread, which specified the changes.

“[Spoilers] Steam version of Shank has been heavily edited, kind of "censored". Is this acceptable?”

The user who started the thread, FLD108, outlined one of the cutscene that underwent post-release revision:

“More than half the opening cutscene is missing. Originally, Shank walks into a bar, speaks briefly to the bartender and we see a flashback before the bartender orders some goons to attack Shank. Shank disarms and kills a bunch of them, acquiring his trademark dual pistols and chainsaw in the process. But if you were to play the Steam version of the game now, that last part would be gone entirely. The conversation is shortened, the flashback is essentially gone and so is the entire fight scene.

Now, I can't help but wonder why this happened. And here's the part where it doesn't quite make sense. The flashback, I have an easier time imagining why they would remove it. The character in it outright states that he's going to rape Shank's girlfriend. I guess I can see how they might regret including something like that in retrospect. But why remove the entire fight scene that follows? It's certainly not because of the violence and blood because the game is still full of it. But if it's not about the violence, then this next bit doesn't really make sense either.”

That's not just a small tweak.

I shot an email to Klei founder Jamie Cheng, and he was immediately honest about the studio's motivations.

“The game was…[pause]…what came out, in the end, was our first pass,” said Cheng. “That's what Shank [was] when you played it. I'm proud of it. It's a decent game, and all sorts of things. But there were flaws. What we did was that we went back and we improved the controls and we also thought about how the story was, and we listened to feedback. I get why some people call it censorship. I think that's a negative connotation word, and so I wouldn't use it that way because I don't see it as that. I see it as we took feedback, and we agreed to it. It was not ‘oh my god, people are hating on us, so we must change it.’ We took feedback, said ‘oay, I understand what you're talking about, I've thought it through, and I've decided that, yes, you have a good point, and we're going to make some edits, based on that feedback.’”

Sensitive to the accusations of censorship, Cheng promised an option for Steam owners to sync the original cutscenes, should they wish to do so. There is no timetable on when that might be available but it'll happen.

When Shank shipped, the studio was completely wiped.

“We were so burnt out on Shank--so burnt out,” said Cheng.

Klei had moved onto its next projects, but months later, Shank was still on its mind. Some player feedback about the story hadn’t sat well, and unlike future games like Mark of the Ninja, Klei didn't widely playtest for Shank. Klei had hoped Shank’s story would provide proper motivation for the player, a reason to slay his enemies. Instead, for many, it was the total opposite, and Shank was not the likable character Klei envisioned. Though Cheng describes Shank as grindhouse, that didn't excuse what he saw as a mistake.

“When you have a story, you're trying to say something. If I say apple and you heard orange, then I'd be like 'hey, maybe I should have said apple in a better way.'"

“Now, the scenes [that] were there, pushed it in a direction [that], to a lot of people, actually made the protagonist less likable,” he said. “It actually made Shank less likable, and they didn't connect with him because of that. It did the opposite of what we wanted to do, and so what I'm saying is that you can write it better, we can actually do a better job in that genre.”

To Klei, crafting a story for a game is no less iterative than refining gameplay.

“When you have a story, you're trying to say something,” he said. “If it says something completely different to two different people, then you've kind of failed because you're trying to say something. [laughs] If I say apple and you heard orange, then I'd be like 'hey, maybe I should have said apple in a better way.'"

Even though assigning developers to make new changes to Shank was a financial burden on the developer without much obvious upside, Cheng saw it as the right thing to do. It’s the same reason he took the accusations of censorship to heart, and will provide users with an option to flip the switch on the cutscenes at their discretion. He doesn't want to bury Shank's past. To him, it’s all about listening to the audience.

“I see it all as a journey,” he said. “Our game making is a journey. We are all better game developers now for that experience. We tried to put some of that back in, but I can't change Shank entirely. So it's not really a done project, you know what I mean? If I build Shank again now, it would be a totally different project. Completely different.“

Patrick Klepek on Google+


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@gordy: Didn't say it was. But better word ahead of time would have been more appreciated.

