Black OPS in 3D Trailer !! you Need 3D Glasses to see 3D effect !

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#1  Edited By Recostar


     I would first like to introduce myself to the community members here . I am 32 years old and in school for upgrading . I love 3D and have been supporting it for some time now. I do support all forms of 3D (PC,Console) . Currently I am playing World of Warcraft on the PC in 3D and Black ops on Xbox360, so feel free to add me if you would like.My user name is Recostar , I would love to meet more people with 3D setups. I have been creating 3D videos/Review for awhile now and really enjoy doing it, I find it very challenging and exiting. I always look forward to new projects and want to continue to create new 3D content for people to watch.

I have recently created a Call of Duty :Black Ops trailer completely in 3D !! It took me about 8 hours to do, for the most part I'm happy with the results. If your interested in seeing it you can follow the link below to my youtube channel , That is the only place you will be able to watch it in 3D.     

***PLs keep in my that if you do not have a 3D monitor the only way you can watch this is with the Red/Cyan glasses, this is the worst way to see the video and it was not intended to be viewed this way .

Link : You can only watch this in 3D at my Youtube channel .3D does not embed outside Youtube. Follow the link by double clicking the video
                                                                                                                                                                                      Call of Duty : Black Ops 3D Trailer - HD 1080P - 720P[/url]


Feel free to leave your opinion , I am always looking for new ways to improve .

You can find me on XBOX360 , My gamer tag is Recostar. Look forward to chatting with you guys. 
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#2  Edited By cjmabry

Wow, so I just figured out something totally insane. If you cross your eyes a certain way while looking at a 3d video where the image is on both sides, you can see it in 3d. I couldn't get it but then I read this
This is absolutely insane once you get it, it's as clear as day. Probably kills your eyes though, haha. 
Oh, cool video, too. ha

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#3  Edited By MysteriousBob
@Recostar said:
"  I love 3D and have been supporting it for some time now.  
Uhh... good luck pal. Because most of the community here despises the 3D fad.
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#4  Edited By halberdierv2

good trailer, regardless of 2D/3D.

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#5  Edited By Recostar

Hey guys, just wanted to say thank you for the kind words. I'm glad that you  kept an open mind about 3D and gave my trailer a chance. I know there is a lot of miss information out there in regards to 3D and some people are compareing there experience to what they have gotten from the movies. When it comes to playing Video games in 3D it's a whole other ballgame. Its very hard to explain but I'll post a video I made in the attempt to  try and verbalize whats actually happening to the game when its in 3D.  With this one you don't need 3D glasses, it was made in 2D.
Here's the link . Pls keep in mind that its very old and this was when I first started developing my Broadcasting voice. so its ruff around many  


Thanks again ,  Feel free to ask me any question about the game in 3D or any game in 3D for that matter .I do advocate 3D but only for certain games so please don't think I would mislead others for the sake of putting 3D on a pedastool.  BTW ,
Hope everyone had a great turkey day last week .

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#6  Edited By Recostar

So its been several months now since I last made this post and I can't believe how many people are now starting to see how amazing it is to play there games in 3D. I havn't made a video in a few months and I'm getting flooded with E-Mails asking me to do more 3D videos. It's a very exiting time for a  Video Editor/Narrator  to be in.

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#7  Edited By JCTango
@cjmabry said:
" Wow, so I just figured out something totally insane. If you cross your eyes a certain way while looking at a 3d video where the image is on both sides, you can see it in 3d. I couldn't get it but then I read this.  This is absolutely insane once you get it, it's as clear as day. Probably kills your eyes though, haha.  Oh, cool video, too. ha "
Just gave that a shot... pretty cool effect once you get it down - but yeah probably don't wanna do this for a long period of time heh.
Thanks for the link.
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#8  Edited By Recostar

 If anyone here gets a Nintendo 3DS , could you pls let me know if your able to watch my videos on it,. That would be really appreciated.

