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    Batman: Arkham Asylum

    Game » consists of 28 releases. Released Aug 25, 2009

    Batman: Arkham Asylum puts you behind the cowl of the iconic Dark Knight, fighting his way through Arkham Asylum to stop the Joker from enacting a sinister plot that would have grave consequences for Gotham City.

    My only beef with the game

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    #1  Edited By CoverlessTech

    Every one is foaming at the mouths over this game, and for good reason, but there is just one thing that irks me. The "stealth". I loved the demo stealth mission but they seem to have completely botched it for retail. 
    Every time you make a hit Joker gets on the intercom and tells everyone and then the stupid collars go off alerting everyone. 
    In the demo there where no collars and Joker didn't get on the intercom. You just hid in the shadows and took everyone out like a fucking ninja and no one even knew the difference, in retail I ninja a dude and Joker just strolls in and says "there is a ninja here". WTF? The point of stealth killing is so they don't know I'm here. If I botch the kill then sure, have them alerted, but if I do everything perfect and take a dude out silently where no one would find him let me enjoy it.
    Anyone else find this irritating?

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    #2  Edited By jkz

    Actually I did find that slightly irritating, although that was far from my only "beef" with the game.

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    #3  Edited By Valames

    It is a unique kind of stealth experience though. Try not to think of it as all the other stealth games that let you hide bodies and so on. Try to think of it as a point to point stealth. Sometimes you can take a couple guys at a time and you can also use those collars to your advantage. In the challenge modes you will see according to the leaderboards that Joker giving away what you are doing does not hinder the process.

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    #4  Edited By Corpulate

    actually i feel that the stealth play is nice, i cant get enough of when im trapping foes and feeling more bad ass by hunting them but im weird dont listen to me.
    PSN - Perilousonset

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    #5  Edited By CoverlessTech

    The thing is that if you wanted to play the hard ass stealth ninja type you could let them all know by stringing a guy from the ceiling or pulling someone over the railing. You can't play the stealthy never know I'm here ninja even if you wanted to, even though you could in the demo. That is problem, they don't give you the option.
    By removing the intercom and in most rooms the collars you would have the option to approach it whatever way you want.

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    #6  Edited By nathos

    I think the game really nails the point of Batman's style of stealth. It's not about taking everyone down without anyone noticing - it's about instilling fear in the bad guys. 
    I like how once you take out a baddie, the rest get nervous, even twitchy (shooting at steam pipes, etc.). 

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    #7  Edited By JukeboxJoe

    @nathos said:

    "I think the game really nails the point of Batman's style of stealth. It's not about taking everyone down without anyone noticing - it's about instilling fear in the bad guys.  I like how once you take out a baddie, the rest get nervous, even twitchy (shooting at steam pipes, etc.).  "


    Hit the nail on the head. I love them finding the bodies of the other henchmen. My favorite trick was to string someone up, explosive gel the floor below him, then when the other guys come to check him I cut him down down a batarang then blew the others up and zipped in to finish them off
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    #8  Edited By TheLegendofLuke
    Heh, yeah, using one of them as bait for an explosion is great.
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    #9  Edited By jakob187

    They botched the stealth with the collars?  Eh, I guess if you only dig stealth stuff on a pattern, then yeah...they botched it.  Meanwhile, I enjoyed having to stay on my toes.  Ya if this were reality.

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    #10  Edited By CoverlessTech
    @JukeboxJoe said:
    "Hit the nail on the head. I love them finding the bodies of the other henchmen. My favorite trick was to string someone up, explosive gel the floor below him, then when the other guys come to check him I cut him down down a batarang then blew the others up and zipped in to finish them off "
    That is my point. If you want to play like that you can do it without Joker or the collars. If for some reason you want to play like the allow you in the demo, you know the thing they put out so you can tell if you like the gameplay, you simply can't.
    If they removed Joker on the intercom and the collars(in most rooms, use them sparingly like the explosive gargoyles) then you can choose how you want to tackle the room. You can still let them all know you are there by stringing a guy up or throwing him over a railing but you simply can't play the "never know I'm here stealth".
    I know you guys seem to like like this form of stealth but removing the collars and Joker doesn't mean you can't still do it.
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    #11  Edited By Baillie

    I can see how it changes how you do it, but I can still do it however I want. It's not hard.

