A Word On “The Kevin Butler Speech” And Anti-Fanboy-ism

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Edited By Constable_Wiggum

Something amazing happened while I was watching videos from E3 this year, I was surprised by something completely unrelated to a game or product release.   Watching the (so-far) marketing genius (until they run it into the ground) persona from Sony, aka Kevin Butler, something rings true from someone that should be selling me on their system.  A speech for everyone to serve under one gaming religion, regardless of their denomination, struck a chord with the crowd.   True, the words may have been pandering, but it got me thinking about the alliances that people have with their systems, where mine have been in the past and where they may be in the future.  

I’ve never bought into the Fanboy concept even when I was younger.   I owned both a Super Nintendo AND a Genesis at the same time.  The world did not collapse into a black hole, and I was a happy gamer as I could finish off a level from Super Mario World and Sonic in the same sitting.   I could play Mortal Kombat with blood, and then go and play Super Castlevania.   I had friends that trashed one system or the other until they were blue in the face, but I only saw that there was beauty in both.

I had a Playstation, but never bought an N64, not due to a preference for either system, but because I was in post-secondary school at the time and there was no room in my life, or more accurately my wallet, for a second console at that point.   I never slagged the N64, it had some great games that I would have loved to get in on at the time, and thankfully have been able to catch up on now.  Flash forward, I own all three major systems and have a great collection of titles for each, and see no reason to slag one over the others.   All three systems have some great exclusive titles, all three have their fair share of crap and more importantly, all three have made their mark on the gaming community.

Competition and having differing goals is the only thing that leads to innovation and the expansion of gaming in general.   This is why there is no way the one console future can be a boon to gaming and also why pledging one’s self to one particular console to the exclusion of all others is nothing but a form of fanaticism.   Excitement, enthusiasm, and being happy with what you have, are all great qualities to have being a gamer.   If you have no option but to have one console and it’s a choice, that’s a different subject, but flaming someone else because of their choice of gaming is nothing short of moronic.

Fanaticism in any form in this world ensures that there will always be some form of conflict.   Where someone takes a strong enough stance to change the strength of what they say from an opinion into a fanatical statement, there will always be someone else with the exact opposite strength of opinion to counteract it.   Where opinions can differ and everyone is entitled to one, it’s when the magnitude of that opinion becomes strong enough to become a point of conflict that it becomes counterproductive.

Long live gaming in all its forms, except those stupid little Facebook games.  They can burn in hell.  :)

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#1  Edited By Constable_Wiggum

Something amazing happened while I was watching videos from E3 this year, I was surprised by something completely unrelated to a game or product release.   Watching the (so-far) marketing genius (until they run it into the ground) persona from Sony, aka Kevin Butler, something rings true from someone that should be selling me on their system.  A speech for everyone to serve under one gaming religion, regardless of their denomination, struck a chord with the crowd.   True, the words may have been pandering, but it got me thinking about the alliances that people have with their systems, where mine have been in the past and where they may be in the future.  

I’ve never bought into the Fanboy concept even when I was younger.   I owned both a Super Nintendo AND a Genesis at the same time.  The world did not collapse into a black hole, and I was a happy gamer as I could finish off a level from Super Mario World and Sonic in the same sitting.   I could play Mortal Kombat with blood, and then go and play Super Castlevania.   I had friends that trashed one system or the other until they were blue in the face, but I only saw that there was beauty in both.

I had a Playstation, but never bought an N64, not due to a preference for either system, but because I was in post-secondary school at the time and there was no room in my life, or more accurately my wallet, for a second console at that point.   I never slagged the N64, it had some great games that I would have loved to get in on at the time, and thankfully have been able to catch up on now.  Flash forward, I own all three major systems and have a great collection of titles for each, and see no reason to slag one over the others.   All three systems have some great exclusive titles, all three have their fair share of crap and more importantly, all three have made their mark on the gaming community.

Competition and having differing goals is the only thing that leads to innovation and the expansion of gaming in general.   This is why there is no way the one console future can be a boon to gaming and also why pledging one’s self to one particular console to the exclusion of all others is nothing but a form of fanaticism.   Excitement, enthusiasm, and being happy with what you have, are all great qualities to have being a gamer.   If you have no option but to have one console and it’s a choice, that’s a different subject, but flaming someone else because of their choice of gaming is nothing short of moronic.

