Am I a member of a dying breed? (blog post)

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#1  Edited By tahnit

I grew up with the pc as a gaming platform. I started with a commodore 64, moved on to nintendo stuff until i got my first PC. I still remember the specs mostly, it was a 486 dx2. I discovered wolfenstein 3d, and my gaming life changed forever. Moved onto doom,quake,quake2,tribes,tribes2,quake 3 arena (still play to this day thanks to,ut2k4,ut3(not as good) and the newer games from then on.
However It seems that the pc is a dying platform and this makes me sad. On the pc games used to be complex and challenging. Now on the console games are much much easier and dumbed down. Look at the newest "smash hit" modern warfare 2.   I have this game on the pc. Gone are the dedicated servers which drove the pc community. Now we cant even make our own maps or mods. We are stuck with random servers and dont get to know the people in a dedicated server as before. The game itself feels very dumbed down and looses all pc semblance. 
The same with console ports to the pc. Dumbed down, huge menus that take up half the screen. Bigass weapons. Horrible FOV. Slow pacing ect.
 What happened to the days of hitting a guy with a rocket to the feet,launching him into the air, and then hitting him again with another rocket midair or finishing him off with a rail. This sort of stuff took skill. Gone are the days of fast paced gaming that really challenged you. If it was not for, i wouldnt have a choice when it comes to first person shooters. I prefer the fast pace of quake to the slow pace of call of duty. I love mastering strafe jumping,skiing and other movement technqiues these old games provided. Now it feels like im playing in jello. This is how gaming USED to be.

Look at that shit. Look at the amount of skill and coordination it requires! When you pulled this off you felt godlike!. This is gone.
Gaming is going down the tubes in my opinion. The golden age of gaming has past and i fear it will never return. 
Or am i just an old fart who cant accept change?
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#2  Edited By fuzzyponken

Looks like I've found a soulmate. I feel exactly the same.  
EDIT: Man, Quake 3 was such an awesome game. I spent like 4 years playing virtually nothing else. I know Quakelive is around but I played promode mostly and can't get into vanilla. Pings are pretty shitty too. 

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#3  Edited By tahnit
@fuzzyponken: I pray ID brings us another quake arena game in the future. This kind of gaming needs to be revitalized!
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#4  Edited By Red12b

I know I am Chivalry is dead.
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#5  Edited By fuzzyponken
@Tahnit: I'm pretty sure id will bring out another Quake in the future. It's a strong brand and it'd be stupid to abandon it, but I doubt it will ever receive the popularity they once had. Consoles, being the dominant platform for these types of games, just aren't capable of the precise controls necessary for a game like Quake. Plus, the shooter audience has drifted away from that sort of gameplay in favor of these pseudo-realistic military shooters. It all started going downhill with Counter Strike in my opinion.     
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#6  Edited By PureRok

I've been playing PC games just as long and I hate Quake, Duke Nukem, DOOM, Unreal Tournament, and that rocket jumping bullshit. I'm glad those games are in decline.
I agree about MW2, however.

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#7  Edited By oldschool

I don't play shooting games on the PC, so I can't miss what I don't like.  However, PC and RTS/TBS is a dream come true, as is some simulations.  I find going to the PC section of a store to be generally depressing.  It is mostly ports of console games I don't really care about.  Still, a couple of good RTS  a year keeps me happy.

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#8  Edited By tahnit
@PureRok: what do you have against that stuff? Do you realize that rj's,strafe jumps require an INSANE amount of skill and practice? This is what seperates the men from the boys in quake. You simply dont have this kind of learning curve in games anymore. Things are just way too dumbed down.
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#9  Edited By tahnit
@oldschool said:
" I don't play shooting games on the PC, so I can't miss what I don't like.  However, PC and RTS/TBS is a dream come true, as is some simulations.  I find going to the PC section of a store to be generally depressing.  It is mostly ports of console games I don't really care about.  Still, a couple of good RTS  a year keeps me happy. "
steam is your friend. Who cares about brick and mortar stores anymore when you can get anything you want digitally.
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#10  Edited By oldschool
@Tahnit said:
" @oldschool said:
" I don't play shooting games on the PC, so I can't miss what I don't like.  However, PC and RTS/TBS is a dream come true, as is some simulations.  I find going to the PC section of a store to be generally depressing.  It is mostly ports of console games I don't really care about.  Still, a couple of good RTS  a year keeps me happy. "
steam is your friend. Who cares about brick and mortar stores anymore when you can get anything you want digitally. "
I am "oldschool" remember.  I like my games retail and physical.  Now who sounds like an old fart  ^-^
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#11  Edited By Hamst3r