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    #12  Edited By CoverlessTech
    @Baillie said:
    " I can see how it changes how you do it, but I can still do it however I want. It's not hard. "
    You can finish the stealth rooms without the guys knowing you are there. Interesting, did you kill Joker early?
    I can do it without being seen. I just want to be able to do it without them even knowing I am in the room. For a stealth sections in  games that is the utmost thing I want, seeing a bunch of guys and killing them all without them even knowing someone is around.  So satisfying.
    Pretty much every stealth game allows you to play 2 different ways.
    1) Super stealth where no one ever knows you are there.
    2) Fear stealth where you let let them know you are there to freak them out.
    Batman AA allows both in the demo but only #2 in the retail game.
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    #13  Edited By Baillie
    @CoverlessTech said:
    " @Baillie said:
    " I can see how it changes how you do it, but I can still do it however I want. It's not hard. "
    You can finish the stealth rooms without the guys knowing you are there. Interesting, did you kill Joker early?  I can do it without being seen. I just want to be able to do it without them even knowing I am in the room. For a stealth sections in  games that is the utmost thing I want, seeing a bunch of guys and killing them all without them even knowing someone is around.  So satisfying.  Pretty much every stealth game allows you to play 2 different ways. 1) Super stealth where no one ever knows you are there.2) Fear stealth where you let let them know you are there to freak them out.  Batman AA allows both in the demo but only #2 in the retail game. "
    You do know you can do that in the game as well, except later on it gets harder. Harder part being your problem. It's called variation.
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    #15  Edited By CoverlessTech
    @Baillie said:

    " @CoverlessTech said:

    " @Baillie said:

    " I can see how it changes how you do it, but I can still do it however I want. It's not hard. "

    You can finish the stealth rooms without the guys knowing you are there. Interesting, did you kill Joker early?  I can do it without being seen. I just want to be able to do it without them even knowing I am in the room. For a stealth sections in  games that is the utmost thing I want, seeing a bunch of guys and killing them all without them even knowing someone is around.  So satisfying.  Pretty much every stealth game allows you to play 2 different ways. 1) Super stealth where no one ever knows you are there.2) Fear stealth where you let let them know you are there to freak them out.  Batman AA allows both in the demo but only #2 in the retail game. "
    You do know you can do that in the game as well, except later on it gets harder. Harder part being your problem. It's called variation. "
    There is not one room where Joker doesn't get on the intercom. There is not one room in the game where you can take everyone out without them knowing you are there.
    What I am asking for is variation, there is none. The only variation is the one room with the bombs. The collars don't even matter because Joker tells them anyways so the few rooms without collars still have them freaked out.
    Even the room in the demo was changed in the retail game.
     @Intercryllic said:

    " Arkham Asylum isnt a "stealth" game at all, its a Batman game. The collars really shouldnt even make a difference, all it does is make you act quicker and adds a bit of tension. "

      All it does is force you into a play style that the game already forces you into, contrary to what the demo displayed as the stealth rooms. I am not explaining the two play styles again as I explained them earlier.
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    #16  Edited By Baillie

    Hold on, I did the demo level exactly the same way in the retail; stealthily and no one knew I was there. Joker didn't utter a word. Are you... missing something?

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    #17  Edited By Valames
    @jakob187 said:
    " They botched the stealth with the collars?  Eh, I guess if you only dig stealth stuff on a pattern, then yeah...they botched it.  Meanwhile, I enjoyed having to stay on my toes.  Ya if this were reality. "
    Preach it brotha! Testify!~

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