                                                                                                                                 Here's another video I made that's a little more recent 

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#9  Edited By zeforgotten
@Recostar: I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who's not afraid of this 3D thing.  
Looks pretty :D
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#10  Edited By Grumbel
@JCTango said:
Just gave that a shot... pretty cool effect once you get it down - but yeah probably don't wanna do this for a long period of time heh.  Thanks for the link. "
The main problem I have with 3D stuff right now is that it seems to be always incorrectly calibrated. Things in the background almost always look like a flat background picture, not like something far away, while things in the front might pop out of the screen, thus being "above" UI elements in 3D space, while they are at the same time covered by the UI elements in 2D. And of course pop-out stuff never really works with a small screen as you run into clipping.
A 3D picture these days has depth, but the depth just feels wrong and unnatural, which is probably in large part caused by different monitor sizes and viewing distances. Not sure if the Nintendo 3DS does that better, but given its fixed screen size, 3D slider and good assumption you can make on viewing distance, the problem should there be smaller then regular 3D on a random screen.
I am personally waiting for the return of the VR helmets, motion detections, better LCD displays and eye tracking should allow a far more immersive 3D experience and fix a lot of issues that you currently have with simple shutter glasses, but sadly so far no manufacturer really seems to have a consumer ready modern VR helmet offering.
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#11  Edited By Recostar
@Grumbel:   These are some very good points !!  I can tell your a 3D gamer. I'm very gald to have you apart of this conversation. 
Untill games are developed specifically for 3D, that extra virtual eye in the sky (Camera) is always going to produce a flat background . It's not because of  any  limitations to the 3DS, its completely capable of producing a 3D background. The problem comes in when switching from 2D to 3D on the fly. The background won't be able to scale properly.  From my understanding this is how the 3DS works . You have 2 Cameras, one is real the other is virtual. 
The second virtual camera is there to help reserve  extra power to the 3DS ,as appose to having to render the game twice to produce the  second depth point it just captures the environment virtually, far less taxing on the system . The cameras both lay over top each other,but when you slowly increas the 3D effect from it's off point, the original camera slowly moves to the left and  the Virtual one starts to pull apart to the right. That's how your able to see the 3D effect on the fly.  Unfortunately ,the Background can't scale properly, as the background slowly pulls apart the background will start to clip past the screen.  in order for it to work the Background would have to be scaled down ,in fact the whole game would have to  be in order to produce a full 3D environment,other wise you will see on both sides of the screen what looks to be cross talk. It's not cross talk of course ,it's just there is no more screen left to correctly show the image fully in both the left and right eye. Your background has separated so wide that its gone past the actual screen that produces the image. Sry,  if I have confused anyone, I know its a lot of 3D talk , but this is the only way I could explain it to those that might be wondering what were talking about.  
Hands down though, I'm ridiculously exited about the 3DS  !!
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#12  Edited By Sin4profit
@cjmabry said:
" Wow, so I just figured out something totally insane. If you cross your eyes a certain way while looking at a 3d video where the image is on both sides, you can see it in 3d. I couldn't get it but then I read this.  This is absolutely insane once you get it, it's as clear as day. Probably kills your eyes though, haha.  Oh, cool video, too. ha "
What this guy said. 
Yes, it's called the Crosseyed 3d technique and it's a real thing...i just watched that video on my 2 year old 60hz 720p TV (i use it as a computer monitor). I also played the crysis 2 demo in 3D on xbox live the same way (just enable the 3d option, dunno if it's still there after they updated the demo) Gave me a headache the morning after, but sure, it worked.   
That's why the Youtube has the option of turning on the Side By Side mode in their 3D videos.
i'm not supportive of the 3D fad in this format (bi optical on a flat surface) but people should look into the "magic picture" crosseyed thing to at least see the novelty of it and move on without laying down a ton of money for it. 
glasses are a convenience but not a requirement.
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#13  Edited By Grumbel
@Recostar said: 

 Untill games are developed specifically for 3D, that extra virtual eye in the sky (Camera) is always going to produce a flat background . It's not because of  any  limitations to the 3DS, its completely capable of producing a 3D background. The problem comes in when switching from 2D to 3D on the fly. The background won't be able to scale properly.

 I don't think thats the problem. As far as I know all games simply render the view twice, once for each eye and don't do any recycling of the other camera view. Thats why Street Figher drops to 30fps when 3D is enabled and goes to 60fps when doing 2D. What the 3DS 3D slider does is change the location of the virtual cameras, i.e. its moving them closer together or further apart.  When its completly down, both cameras are simply on the same position and thus produce the same image, thus you can just render the game in 2D and get twice the FPS. The slider, know that I think about it, should actually address my complaint about calibration, as it lets you adjust the 3D-ness to something that feels natural to you and fits your viewing distance and eye-distance:
 The background can of course also appear flat when the developer cheated with a simple 2D sky box instead of actually modeling objects in the distance in full 3D, which might be an issue for older games, but shouldn't do all that much damage to newer ones that take it into account. But I think the main problem is really simply the cinematography, i.e. how far apart do you put the virtual cameras? How much are they allowed to change when jumping to a cutscene? What happens when you have a wide angle shot? Where do you place the HUD elements? And how does all of that fit the exact situation of the viewer? One easy thing to try is look at a 3D picture and then simply move a few meters back, the depth of the image will change as a result and most 3D stuff doesn't seem to take things like that into account.
And those issues aside, another main problem with "3D" of course that it is not actually 3D, its two 2D pictures which your brain interprets as depths, which is a good start, but without headtracking you can't actually look around objects, which is where things really get interesting. Using 3D glasses together with something like TrackIR (while waiting for full VR helmets to reappear) could certainly get interesting.
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#14  Edited By Example1013
@cjmabry: @Recostar: Just so you guys know, only people with full stereo vision will get any use out of what you've posted. You should both probably include some little note about that, because those of us without stereo vision just see two/three images (to deleterious effect with red/cyan 3D).