I don't miss fast twitch FPS as much as you do, nor do I think PC gaming is dead or even possible to fully kill (Indie development can't be squashed), but I do think the paradigm shift that's happened is horrible for gaming as a whole. The largest group now focused on by publishers doesn't even give a shit about gaming in any meaningful respect.
Like the old saying goes, "You treat your friends worse than your enemies" and it's true. Here we are, dedicated gamers for life and there they are, ignoring us and chasing after the people who have no attachment to gaming.

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#12  Edited By tmthomsen
@Tahnit said:
" @PureRok: what do you have against that stuff? Do you realize that rj's,strafe jumps require an INSANE amount of skill and practice? This is what seperates the men from the boys in quake. You simply dont have this kind of learning curve in games anymore. Things are just way too dumbed down. "
Also remember that all those things you mentioned started out as exploits. The games weren't designed to be what all you old-school Quake players love about them.
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#13  Edited By Phaseshift

This guy above me has a point, the tactics used in quake were forged in the need tobe faster and better than the other spotty teen. The game wasn't initially develpoed with that type of crazy play involved it just evolved as more and more virgins needed gratification from thier boring game.

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#14  Edited By stonyman65

.....I miss quake.....

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#15  Edited By adam_grif

The worst part about this is that any time you complain, the legions of kids raised on Consoles who know nothing of the awesomeness that was oldschool PC gaming sit there and say things like "Hurr durr PC elitists" and "PC gaming sucksssss".
I have never in my life encountered a group of people more deserving of a post-birth abortion.

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#16  Edited By vager

I don't consider complexity in FPSs to be dwindling. I just think the skills required rely less on reaction speeds and more on positioning and team coordination. 
You can still feel pretty awesome owning in pretty much any FPS game.   

I remember getting 11 knife kills in a row seconds from each other in the CoD4 beta. I was impressed that I got 2 knife kills in a row and yelled at my younger brother in the other room that I did so, but people still kept running into the room one by one. I yelled out 3, 4, 5 and so on, voice getting wackier after each one. I noticed that the entire team seemed to spawn near me and badly what me dead but I continued to knife them down until 3 of them came in at once and gunned me down after I killed 1 of them. 
I've played many old school multiplayer shooters. I absolutely love Quake 3 Arena especially with laser and rockets only but, I have never had that awesome of an experience in those games. I'm sure It can happen, but what I'm trying to say is that modern shooters don't lack those feelings either. 
 I don't play PC shooters much anymore, I switched over to consoles so I could play with friends. Though I still play a lot games on the PC, there are games people barely know of that are insanely awesome. Like Dwarf Fortress, which is by far the most complex game I've ever seen (and I've seen a lot). It took 6 hours worth of video tutorials to explain the basics of everything it had to offer and It was completely worth it.  
Most people will pass it by because of it's ASCII graphics and it's a shame.  
PC games could be a hell of a lot better if they relied less on having the best graphics and more on having the best experience.
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#17  Edited By fuzzyponken

Once while scouring ASE (The All-Seeing Eye) for a CTF server with a decent ping, I sorted the server list by ping and proceeded to join the first one that popped up. I was surprised to see the game load up Q3DM6 (not a CTF-map), seems I had forgotten to filter out servers that weren't capture the flag. Once in, the first thing I saw was a bunch of people just flying across the screen, rocket jumping wherever they went in ridiculous speeds. Rockets and rails were everywhere, it was complete fucking chaos to me.  
I figured, "hey, this looks pretty interesting", and joined a team. I was annihilated instantly every round. I couldn't move like they did and I sure as hell couldn't aim like they did.    

