My Second Giant Bomb Profile Mockup - All Feedback Appretiated!

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#1  Edited By CaptainScarLeg

I'm back again with my second profile page mockup to show how our profiles might look in the future, take a look:

Click me duder!(right click the image and click view image)

It is more focused on saving space than having new features this time.

Oh and just for the record that's not my review in there it's a friend's, I'm just using it for the mockup he's cool with it.

Main section

Brand new features:

  • Profile Banner

    A cool banner to go across the top of our profiles, a size limit could be used to stop people uploading super long banners and breaking the page, it would only use the space already available.

  • Dedicated Activity Feed Page

    The feed takes up a lot of space and not everyone wants it at the top of their profiles, by giving it it's own page it saves space while also allowing it to show more content on it's own page.

  • Currently Playing

    A side-scrolling list to show the main games the user is currently grinding through.


  • Blog

    Name changed from "My Blog" to "User's Blog"
    Blogs are now shown in tabs showing the latest 3 blogs, to see the rest you simply click "See all"

  • Lists

    Name changed from "My Lists" to "User's Lists"
    6 lists appear instead of 5 to make use of the empty space.
    "See all" has been added.
    Box art looks crappy shrunk down to the little square icons we have now so I think games should have square icons we can upload to use instead, we already have quality icons for Xbox 360/Arcade games directly from Microsoft! I also think they are a better size, the current ones are too small.

  • Top Contributions

    "See all" has been added.

  • Reviews

    Name changed from "My Reviews" to "User's Reviews"
    Reviews are now shown in tabs showing the latest 3 reviews, to see the rest you simply click "See all"

Right section

Brand new features:

  • Gamertag

    A Giant Bomb style Xbox Live Gamercard designed by me, all us 360 owners want it ^_^


  • Friends

    Names changed from "My Friends" to "User's Friends"
    Amount shown reduced from 10 to 8 to save space.

  • Wall

    Amount shown reduced from 9 to 7 to save space.

A few features seen in the old mockup have been removed from the new one, some were totally removed while others I might add back in or replace with improved versions later, so look out for that!

All feedback is greatly appretiated! Tell me what you think!
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#2  Edited By thebeast

Great ideas as ever Newten - I like some of the ideas there.

  • The idea of tabs for variable sized, constantly changing content of the same type seems very odd - tabs should typically be used where they will always be the same and actually change the context of what the user is seeing when clicked - a list of some description would be much more appropriate in these places.
  • I definitely agree with your points about having a separate activity feed page.
  • Considering development time, why does there need to be a 'Currently Playing' feature when there is already a lists feature? Perhaps being able to tag one of your lists as 'featured' and having it display in the format you propose for 'Currently Playing' would be nice.
  • Why reduce the amount of items on the wall/friends list? The page is always going to scroll vertically, so there's no harm in using the space.
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#3  Edited By brukaoru

I like the idea of changing things to "user" instead of "my." I'm with TheBeast on the tabs idea, as well as reducing the number of items on the wall and friends list, seems odd. Displaying only the recent review and recent blog and having a "see more" button seems like a better idea to me.

Good mock-up though.

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#4  Edited By CaptainScarLeg

Thanks for the replies guys.

TheBeast said:

  • The idea of tabs for variable sized, constantly changing content of the same type seems very odd - tabs should typically be used where they will always be the same and actually change the context of what the user is seeing when clicked - a list of some description would be much more appropriate in these places.
Hmm, I started out with lists and changed to tabs because I liked them better, but I see your point. Although, changing between the feed tabs often changes the size too, so I dunno...
  • I definitely agree with your points about having a separate activity feed page.
Thank god that's a relief, lots of people disagreed with it last time, I'm glad you can see the logic in it.
  • Considering development time, why does there need to be a 'Currently Playing' feature when there is already a lists feature? Perhaps being able to tag one of your lists as 'featured' and having it display in the format you propose for 'Currently Playing' would be nice.
Hmm, I like that idea, I just remember seeing lots of people with currently playing lists and thought it would be nice to have it at the top of our profiles to show it easier/more effectively.
  • Why reduce the amount of items on the wall/friends list? The page is always going to scroll vertically, so there's no harm in using the space.
I just think some of our profiles are getting stupid-long with our current layout, it was just a way to cut down a little more, oh and if you look at the mockup it has everything in it and there is virtually no space left on the right side, if I hadn't take a few friends and wall posts off the right section would have gone further down than the main section, just looked kinda wrong.

brukaoru said:
"I like the idea of changing things to "user" instead of "my." I'm with TheBeast on the tabs idea, as well as reducing the number of items on the wall and friends list, seems odd. Displaying only the recent review and recent blog and having a "see more" button seems like a better idea to me.

Good mock-up though."
Yeah it seems a bit inconsistent at the moment with some things saying "User's" and others saying "My", glad you agree.
There was me thinking the tabs were cool, oh well.
You don't like the reductions either huh? Hmm, interesting. I just think profile pages are too long.
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#5  Edited By Vinchenzo

Bump, you put a lot of effort into this.

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#6  Edited By CaptainScarLeg

Thanks Vinchenzo :D

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#7  Edited By RHCPfan24

I love what you did with the tabs there. Excellent job. I would love to see our profiles like that. The customizable banners are also sweet. Good job, again!

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#8  Edited By Jayge_

I like this one much better than your first. I like the tabbed section idea. Very nice.

Also, Summer Glau's ass. I approve.

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#9  Edited By CaptainScarLeg
Jayge said:
"I like this one much better than your first. I like the tabbed section idea. Very nice.

Also, Summer Glau's ass. I approve."
Hmm interesting, I seem to be getting some mixed feedback about the tabs, I still think I like em. Thanks Jayge!

And yes. Summer Glau's ass. Yes.
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#10  Edited By CaptainScarLeg

I'm suprised nobody has commented on the lists, I thought it was a good improvement.

It's better, no?
It's better, no?

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#11  Edited By Dolphin_Butter

I like the tabbed blogging. As far as the lists are concerned, I would definitely like to have customizable icons. There's a gaping hole in my profile where Valkyrie Proflie: Lenneth used to be (and then the page got restored, WTF!?).

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#12  Edited By RHCPfan24
Newten said:
"I'm suprised nobody has commented on the lists, I thought it was a good improvement.

It's better, no?
It's better, no?

Didn't notice that at first. Yeah, looks cool, though what is it going to be like for Wii/PS2/etc. games?
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#13  Edited By CaptainScarLeg
RHCPfan24 said:
"Didn't notice that at first. Yeah, looks cool, though what is it going to be like for Wii/PS2/etc. games?"
Custom icons uploaded by users. Take a look at the mockup, I threw a few in there, I know I could make better ones though, they were just for the mockup.