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Kei didn't tell anyone about the changes, which leaves me to believe he never intended to make more money from the change, and fells his work is more of an art. Then just a sales piece. And wants to be proud of his portfolio when he looks back.

He spent his own time working on a game, that was probably not going to sell very many more copys, for people who had already bought it. When he could have spent that same time doing anything else.

This is when games become art. Is when people do it not for money, but for pleasure.

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Quote from article:
"If it says something completely different to two different people, then you've kind of failed

Wow...a good piece of writing should ALWAYS elicit different reactions from people. I cannot believe anyone who writes for a living would say this!

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Edited By vigorousjammer

They shouldn't have put those story changes in until they had the option to keep the original story content in.

It's good that they will give people the option eventually, but kind of strange for them to not do it as soon as these changes were made.

I'm not a game developer, but adding in that kind of toggle doesn't sound like it'd be too difficult. Hell, they could have even just had two different executables that you select from some kind of launcher.

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Great article, really fleshed out the story beyond what reddit ever would have.

They should probably focus less on editing cutscenes and more on making fun gameplay, something they just can't seem to get right.

Have you played Mark of the Ninja? How about Don't Starve? If you weren't able to derive any fun from those games, you may need to check your own pulse...

@neocalypso: I know exactly who I'm talking about.

Too bad you don't seem to know exactly what you're talking about.

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Edited By circlenine

@boodoug187 said:

So they took a money hit to make changes on a years old game then wonder why people would be mad at them?

"This company isn't doing the thing I want! Why aren't they doing the thing I want?! I want the other thing!!"

They're still updating Don't Starve, they're working on whatever the enhanced extra content/DLC version thing of Mark of the Ninja will be, and they have their new whatever the fuck it's going to be game that they're working on too. They're clearly able to work on more than one thing at a time, anyone who is mad for going back to an older game under the reasoning of "they're not working on the things I like!" needs to chill the fuck out.

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Quote from article:

"If it says something completely different to two different people, then you've kind of failed

Wow...a good piece of writing should ALWAYS elicit different reactions from people. I cannot believe anyone who writes for a living would say this!

This right here is just one of many reasons why storytelling in games will always lag behind other media. The "patch it later" approach is encroaching story now. Evocative, thought-provoking content cannot be created by people who are concerned with making sure everyone sees the work in the exact same way. It's ham-fisted.

You wanna change gameplay, tweak it up a bit, you've my support entirely. But damn it, don't make a story if you don't have the balls to stick to it.

The fact only George "No You Can't Have the Theatrical Version No Matter How Often You Ask" Lucas gets so much vitriol from long-time fans of Star Wars should be enough of a clue that you do more harm than good when trying to patch stories, to say nothing of the no-win scenario BioWare/EA put themselves into when they submitted to changing Mass Effect 3's ending.

Seriously, the story of a game should be off limits after release.

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This outfit does some of the strangest things sometimes.

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Edited By bybeach

So they were not satisfied with something fundamental to them. Gawd don't compare it to Hydrophobia, I never understood the why of that game. Shank didn't need a why.. But something concerning the how's ,do's and don't's did.

I actually don't care because they did the right moral thing, they let you have it both ways. And why it matters, well it matters to the dev.. Who you are is irrelevant as long as it met your needs. Within a set context of the game.

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Edited By Gordy

@hailinel said:

@gordy: But they also did it under the radar without explicitly stating that they were editing the cutscenes in a clear fashion.

I've edited my posts afterwards to remove or modify sentences that sounded weird after I thought them over. Is that censorship?

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@gordy: Again, I never called it censorship.

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Jamie Cheng and the other dudes at Klei are doing it right. That Polygon Human Angle piece about how they want to be the studio with no "crunch" made me respect them so much.