What they were playing was a mod called OSP, which basically just improves on the functionality of the original game by adding a bunch of features, the game mode Clan Arena (two teams, you start with all weapons, full armor and there's no items lying around) with promode activated (changes the gameplay to something more resembling Quake 1, meaning you can turn in the air and weapon switching is instant).  
While I kept dying every single round, I was determined to learn. I came back the next day and the day after that. There was only like two or three servers running this very specific game type, always on the same map - Q3DM6.  
Coming back there every day to get my ass kicked, I started noticing that it was basically the same group of people playing every day. A small community of 20-30 people had formed over this obscure Quake 3 mode, complete with Ventrilo servers, irc channels, clans and tournaments. I was determined to be part of it, so I kept practicing, playing every day and firing up my own empty server and just jumped around for hours. Eventually I rose to become one of the best players, had my own clan and made tons of friends (and some mortal enemies).  
We spent almost two years just keeping this going. Once in a while some new kid would stumble in on our servers (much as I had) and we'd laugh at how awful he was until he, a few weeks later would be able to compete with the rest of us. Some people lost interest and started playing other stuff, but there was always a core group of people keeping this community alive. It was the best time I've ever had in my gaming life.   
Now, this is by no means a unique event. These sort of communities form all the time in PC games. This is what we're fighting to protect. This could never happen in Modern Warfare 2 on Xbox fucking Live. 
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#18  Edited By Al3xand3r

If you want PC games then act like the gamer you claim to be and look for them, don't expect to be smacked in the face with their box to find them. If you want dedicated servers then don't play Modern Warfare 2, play pretty much any other decent FPS out there, if you want skill based play then go play Quake Live or one of the countless other twitch based deathmatch games, retail like UT3 or freeware like Warsow. If you want RTS or TBS there are plenty, either part of franchises like Total War and Civilization or newer IP like Galactic Civilizations and Sins of a Solar Empire. If you want RPG there are big names like Dragon Age or by comparison unknown greats like The Witcher and Risen. These are just examples, I can name many more if I want to. King's Bounty, its sequel and Divine Divinity for RPG, East India Company, Tropico and Majesty for strategy, Nexuiz, Armed Assault and  Shattered Horizon for FPS, and tons more for any genre, any taste. There are many, many more. PC gaming offers what it always did and more with the advent of the totally independent developers and even the bedroom game maker who offers awesome stuff for free either as mods or stand alone products thanks to the breadth of easily available tools. It's just not advertised by any first party to make it easy for you to find the games you want. If you really want them however, then look for them. If you find yourself not having the time for this and that then perhaps this mainstreamlining of games is good for you and you complain because you've yet to realise it. You just sound not in-the-know to me, I'm sorry. Hey, look, I didn't even have to mention Blizzard and Valve Software to make my point, how cool is that? Add them on top of what I said for a +1000 bonus. I would also suggest you start following a decent PC focused website like some of my past links and of course the mighty Rock Paper Shotgun.

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The worlds most popular game is on the PC.

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#20  Edited By stonyman65
YES!  Thank you!
Without the PC, there would be no Xbox, Playstation or any other console.  On top of that, the would be no such thing as an FPS either. 
People who say that consoles are better than PC simply don't know any better, and vise versa. Each system has their own pros and cons, but their is no ultimate system.
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#21  Edited By Symphony

I swear gamers are an odd bunch. We're young (yes, even us "old" ones who were around during the Atari age) yet many of us already are ready to get in the rocking chair and do nothing about complain about "the good old days". It's so incredibly easy to find fault and issues with the present and it's a shame that many people are so focused on doing such that they fail to see all of the positive things staring them in the face.
"Games aint what they used to be like back in my day!"
No... no, they're not. But they don't need to be. Advancements in technology and development have allowed for the creation of plenty of wonderful games that were only the dreams of developers back in the 80s and 90s.
"Bah, I want multitasking and micromanaging and command prompts and blue screens of death!"
So.... go play your old games...? What exactly is stopping you from doing so? Last I checked, there are still Quake 1 servers being run by hardcore fans. Stick with those and shun modern gaming if it's just going to bug you. Of course, then you're just like many grandparents who prefer their old Talkies to the crazy movies of today and their 40s music over the "noise" that passes as music with today's kids. If your first PC was a 486, I have a feeling you're younger than I am, and I certainly don't feel old enough to be called "Grandma" yet. Are you really in such a hurry to be shrugged off by others your own age as a senile old fart?
I loved my old school PC games like King's Quest, Scortched Earth, L.O.R.D and Syndicate. Those were fantastic games, but there's room enough to love those and games of the modern era. No not all modern games are great, but let's be honest -- neither were all games back in the 80s or 90s. There were plenty of terrible games and plenty of games that are better left buried in the past (I'm looking at you, E.T.).