Fanaticism in any form in this world ensures that there will always be some form of conflict.   Where someone takes a strong enough stance to change the strength of what they say from an opinion into a fanatical statement, there will always be someone else with the exact opposite strength of opinion to counteract it.   Where opinions can differ and everyone is entitled to one, it’s when the magnitude of that opinion becomes strong enough to become a point of conflict that it becomes counterproductive.

Long live gaming in all its forms, except those stupid little Facebook games.  They can burn in hell.  :)

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#2  Edited By trophyhunter

no one is going to read all that

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#3  Edited By Arkthemaniac
@trophyhunter said:
" no one is going to read all that "
I did, if only just to spite you.
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#4  Edited By MikkaQ
@trophyhunter said:
" no one is going to read all that "
I just did. 
Anyway, I think there will always be a very clear distinction between the consoles, no one is going to rise above the others, and we won't have a one console future, even if everyone set aside their fanboy differences. It's waaay too profitable for everyone involved to have the three major players at each other's throats constantly.  
So, the fanboy wars don't mean anything at all to anyone, it's the people buying consoles who matter =p  
That being said, it was awful progressive of Sony to have Butler tell the kids to get along. Even I got a little into it, kinda fun speech. Love the flub though "I love video games" *pause for forgetting lines* "And I love you!" *stalling* and then going on proper. Kevin Butler loves you, let it be known.
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#5  Edited By Constable_Wiggum
@trophyhunter said: 

" no one is going to read all that "

Whether any one given individual reads it entirely or not isn't relevant.  To paraphrase Field of Dreams, "If you type it, they will read".
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#6  Edited By oldjack327

 While I do agree that fanaticism does play a role in some of these exchanges, I think there is also a more general desire at work here. People like to win, and if they can't win directly they enjoy feeling like they are on the side of some "winning team". The console race generates the same kind of angry competitive bile you'd get from an exchange between Yankees and Sox fans. I agree that both disagreements are equally irrational, but I don't see this as a behavior that is ever going to go away. Also, this type of fervor is something that is not counterproductive for the console makers, in fact console makes WANT this. A rabid core of fans will always purchase the products of they're chosen "team" in an effort to support the dominance of the console. That's money in the bank.  
Finally, while I didn't see Butler's speech, but from the commercials I've always interpreted the new angle of Sony's advertising differently from your take. It seems like a humorous attempt to rile up these kind of console war exchanges (particularly the humorous but mean spirited comments about the motion controls for Wii Boxing compared to Sony's... um... Motion fight gaming thing). 

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#7  Edited By Jeust

It was a nice speech, but it was more of an act. Rehearsed and thought for the effect it had. 

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#8  Edited By AlwaysAngry
@trophyhunter said:
" no one is going to read all that "
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#9  Edited By Constable_Wiggum
@XII_Sniper said:
 Anyway, I think there will always be a very clear distinction between the consoles, no one is going to rise above the others, ....
I wouldn't have it any other way.
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#10  Edited By Jeust
@Arkthemaniac said:

" @trophyhunter said:

" no one is going to read all that "
I did, if only just to spite you. "
Reverse psychology in the works.
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#11  Edited By Arkthemaniac

I hated it. Despite the fact that Kevin Butler was a total fucking bro about it (and we all know about bros), it was such a contradiction. I've never seen anyone openly rip on other consoles at a conference like Kevin Butler did this one. Granted, I generally only watch the Nintendo conference because the other ones don't interest me as much, but attacking Kinect's lack of buttons (though a founded criticism) and attacking the Wii's waggle (though, again, a founded criticism) so openly, even if he didn't explicitly say their names, AND THEN coming out and saying we should all get along was just fucking retarded. He was essentially a bully, a popular kid who picked on someone nerdier and then played it all off as a joke for the teachers.
You know he's going to try to jack that kid out by the flagpole after school. So quit bying into his bullshit.

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#12  Edited By BeachThunder
@Jeust said:
" @Arkthemaniac said:
" @trophyhunter said:
" no one is going to read all that "
I did, if only just to spite you. "
Reverse psicology in the works. "
You will never learn to spell. :P
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#13  Edited By time allen

so long as great titles keep being made (and not milked, might i add), who cares which platform it is on? why can't we all just appreciate each other's thoughts and opinions and not feel this constant, burgeoning desire to shove our feelings in other's faces? this need to flame everything needs to go away. i like pc gaming, you (whoever you are) might like 360 gaming. i don't necessarily agree with your fondness for paying for online play, but whatever, it's your choice. i stay the fuck away because it's your problem not mine. hopefully some day that will apply to the rest of the gaming world. 

having said that, not much of it does go on here on giantbomb (of which i am glad), but it is still a major concern.