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#22  Edited By Phaseshift
@Symphony said:
" I swear gamers are an odd bunch. We're young (yes, even us "old" ones who were around during the Atari age) yet many of us already are ready to get in the rocking chair and do nothing about complain about "the good old days". It's so incredibly easy to find fault and issues with the present and it's a shame that many people are so focused on doing such that they fail to see all of the positive things staring them in the face.
"Games aint what they used to be like back in my day!"
No... no, they're not. But they don't need to be. Advancements in technology and development have allowed for the creation of plenty of wonderful games that were only the dreams of developers back in the 80s and 90s.
"Bah, I want multitasking and micromanaging and command prompts and blue screens of death!"
So.... go play your old games...? What exactly is stopping you from doing so? Last I checked, there are still Quake 1 servers being run by hardcore fans. Stick with those and shun modern gaming if it's just going to bug you. Of course, then you're just like many grandparents who prefer their old Talkies to the crazy movies of today and their 40s music over the "noise" that passes as music with today's kids. If your first PC was a 486, I have a feeling you're younger than I am, and I certainly don't feel old enough to be called "Grandma" yet. Are you really in such a hurry to be shrugged off by others your own age as a senile old fart? I loved my old school PC games like King's Quest, Scortched Earth, L.O.R.D and Syndicate. Those were fantastic games, but there's room enough to love those and games of the modern era. No not all modern games are great, but let's be honest -- neither were all games back in the 80s or 90s. There were plenty of terrible games and plenty of games that are better left buried in the past (I'm looking at you, E.T.). "
I knew there was a reason I follow you.
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#23  Edited By Willy105

PC gaming is unfortunately a dying breed, it's mostly because consoles are becoming more like PC's.

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#24  Edited By 71Ranchero

Replace Quake with UT and I agree with you completely. 

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PC is not dying, it's only becoming more similar to consoles, which can be both horrible or great

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#26  Edited By Alex_V
@Symphony: I couldn't agree more. I also think it's a fallacy that such games don't exist anymore. There are lots of multiplayer shooters released recently and in development.
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#27  Edited By DCFGS3

I generally disagree with the OP, in that I HATE fast paced games, which was one of teh reasons I liked th original CoDs. However I do love the PC as a platform, and am angry about Console ports. Personally I think PC gaming should broaden itself, and try to escape becoming another 'console', because when it comes down to it, we can't compete with consoles. Consoles have yet to conquer the bastion of RTS and simulation games, and I while they have made slow gains into FPS territory, we still hold supeme.

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@oldschool said:
" @Tahnit said:
" @oldschool said:
" I don't play shooting games on the PC, so I can't miss what I don't like.  However, PC and RTS/TBS is a dream come true, as is some simulations.  I find going to the PC section of a store to be generally depressing.  It is mostly ports of console games I don't really care about.  Still, a couple of good RTS  a year keeps me happy. "
steam is your friend. Who cares about brick and mortar stores anymore when you can get anything you want digitally. "
I am "oldschool" remember.  I like my games retail and physical.  Now who sounds like an old fart  ^-^ "
Not to mention the ridiculous data prices in Australia..
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#29  Edited By penguindust

I don't want to have this discussion again, but the PC is not dying.  It is changing and evolving but it is far from dead.  If you lament the passing of the simple Quake/UT game style, then I am sorry.  But that doesn't mean that FPS games have disappeared from PC platforms.  No one seems to be making platforming games for the consoles these days either.  A generation or two ago they were everywhere just as FPS PC games were everywhere.  The whole industry is not what it once was, but that doesn't mean that it is on life support.  It's moving in a new direction.  Look on the bright side!  Adventure games seem to be making a comeback, so maybe those old simple FPS games will reemerge again someday.

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#30  Edited By jack_daniels

Ive played almost all of those games AND I did start out on a 486 with windows 3.1... good times. I honestly think that consoles open up gaming to the wider public giving companies more funds to build nicer looking games. I built a gaming PC but for sheer fun I would have to say playing on my xbox wins hands down.

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#31  Edited By kmdrkul

Get that disgusting Quake 3 out of here. :P

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#32  Edited By super_machine

Yeah I feel the same. I grew up on the Atari 8-bit home computers with an external modem and floppy disc. My brother would download homebrew games from compuserve back in the mid 80s, which looking back seems amazing for the time. When we moved to PC I can remember going down to the computer store and buying games off the shareware rack. Commander keen, wolf 3D, duke nukem 2d. I also have very fond memories of some great PC games. Test drive 3, Jet fighter 2, Falcon 4.0, Out of this world, Ultima 7,8,9, x-wing vs tiefighter, The 7th guest (that one required a $500 2x CD-ROM drive), Dark forces, Estatica, space quest 3 & 4, Dark Forces, Doom, Strong hold, World of Xeen... and the list goes on. I really miss the golden age of PC gaming.

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#33  Edited By mracoon

I still play most of my games on PC and I don't see that ending any time soon.

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#34  Edited By Damian

PengiunDust is right. I'm an oldschool gamer who has pretty much stuck exclusively with consoles since the 2600. And I could write a similar blog about the types of games I enjoyed when I was younger, and how they're not being produced anymore. But then I'd have to ignore all the awesomeness I see released every year.
Also a console owner (like me who consciously chose not to game on a PC) could also complain about how PC our consoles and games are getting. FPS all over the damn place. RTSs. Western RPGs.  Downloadable only games. Patches. Installs. Lag. Hardware failures. Hacked accounts, etc. These are issues to which a console gamer had to adjust (and adjust QUICKLY). Now PC gamers get to adjust in the opposite direction. 
So, yes, you are part of a dying breed. But only because you see the industry's changes as a negative. Which is fine by me. Change ain't gonna work for everyone. But your blog does make you sound like my dad talking about today's music compared to his "perfected music" of the 60's-70's.

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#35  Edited By Dark_Jon

UT 2004 was the shit.

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#36  Edited By pause422

That fast twitch based shooter is definitely rather dead, but PC gaming isnt dead...people have claimed so for the last several years. It will never have the numbers of people playing console anymore, but it isnt dead, and wont die.

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#37  Edited By fuzzyponken
@Damian said:
Change ain't gonna work for everyone. But your blog does make you sound like my dad talking about today's music compared to his "perfected music" of the 60's-70's. "
Your dad is right. 
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#38  Edited By Adamantium
@Symphony said:
"So.... go play your old games...? What exactly is stopping you from doing so? Last I checked, there are still Quake 1 servers being run by hardcore fans. Stick with those and shun modern gaming if it's just going to bug you. Of course, then you're just like many grandparents who prefer their old Talkies to the crazy movies of today and their 40s music over the "noise" that passes as music with today's kids. If your first PC was a 486, I have a feeling you're younger than I am, and I certainly don't feel old enough to be called "Grandma" yet. Are you really in such a hurry to be shrugged off by others your own age as a senile old fart? I loved my old school PC games like King's Quest, Scortched Earth, L.O.R.D and Syndicate. Those were fantastic games, but there's room enough to love those and games of the modern era. No not all modern games are great, but let's be honest -- neither were all games back in the 80s or 90s. There were plenty of terrible games and plenty of games that are better left buried in the past (I'm looking at you, E.T.). "
This. I too, feel old sometimes and wish for my games of yore. Then I fire up my PC copy of DA:O or my PS3 on my HDTV and I remember that time changes everything for both good and ill. We can either accept it or ignore it. We can't fight it.
...And lol @ that E.T. line.
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yes you are

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#40  Edited By araczynski

hmm, i'm an old school pc gamer, but personally i've always hated the fast paced combat junk in the early 3d fps games.  so much so that i pretty much equate all fps shooters with them and hate the genre pretty much to this day.
as for the modern combat games, i hate all modern based shooters period.  i prefer all my fps killing to be of nazis and their ilk.