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#14  Edited By wefwefasdf

Good read. It was awesome when Kevin Butler came out. Best part of E3, conference wise.

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#15  Edited By damodar
@Arkthemaniac said:
" I hated it. Despite the fact that Kevin Butler was a total fucking bro about it (and we all know about bros), it was such a contradiction. I've never seen anyone openly rip on other consoles at a conference like Kevin Butler did this one. Granted, I generally only watch the Nintendo conference because the other ones don't interest me as much, but attacking Kinect's lack of buttons (though a founded criticism) and attacking the Wii's waggle (though, again, a founded criticism) so openly, even if he didn't explicitly say their names, AND THEN coming out and saying we should all get along was just fucking retarded. He was essentially a bully, a popular kid who picked on someone nerdier and then played it all off as a joke for the teachers.  You know he's going to try to jack that kid out by the flagpole after school. So quit bying into his bullshit. "
All the companies rip on each other like that though. It's mostly just light hearted fun. The different being guys like Jack Tretton and Kevin Butler do it with a wink and a smile, where as somebody like Reggie just seems overly defensive and serious when he does it. 
It's not like the press that were laughing at Kevin's jabs were going "YEAH, MAN! FUCK THAT KINECT SHIT!". Doesn't stop making fun of the ponchos/smocks from being funny.
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#16  Edited By trophyhunter
@Arkthemaniac said:
" @trophyhunter said:
" no one is going to read all that "
I did, if only just to spite you. "
well as long as it was for spite
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#17  Edited By Arkthemaniac

 @Damodar: Maybe I just hate the fact that Kevin Butler is a glorified bro in my eyes, and the fact that people rally behind him almost further signifies the new image of gaming that I don't like.

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Fanboys are just kids trying to defend their parents choice of console, since they can only get one console
If you own all consoles you just dont care.

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Look, it's not my fault my chosen platform is superior. :D

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#20  Edited By Constable_Wiggum
@Arkthemaniac said:

"  @Damodar: Maybe I just hate the fact that Kevin Butler is a glorified bro in my eyes, and the fact that people rally behind him almost further signifies the new image of gaming that I don't like. "

 Don't take my post as getting behind Sony or Kevin, it's not about rallying behind a charismatic entity, corporate or not.  That's how cults get started.  It's about having enough of a brain to realize that every gaming system has a place and it's not a sin to enjoy gaming on any or indeed all of the systems.    
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#21  Edited By Dad_Is_A_Zombie
@rsansome said:
"Long live gaming in all its forms, except those stupid little Facebook games.  They can burn in hell.  :)"
Long live everything... except what I don't like. So much for that wall of text's credibility.
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#22  Edited By DrPockets000

It was a great speech, but I do agree that it was a bit contradictory.  Within the space of a couple of minutes, he ripped on the rival companies, plus Rayman (?), then united everyone.  Kevin Butler is all sorts of win, but this was weaker than what he usually does in the commercials.  I will admit that the banner with him holding the bow was epic, though.

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#23  Edited By FlexPlexicoh
@trophyhunter: I did.
Some great points to think about and reflect on
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#24  Edited By Smokay

Kevin Butler is a character hes not a real person.Dont take him so seriously

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#25  Edited By Constable_Wiggum
@Dad_Is_A_Zombie said:
" @rsansome said:
"Long live gaming in all its forms, except those stupid little Facebook games.  They can burn in hell.  :)"
Long live everything... except what I don't like. So much for that wall of text's credibility. "
Man!  I'm getting to use another paraphrased movie quote today!   