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#41  Edited By Diamond

Considering a game like Serious Sam HD seems to have sold less than 30K copies while Modern Warfare 2 is the most popular game on Steam, I'd say yes, definitely.
To me Quake 3 isn't the high point, I definitely enjoyed Doom 1/2 and Quake 1 more.  Quake 3 is basically a MP-only game, and I personally am of a dying breed of people who enjoyed videogames before the internet.
To me most of what made PC gaming great in the 90's is gone today, but I'm sure some form of PC gaming will be around a long time.  There's still stuff like SSHD, L4D2, and Diablo 3 which will support PC gaming, but for the most part I see modern PC gaming as not dead but undead.  It continues to exist and move about, but it's a husk of its former self.
The general rule though is everything changes and nothing lasts forever.  The state of the Japanese games industry is also a joke compared to what it used to be.  Things will keep changing and changing.  I'm just worried that in 20 years there may not be a sector of the gaming market for enthusiasts at all.

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#42  Edited By eroticfishcake

Just so you know, I'm PC gamer as well and no PC gaming is and never will be dead. It's just as popular as it once was but we can't hold onto that title forever. I would say a lot more but then I'll just be repeating what the other guys said.

Quake is good but I personally prefer the original Unreal Tournament.

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#43  Edited By tahnit

Everyone has very good points here. However i didnt say there were not avenues for us like quakelive. Just that those games of old are not being made anymore.

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#44  Edited By Nemesis

Get off your high-horse. Just because people enjoy games that you don't enjoy, doesn't mean you can generalize them as being "boys" or inferior. You are the type of gamer who is killing PC gaming with your elitist, and generally douchey attitude.

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#45  Edited By StaticFalconar

I agree only for nostalgia purposes. However, somebody else could make the same arguement and use CS as their game and be like wtf is up with being able to call in a tactical nuke and helicopter to do your killing for you. good old CS was just good old pure skill.

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#46  Edited By tahnit
@Nemesis said:
" Get off your high-horse. Just because people enjoy games that you don't enjoy, doesn't mean you can generalize them as being "boys" or inferior. You are the type of gamer who is killing PC gaming with your elitist, and generally douchey attitude. "
I wasnt trying to do so. All i am saying is that in comparison to older games, todays games feel dumbed down. You cant dispute this fact.
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#47  Edited By Diamond
@Tahnit said:
I wasnt trying to do so. All i am saying is that in comparison to older games, todays games feel dumbed down. You cant dispute this fact.
I don't think Quake 3 is a good example of a game that is less 'dumb' than recent games.  Quake 3 is about as simple as games can get.  However like you say it was a lot faster paced, and that's purely a concession for mass market gamers and gamepad controls.
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#48  Edited By tahnit
@Diamond said:
" @Tahnit said:
I wasnt trying to do so. All i am saying is that in comparison to older games, todays games feel dumbed down. You cant dispute this fact.
I don't think Quake 3 is a good example of a game that is less 'dumb' than recent games.  Quake 3 is about as simple as games can get.  However like you say it was a lot faster paced, and that's purely a concession for mass market gamers and gamepad controls. "
they should just make a console with a keypad and a mouse. It would be the greatest console of all time lol.
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#49  Edited By Diamond
@Tahnit said:
they should just make a console with a keypad and a mouse. It would be the greatest console of all time lol.
My friend was saying that the other day I disagreed.  I want things to have their places.  You want a fast paced game?  Good.  You want a deep simulation?  Here you go.  You want classic console style interface?  Here.  You want lots of options and moddability?  Take this.
Part of the problem is the merging of all these factors into a lowest common denominator.  Every game seems to have to appeal to as many people as possible, and gamers seem to focus on a few big name titles more than I remember in the past.  People buy their Blizzard titles, their Call of Duty, their Bioware, their Madden, Halo, GTA and they never look at the other stuff.  It's that sort of stuff that's keeping old school gamers from getting more of what they used to like.
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#50  Edited By thecleric
@Tahnit said:
" @Diamond said:
" @Tahnit said:
I wasnt trying to do so. All i am saying is that in comparison to older games, todays games feel dumbed down. You cant dispute this fact.
I don't think Quake 3 is a good example of a game that is less 'dumb' than recent games.  Quake 3 is about as simple as games can get.  However like you say it was a lot faster paced, and that's purely a concession for mass market gamers and gamepad controls. "
they should just make a console with a keypad and a mouse. It would be the greatest console of all time lol. "
They technically did on Dreamcast. 
And I can't wait for that to happen so I can say "OH what hapepened to 'enjoy your uncomfortable sitting playing PC while I relax on the couch to play my console' argument?"