 "I love the smell of irony in the morning... The smell, you know that ironic smell... Smells like, victory"

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#26  Edited By Arkthemaniac
@rsansome said:
" @Arkthemaniac said:

"  @Damodar: Maybe I just hate the fact that Kevin Butler is a glorified bro in my eyes, and the fact that people rally behind him almost further signifies the new image of gaming that I don't like. "

 Don't take my post as getting behind Sony or Kevin, it's not about rallying behind a charismatic entity, corporate or not.  That's how cults get started.  It's about having enough of a brain to realize that every gaming system has a place and it's not a sin to enjoy gaming on any or indeed all of the systems.     "
I got that, don't worry, and I agree. I have a 360 and a Wii, no PS3 only because I've never had all three systems, and I think I'm subconsciously keeping it that way. However, I do have my preference, which is towards the Wii, and that's because my 360 broke while under warranty, and customer service put me through absolute hell for no payoff. It's still busted in my dad's basement. This is why I call the 360 a piece of shit. Because it is. I've had a lot of laughs with that system, loved me Gears 1 online, put in hundreds of hours on Rock Band 1 and 2, Orange Box, etc. But, it's a piece of shit. Just like the Wii is a barren waste with very few games, and the PS3 follows a pretty similar fate, though, all three of these issues are resolving rapidly, with 360 Slim, Nintendo's push from hell with new titles and Sony getting better 3rd party support from Valve and the like.
Even so, I like the Wii more, so I played it more even when I had the 360. I've been ripped on a lot for that. It's almost a defense mechanism to rip on the other consoles since people rip on the one that I enjoy so much to the point that it just pisses me off. Ironically, it's a cycle that has no beginning other than with elitist gamers: the very thing that Kevin Butler was trying to portray this E3, with all that "I LOVE GAMING," talk.
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#27  Edited By Videogames
@Jethuty said:
" Fanboys are just kids trying to defend their parents choice of console, since they can only get one console  If you own all consoles you just dont care. "
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Kevin butler is annoying, because he is a crafted persona, with the intention to make money. He couldnt care less about gaming

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#29  Edited By Jeust
@BeachThunder said:
" @Jeust said:
" @Arkthemaniac said:
" @trophyhunter said:
" no one is going to read all that "
I did, if only just to spite you. "
Reverse psicology in the works. "
You will never learn to spell. :P "
Maybe :p
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@DrPockets000 said:
" It was a great speech, but I do agree that it was a bit contradictory.  Within the space of a couple of minutes, he ripped on the rival companies, plus Rayman (?), then united everyone.  Kevin Butler is all sorts of win, but this was weaker than what he usually does in the commercials.  I will admit that the banner with him holding the bow was epic, though. "
The lack of arms thing was based on Miis, not Rayman. 
I think the Kevin Butler persona is a good one for all of gaming not just Sony. To those that don't like his "bro"ness I'd recommend letting go of your precious snowflake hobby. Let it out into the world to mingle with others and let others appreciate it. There is room enough within the gaming world for both basement dwellers and bros, social outcasts and party animals, introverts and extroverts, men and women, young and old. 
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#31  Edited By DrPockets000
 Shit. I guess Miis make more sense.  I forgot the Wii even had an avatar feature.  I thought it was weird that Sony would diss on a character that was being rebooted on their system (seemingly exclusively according to the trailer).   
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#32  Edited By Dalai

What I got from that speech was that gamers of all creeds: casual, hardcore, and everything in between can join together as one for the greater good... as long as you play games on a PS3 or PSP. 
Also, it's just typical propaganda that every company does (and did) at E3. The whole Kevin Butler thing is funny and well done, but there's no deep meaning behind the message.

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#33  Edited By bibledoctor

Fanboyism has always been stupid as hell to me. The idea that you are superior in any way because you can play Mario, Halo, or God of War and someone else cannot is the most immature and idiotic thing I have ever heard. But humans always need something to compete at, something to argue about so thats not going to change anytime soon. And hell if the next generation of consoles are all motion control based I won't like any of them anyways.
As for Kevin Butler, I enjoy the character they have created out of him. It's one of the smartest if not the smartest thing Sony's marketing department has ever done.

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#34  Edited By immike

It was funny, because Butler poked fun at Microsoft's crazy show and blue ponchos as well as Mii's lack of arms in Wii Boxing, haha. Even so, he didn't go overboard and was my favorite part of the Sony conference. I was a Nintendo fan (not fanboy) around the Genesis era, but I only had a Genesis. I was then a playstation fan, but quickly switched to Xbox. I did have my preferences, but never really started broadcasting them to friends until the 360 and PS3 were both available. 
I admit that I had some choice words for Sony and their Giant Enemy Crabs, Ridge Racer and 599 USD. However, the PS3 is now my fav console and I have all three. I enjoy them all and give them all credit when credit is due. 

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#35  Edited By ryanwho

In this thread, a lot of people feeling guilty that they did what trophyhunter did and taking it out on him.